< Amos 5 >

1 Heare ye this worde, which I lift vp vpon you, euen a lamentation of the house of Israel.
Chikuru itu un dhood Israel mondo uwinjie wende ywak ma asechuogonu:
2 The virgine Israel is fallen, and shall no more rise: shee is left vpon her lande, and there is none to raise her vp.
“Israel ma en nyako ngili koro osepodho, kendo ok nochak oa malo, nimar osepodho e pinye owuon maonge ngʼama nyalo chunge.”
3 For thus saith ye Lord God, The citie which went out by a thousand, shall leaue an hundreth: and that which went forth by an hundreth, shall leaue ten to the house of Israel.
Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho niya, “Dala maduongʼ mane ooro joge mag lweny alufu achiel mondo oked ne jo-Israel, mia achiel kende ema biro duogo, to mano mooro joge mag lweny mia achiel, apar kende ema biro duogo.”
4 For thus saith the Lord vnto the house of Israel, Seeke ye me, and ye shall liue.
Jehova Nyasaye wacho ni dhood Israel niya, “Dwarauru eka unubed mangima,
5 But seeke not Beth-el, nor enter into Gilgal, and go not to Beer-sheba: for Gilgal shall goe into captiuitie, and Beth-el shall come to nought.
kik udhi Bethel, kendo kik udhi Gilgal, to bende kik ukadhi nyaka Bersheba, nimar jo-Gilgal duto ibiro daro matergi e twech, kendo Bethel biro mana lal nono.”
6 Seeke the Lord, and yee shall liue, least he breake out like fire in the house of Ioseph and deuoure it, and there be none to quench it in Beth-el.
Dwaruru Jehova Nyasaye eka unubed mangima, nono to obiro tieko joka Josef ka mach mawengʼo, en mach mabiro wangʼo jo-Bethel maonge ngʼama nyalo nego.
7 They turne iudgement to wormewood, and leaue off righteousnes in the earth.
Mano en wach manade ka uloko bura makare bedo lit, kendo utuono joga gik monego giyudi.
8 He maketh Pleiades, and Orion, and he turneth the shadowe of death into the morning, and he maketh the day darke as night: he calleth the waters of the sea, and powreth them out vpon the open earth: the Lord is his Name.
Jehova Nyasaye ema nochweyo Yugni gi Ratego, en ema omiyo piny ru, kendo yuso, en bende ema oluongo pi nam mondo obi, kendo ologi e piny, nyinge iluongo ni Jehova Nyasaye.
9 He strengtheneth the destroyer against the mightie: and the destroyer shall come against the fortresse.
En ema oketho mier mochiel motegno kendo omuko ohinga mag dala.
10 They haue hated him, that rebuked in the gate: and they abhorred him that speaketh vprightly.
Un umon gi ngʼama odonjo ni jaketho, kendo usin gi ngʼat mawacho adiera.
11 Forasmuch then as your treading is vpon the poore, and yee take from him burdens of wheate, ye haue built houses of hewen stone, but ye shall not dwel in them: ye haue plated pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drinke wine of them.
Usethiro joma odhier ma kata cham matin magin godo usechunogi ma gimiyou kaka asoya. Kuom mano, usegero udi mabeyo mag kidi, to ok unudagie, to bende ok unumadhi divai mag mzabibu mabeyo musepidho,
12 For I know your manifold transgressions, and your mightie sinnes: they afflict the iust, they take rewards, and they oppresse the poore in ye gate.
nikech aneno ka un kod ketho mangʼeny kendo richou sani okadho akwana, nikech usando joma ungʼeyo ni onge gi ketho, kendo uchamo asoya, to kata mana joma odhier manie dieru bende utamo mondo kik yud bura makare.
13 Therefore the prudent shall keepe silence in that time, for it is an euill time.
Emomiyo ngʼat mariek lingʼ alingʼa e kinde ma kama nikech gin kinde mag richo.
14 Seeke good and not euil, that ye may liue: and the Lord God of hostes shalbe with you, as you haue spoken.
Dwaruru ber, to ok rach, mondo ubed mangima, eka Jehova Nyasaye, ma en Nyasaye Maratego nobed kodu mana kaka uparono.
15 Hate the euil, and loue the good, and establish iudgement in the gate: it may bee that the Lord God of hostes will be mercifull vnto the remnant of Ioseph.
Beduru mamon gi timbe maricho, to heruru timbe mabeyo; ngʼaduru bura makare e ute buche. Ka utimo kamano, to dipo ka Jehova Nyasaye, ma Nyasaye Maratego nyalo timo ngʼwono ni joka Josef mane otony oa e twech.
16 Therfore the Lord God of hosts, the Lord saith thus, Mourning shalbe in all streetes: and they shall say in al the hie wayes, Alas, alas: and they shall call the husbandman to lamentation, and such as can mourne, to mourning.
Kuom mano, Ruoth Nyasaye, ma en Jehova Nyasaye Maratego wacho niya, “Ywak biro winjore e yore duto mag dala, kendo ji magoyo nduru ibiro winjo kuonde mag chokruok; jopur bende noluong mondo oywagi kaachiel gi joma olony e ywak.
17 And in al the vines shalbe lamentation: for I wil passe through thee, saith the Lord.
E puothe duto mag mzabibu ywak nobedie, nikech abiro biro mondo amiu kum,” Jehova Nyasaye owacho.
18 Woe vnto you, that desire the day of the Lord: what haue you to do with it? the day of the Lord is darkenes and not light.
Yaye unune malit un joma gombo mondo odiechieng Jehova Nyasaye ochopi! En angʼo momiyo ugombo odiechiengno mar Jehova Nyasaye mondo ochopi? Enobed chiengʼ mudho to ok chiengʼ ler!
19 As if a man did flee from a lyon, and a beare met him: or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.
Chiengʼno nochal mana gi ngʼat ma sibuor lawo, to oromo gi ondiek, kata nochal gi ngʼat modonjo e ot, moyiengo lwete e kor ot, mi thuol okaye!
20 Shal not the day of the Lord be darkenes, and not light? euen darkenes and no light in it?
Donge odiechiengno mar Jehova Nyasaye nobed odiechieng mudho mandiwa, molil maonge chiengʼ ler, kendo ma chiengʼ ok norienyie?
21 I hate and abhorre your feast dayes, and I wil not smelll in your solemne assemblies.
“Asin kendo amon gi sewni mutimona, bende ok amor gi chokruok mau ma ulosona.
22 Though ye offer me burnt offrings and meat offrings, I wil not accept them: neither will I regard the peace offrings of your fat beasts.
Kata obedo ni ukelona misengini miwangʼo pep kod misengini mag cham, to ok anayiego; bende kata obedo ni ukelona misengini mag lalruok to ok abi yiego.
23 Take thou away from me the multitude of thy songs (for I wil not heare the melodie of thy violes)
Weuru baro wiya gi wendeu mag pak, nikech ok adwar winjo thumbe mugoyogo.
24 And let iudgement runne downe as waters, and righteousnesse as a mightie riuer.
Weuru mondo bura makare ema mondo omol ka pi aora, kendo tim makare ema omol ka aora ma ok dwon.
25 Haue ye offered vnto me sacrifices and offrings in the wildernesse fourtie yeeres, O house of Israel?
“Yaye jo-Israel, bende ne ukelona misengini kata chiwo moro amora kuom higni piero angʼwen mane un e thim?
26 But you haue borne Siccuth your King, and Chiun your images, and the starre of your gods, which ye made to your selues.
Ne utingʼo kuonde lemo mag ruodhu malo, ne utingʼo nyiseche manono, mag sulwe ma Sakuth gi Kaiwan, mane uloso ni un uwegi,
27 Therefore wil I cause you to goe into captiuitie beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose Name is the God of hostes.
omiyo abiro darou mi ateru e piny twech mabor mayombo Damaski,” Jehova Nyasaye, ma nyinge en Nyasaye Maratego, ema owacho.

< Amos 5 >