< Acts 27 >

1 Now when it was concluded, that we should sayle into Italie, they deliuered both Paul, and certaine other prisoners vnto a Centurion named Iulius, of the band of Augustus.
jalapathēnāsmākam itōliyādēśaṁ prati yātrāyāṁ niścitāyāṁ satyāṁ tē yūliyanāmnō mahārājasya saṁghātāntargatasya sēnāpatēḥ samīpē paulaṁ tadanyān katinayajanāṁśca samārpayan|
2 And we entred into a ship of Adramyttium purposing to saile by the coastes of Asia, and launched foorth, and had Aristarchus of Macedonia, a Thessalonian, with vs.
vayam ādrāmuttīyaṁ pōtamēkam āruhya āśiyādēśasya taṭasamīpēna yātuṁ matiṁ kr̥tvā laṅgaram utthāpya pōtam amōcayāma; mākidaniyādēśasthathiṣalanīkīnivāsyāristārkhanāmā kaścid janō'smābhiḥ sārddham āsīt|
3 And the next day we arriued at Sidon: and Iulius courteously entreated Paul, and gaue him libertie to go vnto his friends, that they might refresh him.
parasmin divasē 'smābhiḥ sīdōnnagarē pōtē lāgitē tatra yūliyaḥ sēnāpatiḥ paulaṁ prati saujanyaṁ pradarthya sāntvanārthaṁ bandhubāndhavān upayātum anujajñau|
4 And from thence we launched, and sayled hard by Cyprus, because ye windes were contrarie.
tasmāt pōtē mōcitē sati sammukhavāyōḥ sambhavād vayaṁ kuprōpadvīpasya tīrasamīpēna gatavantaḥ|
5 Then sayled we ouer the sea by Cilicia, and Pamphilia, and came to Myra, a citie in Lycia.
kilikiyāyāḥ pāmphūliyāyāśca samudrasya pāraṁ gatvā lūkiyādēśāntargataṁ murānagaram upātiṣṭhāma|
6 And there the Centurion found a ship of Alexandria, sayling into Italie, and put vs therein.
tatsthānād itāliyādēśaṁ gacchati yaḥ sikandariyānagarasya pōtastaṁ tatra prāpya śatasēnāpatistaṁ pōtam asmān ārōhayat|
7 And when we had sayled slowly many dayes, and scarce were come against Gnidum, because the winde suffered vs not, we sailed hard by Candie, neere to Salmone,
tataḥ paraṁ bahūni dināni śanaiḥ śanaiḥ rgatvā knīdapārśvōpasthtiḥ pūrvvaṁ pratikūlēna pavanēna vayaṁ salmōnyāḥ sammukham upasthāya krītyupadvīpasya tīrasamīpēna gatavantaḥ|
8 And with much adoe sayled beyond it, and came vnto a certaine place called the Faire hauens, neere vnto the which was the citie Lasea.
kaṣṭēna tamuttīryya lāsēyānagarasyādhaḥ sundaranāmakaṁ khātam upātiṣṭhāma|
9 So when much time was spent, and sayling was now ieopardous, because also the Fast was nowe passed, Paul exhorted them,
itthaṁ bahutithaḥ kālō yāpita upavāsadinañcātītaṁ, tatkāraṇāt nauvartmani bhayaṅkarē sati paulō vinayēna kathitavān,
10 And sayde vnto them, Syrs, I see that this voiage will be with hurt and much damage, not of the lading and ship onely, but also of our liues.
hē mahēcchā ahaṁ niścayaṁ jānāmi yātrāyāmasyām asmākaṁ klēśā bahūnāmapacayāśca bhaviṣyanti, tē kēvalaṁ pōtasāmagryōriti nahi, kintvasmākaṁ prāṇānāmapi|
11 Neuertheles the Centurion beleeued rather the gouernour and the master of the ship, then those things which were spoken of Paul.
tadā śatasēnāpatiḥ paulōktavākyatōpi karṇadhārasya pōtavaṇijaśca vākyaṁ bahumaṁsta|
12 And because the hauen was not commodious to winter in, many tooke counsell to depart thence, if by any meanes they might attaine to Phenice, there to winter, which is an hauen of Candie, and lyeth toward the Southwest and by West, and Northwest and by West.
tat khātaṁ śītakālē vāsārhasthānaṁ na tasmād avācīpratīcōrdiśōḥ krītyāḥ phainīkiyakhātaṁ yātuṁ yadi śaknuvantastarhi tatra śītakālaṁ yāpayituṁ prāyēṇa sarvvē mantrayāmāsuḥ|
13 And when the Southerne winde blew softly, they supposing to atteine their purpose, loosed neerer, and sailed by Candie.
tataḥ paraṁ dakṣiṇavāyu rmandaṁ vahatīti vilōkya nijābhiprāyasya siddhēḥ suyōgō bhavatīti buddhvā pōtaṁ mōcayitvā krītyupadvīpasya tīrasamīpēna calitavantaḥ|
14 But anon after, there arose by it a stormy winde called Euroclydon.
kintvalpakṣaṇāt paramēva urakludōnnāmā pratikūlaḥ pracaṇḍō vāyu rvahan pōtē'lagīt
15 And when the ship was caught, and could not resist the winde, we let her goe, and were caried away.
tasyābhimukhaṁ gantum pōtasyāśaktatvād vayaṁ vāyunā svayaṁ nītāḥ|
16 And we ran vnder a litle Yle named Clauda, and had much a doe to get the boat.
anantaraṁ klaudīnāmna upadvīpasya kūlasamīpēna pōtaṁ gamayitvā bahunā kaṣṭēna kṣudranāvam arakṣāma|
17 Which they tooke vp and vsed all helpe, vndergirding the ship, fearing least they should haue fallen into Syrtes, and they strake saile, and so were caried.
tē tāmāruhya rajjcā pōtasyādhōbhāgam abadhnan tadanantaraṁ cēt pōtō saikatē lagatīti bhayād vātavasanānyamōcayan tataḥ pōtō vāyunā cālitaḥ|
18 The next day when we were tossed with an exceeding tempest, they lightened the ship.
kintu kramaśō vāyōḥ prabalatvāt pōtō dōlāyamānō'bhavat parasmin divasē pōtasthāni katipayāni dravyāṇi tōyē nikṣiptāni|
19 And the third day we cast out with our owne hands the tackling of the ship.
tr̥tīyadivasē vayaṁ svahastaiḥ pōtasajjanadravyāṇi nikṣiptavantaḥ|
20 And when neither sunne nor starres in many dayes appeared, and no small tempest lay vpon vs, all hope that we should be saued, was then taken away.
tatō bahudināni yāvat sūryyanakṣatrādīni samācchannāni tatō 'tīva vātyāgamād asmākaṁ prāṇarakṣāyāḥ kāpi pratyāśā nātiṣṭhat|
21 But after long abstinece, Paul stood forth in the mids of them, and said, Syrs, ye should haue hearkened to me, and not haue loosed from Candie: so should ye haue gained this hurt and losse.
bahudinēṣu lōkairanāhārēṇa yāpitēṣu sarvvēṣāṁ sākṣat paulastiṣṭhan akathayat, hē mahēcchāḥ krītyupadvīpāt pōtaṁ na mōcayitum ahaṁ pūrvvaṁ yad avadaṁ tadgrahaṇaṁ yuṣmākam ucitam āsīt tathā kr̥tē yuṣmākam ēṣā vipad ēṣō'pacayaśca nāghaṭiṣyētām|
22 But now I exhort you to be of good courage: for there shalbe no losse of any mans life among you, saue of the ship onely.
kintu sāmprataṁ yuṣmān vinīya bravīmyahaṁ, yūyaṁ na kṣubhyata yuṣmākam ēkasyāpi prāṇinō hāni rna bhaviṣyati, kēvalasya pōtasya hāni rbhaviṣyati|
23 For there stood by me this night the Angel of God, whose I am, and whome I serue,
yatō yasyēśvarasya lōkō'haṁ yañcāhaṁ paricarāmi tadīya ēkō dūtō hyō rātrau mamāntikē tiṣṭhan kathitavān,
24 Saying, Feare not, Paul: for thou must be brought before Cesar: and lo, God hath giuen vnto thee freely all that sayle with thee.
hē paula mā bhaiṣīḥ kaisarasya sammukhē tvayōpasthātavyaṁ; tavaitān saṅginō lōkān īśvarastubhyaṁ dattavān|
25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good courage: for I beleeue God, that it shall be so as it hath bene tolde me.
ataēva hē mahēcchā yūyaṁ sthiramanasō bhavata mahyaṁ yā kathākathi sāvaśyaṁ ghaṭiṣyatē mamaitādr̥śī viśvāsa īśvarē vidyatē,
26 Howbeit, we must be cast into a certaine Iland.
kintu kasyacid upadvīpasyōpari patitavyam asmābhiḥ|
27 And when ye fourteenth night was come, as we were caried to and from in the Adriaticall sea about midnight, the shipmen deemed that some countrey approched vnto them,
tataḥ param ādriyāsamudrē pōtastathaiva dōlāyamānaḥ san itastatō gacchan caturdaśadivasasya rātrē rdvitīyapraharasamayē kasyacit sthalasya samīpamupatiṣṭhatīti pōtīyalōkā anvamanyanta|
28 And sounded, and found it twentie fathoms: and when they had gone a litle further, they sounded againe, and found fifteene fathoms.
tatastē jalaṁ parimāya tatra viṁśati rvyāmā jalānīti jñātavantaḥ| kiñciddūraṁ gatvā punarapi jalaṁ parimitavantaḥ| tatra pañcadaśa vyāmā jalāni dr̥ṣṭvā
29 Then fearing least they should haue fallen into some rough places, they cast foure ancres out of the sterne, and wished that the day were come.
cēt pāṣāṇē lagatīti bhayāt pōtasya paścādbhāgataścaturō laṅgarān nikṣipya divākaram apēkṣya sarvvē sthitavantaḥ|
30 Nowe as the mariners were about to flee out of the ship, and had let downe the boat into the sea vnder a colour as though they would haue cast ankers out of the foreship,
kintu pōtīyalōkāḥ pōtāgrabhāgē laṅgaranikṣēpaṁ chalaṁ kr̥tvā jaladhau kṣudranāvam avarōhya palāyitum acēṣṭanta|
31 Paul sayde vnto the Centurion and the souldiers, Except these abide in the ship, ye can not be safe.
tataḥ paulaḥ sēnāpatayē sainyagaṇāya ca kathitavān, ētē yadi pōtamadhyē na tiṣṭhanti tarhi yuṣmākaṁ rakṣaṇaṁ na śakyaṁ|
32 Then the souldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let it fall away.
tadā sēnāgaṇō rajjūn chitvā nāvaṁ jalē patitum adadāt|
33 And when it began to be day, Paul exhorted them all to take meate, saying, This is the fourteenth day that ye haue taried, and continued fasting, receiuing nothing:
prabhātasamayē paulaḥ sarvvān janān bhōjanārthaṁ prārthya vyāharat, adya caturdaśadināni yāvad yūyam apēkṣamānā anāhārāḥ kālam ayāpayata kimapi nābhuṁgdhaṁ|
34 Wherefore I exhort you to take meate: for this is for your safegarde: for there shall not an heare fall from the head of any of you.
atō vinayē'haṁ bhakṣyaṁ bhujyatāṁ tatō yuṣmākaṁ maṅgalaṁ bhaviṣyati, yuṣmākaṁ kasyacijjanasya śirasaḥ kēśaikōpi na naṁkṣyati|
35 And when he had thus spoken, hee tooke bread and gaue thankes to God, in presence of them all, and brake it, and began to eate.
iti vyāhr̥tya paulaṁ pūpaṁ gr̥hītvēśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ bhāṣamāṇastaṁ bhaṁktvā bhōktum ārabdhavān|
36 Then were they all of good courage, and they also tooke meate.
anantaraṁ sarvvē ca susthirāḥ santaḥ khādyāni parpyagr̥hlan|
37 Nowe we were in the ship in all two hundreth three score and sixteene soules.
asmākaṁ pōtē ṣaṭsaptatyadhikaśatadvayalōkā āsan|
38 And whe they had eaten ynough, they lightened the ship, and cast out the wheat into the sea.
sarvvēṣu lōkēṣu yathēṣṭaṁ bhuktavatsu pōtasthan gōdhūmān jaladhau nikṣipya taiḥ pōtasya bhārō laghūkr̥taḥ|
39 And when it was day, they knewe not the countrey, but they spied a certaine creeke with a banke, into the which they were minded (if it were possible) to thrust in the ship.
dinē jātē'pi sa kō dēśa iti tadā na paryyacīyata; kintu tatra samataṭam ēkaṁ khātaṁ dr̥ṣṭvā yadi śaknumastarhi vayaṁ tasyābhyantaraṁ pōtaṁ gamayāma iti matiṁ kr̥tvā tē laṅgarān chittvā jaladhau tyaktavantaḥ|
40 So when they had taken vp the ankers, they committed the ship vnto the sea, and loosed the rudder bonds, and hoised vp the maine saile to the winde, and drewe to the shore.
tathā karṇabandhanaṁ mōcayitvā pradhānaṁ vātavasanam uttōlya tīrasamīpaṁ gatavantaḥ|
41 And when they fell into a place, where two seas met, they thrust in the ship: and the forepart stucke fast, and could not be moued, but the hinderpart was broken with the violence of the waues.
kintu dvayōḥ samudrayōḥ saṅgamasthānē saikatōpari pōtē nikṣiptē 'grabhāgē bādhitē paścādbhāgē prabalataraṅgō'lagat tēna pōtō bhagnaḥ|
42 Then the souldiers counsell was to kill the prisoners, least any of them, when he had swomme out, should flee away.
tasmād bandayaścēd bāhubhistarantaḥ palāyantē ityāśaṅkayā sēnāgaṇastān hantum amantrayat;
43 But the Centurion willing to saue Paul, stayed them from this counsell, and commanded that they that coulde swimme, shoulde cast them selues first into the sea, and goe out to land:
kintu śatasēnāpatiḥ paulaṁ rakṣituṁ prayatnaṁ kr̥tvā tān taccēṣṭāyā nivartya ityādiṣṭavān, yē bāhutaraṇaṁ jānanti tē'grē prōllampya samudrē patitvā bāhubhistīrttvā kūlaṁ yāntu|
44 And the other, some on boardes, and some on certaine pieces of the ship: and so it came to passe that they came all safe to land.
aparam avaśiṣṭā janāḥ kāṣṭhaṁ pōtīyaṁ dravyaṁ vā yēna yat prāpyatē tadavalambya yāntu; itthaṁ sarvvē bhūmiṁ prāpya prāṇai rjīvitāḥ|

< Acts 27 >