< Amos 2 >

1 Thus sayth the Lord, For three transgressions of Moab, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because it burnt the bones of the King of Edom into lime.
Zvanzi naJehovha: “Nemhaka yezvivi zvitatu zvaMoabhu, kunyange zvina, handingadzori hasha dzangu. Nokuti akapisa, kuita madota, mapfupa amambo weEdhomu.
2 Therefore will I send a fire vpon Moab, and it shall deuoure the palaces of Kerioth, and Moab shall die with tumult, with shouting, and with the sound of a trumpet.
Ndichatuma moto pamusoro paMoabhu uchaparadza nhare dzeKerioti. Moabhu achawira pasi mubope guru pakati pemheremhere yehondo, nokurira kwehwamanda.
3 And I will cut off the iudge out of the mids thereof, and will slay all the princes thereof with him, sayth the Lord.
Ndichaparadza mutongi wake uye ndichauraya makurukota ake pamwe chete naye,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
4 Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Iudah, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because they haue cast away the Lawe of the Lord, and haue not kept his commandementes, and their lies caused them to erre after the which their fathers haue walked.
Zvanzi naJehovha: “Nemhaka yezvivi zvitatu zvaJudha, kunyange zvina, handingadzori hasha dzangu. Nokuti vakaramba murayiro waJehovha uye havana kuchengeta mitemo yake, nokuti vakatsauswa mukurasika navamwari venhema, vamwari vakateverwa namadzitateguru avo,
5 Therefore will I send a fire vpon Iudah, and it shall deuoure the palaces of Ierusalem.
ndichatuma moto pamusoro peJudha, uchaparadza nhare dzeJerusarema.”
6 Thus sayth the Lord, For three transgressions of Israel, and for foure, I will not turne to it, because they solde the righteous for siluer and the poore for shooes.
Zvanzi naJehovha: “Nemhaka yezvivi zvitatu zvaIsraeri, kunyange zvina, handingadzori hasha dzangu. Vanotengesa vakarurama kuti vawane sirivha, navanoshayiwa kuti vawane shangu.
7 They gape ouer the head of the poore, in the dust of the earth, and peruert the wayes of the meeke: and a man and his father will goe in to a mayde to dishonour mine holy Name.
Vanotsika-tsika pamisoro yavarombo savanotsika paguruva, uye vanoshayisa vakadzvinyirirwa kururamisirwa. Baba nomwanakomana vanorara nomusikana mumwe chete, nokudaro vanosvibisa zita rangu dzvene.
8 And they lye downe vpon clothes layde to pledge by euery altar: and they drinke the wine of the condemned in the house of their God.
Vanovata pasi parutivi pearitari imwe neimwe panguo dzakatorwa norubatso. Mumba yamwari wavo vanonwa waini yakatorwa somuripo.
9 Yet destroyed I the Amorite before the, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was strong as the okes: notwithstanding I destroyed his fruite from aboue, and his roote from beneath.
“Ndakaparadza Amori pamberi pavo, kunyange akanga akareba somusidhari uye akasimba somuouki. Ndakaparadza zvibereko zvake kumusoro nemidzi yake pasi.
10 Also I brought you vp from the land of Egypt, and led you fourtie yeres thorowe the wildernesse, to possesse the land of the Amorite.
“Ndakakubudisa kubva muIjipiti, ndikakutungamirira kwamakore makumi mana murenje, kuti ndikupe nyika yavaAmori.
11 And I raysed vp of your sonnes for Prophets, and of your yong men for Nazarites. Is it not euen thus, O ye children of Israel, sayth the Lord?
Ndakamutsawo vaprofita kubva pakati pavanakomana venyu, navaNaziri kubva pakati pamajaya enyu. Ichi hachisi chokwadi here, nhai vanhu veIsraeri?” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.
12 But ye gaue the Nazarites wine to drinke, and commanded the Prophetes, saying, Prophecie not.
“Asi makaita kuti vaNaziri vanwe waini uye mukarayira vaprofita kuti varege kuprofita.
13 Behold, I am pressed vnder you as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaues.
“Zvino ipapo ndichakupwanyai sokupwanya kunoita ngoro izere nezviyo.
14 Therefore the flight shall perish from the swift, and the strong shall not strengthen his force, neither shall the mightie saue his life.
Vanomhanya kwazvo havangapunyuki, vakasimba havangazovi nesimba ravo, uye murwi haangazoponesi upenyu hwake.
15 Nor he that handleth the bowe, shall stand, and he that is swift of foote, shall not escape, neyther shall he that rideth the horse, saue his life.
Anopfura nemiseve haangazoramba amire, murwi anogona kumhanya haangapunyuki, uye mutasvi webhiza haangazoponesi upenyu hwake.
16 And he that is of a mighty courage among the strong men, shall flee away naked in that day, sayth the Lord.
Kunyange mhare dzakashinga dzichatiza dzisina nguo pazuva iro,” ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha.

< Amos 2 >