< Acts 24 >
1 Now after fiue dayes, Ananias the hie Priest came downe with the Elders, and with Tertullus a certaine oratour, which appeared before the Gouernour against Paul.
Pagapite moŵa nsano, che Anania Jŵambopesi Jwankulu pamo ni achachekulu ŵampepe ni mundu jwa malajisyo ga Chiloma liina lyakwe che Telitulo ŵatuluchile ku Kaisalia. Ni ŵajawile kwa che Felikisi jula ni ŵansalile yanayose iŵammechetelaga che Paolo.
2 And when he was called foorth, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, Seeing that we haue obtained great quietnesse through thee, and that many worthy things are done vnto this nation through thy prouidence,
Che Felikisi ŵammilasile che Paolo ni che Telitulo ŵatandite kwaŵechetela achitiji. “Alakwe ambuje che Felikisi, ntulongwesye yambone ni uweji tukutama kwa chitendewele katema kose ni kulinganya kwa indu kukupanganyikwa kwa upoche wa ŵandu ŵetu.
3 We acknowledge it wholy, and in all places most noble Felix, with all thankes,
Tukwitichisya yelei mu kusengwa moŵa gose ni kuntogolela kwannope alakwe papalipose.
4 But that I be not tedious vnto thee, I pray thee, that thou wouldest heare vs of thy courtesie a fewe wordes.
Nambo pangansakalisya nnope, ngunchondelela ntupililile ni kutupilikanila itukuŵecheta.
5 Certainely we haue found this man a pestilent fellowe, and a moouer of sedition among all the Iewes throughout the world, and a chiefe maintainer of the secte of the Nazarites:
Tukumanyilila kuti mundu ju ali jwakogoya nnope. Atandisye utindiganyo mwa Ŵayahudi papalipose pachilambo pose ni sooni ali jwankulu jwa mpingo wa chidini wa Ŵanasaleti.
6 And hath gone about to pollute the Temple: therefore wee tooke him, and woulde haue iudged him according to our Lawe:
Ni sooni ŵalingaga kujisakasya Nyuumba ja Akunnungu, noweji twankamwile. Twasachile kwalamula ni malajisyo getu twachinsyene.
7 But the chiefe captaine Lysias came vpon vs, and with great violence tooke him out of our handes,
Nambo che Lusia jwankulu jwa ŵangondo mia moja, ŵaiche ni kunjigala mmakono mwetu kwa machili.
8 Commanding his accusers to come to thee: of whom thou mayest (if thou wilt inquire) know all these things whereof we accuse him.
Ni ŵalamwile kuti ŵakwaŵechetela wo aichanje kukwenu, nomwe mwasyene chinkombole kwauchilichisya ni kwimanyilila uchenene indu itukwaŵechetela.”
9 And the Iewes likewise affirmed, saying that it was so.
Ŵayahudi wose nombe ŵajitichisye chiŵaŵechete che Telitulo kuti chili chisyene.
10 Then Paul, after that the gouernour had beckened vnto him that hee shoulde speake, answered, I do the more gladly answere for my selfe, for as much as I knowe that thou hast bene of many yeres a iudge vnto this nation,
Nipele jwankulu jwa chilambo jula ŵangolochesye nkono che Paolo kuti aŵechete. Che Paolo ni ŵatite, “Ngusangalala nnope kulichenjela paujo penu pakuŵa ngumanyilila kuti alakwe ndi jwakulamula jwa ŵandu ŵetu kwa yaka yejinji.
11 Seeing that thou mayest knowe, that there are but twelue dayes since I came vp to worship in Hierusalem.
Pakuŵa alakwe mwasyene nkumanyilila kuti nganigapunde moŵa kumi na mbili chitandile panajawile kukupopela ku Yelusalemu.
12 And they neither found mee in the Temple disputing with any man, neither making vproare among the people, neither in the Synagogues, nor in the citie.
Ŵayahudi nganasimana une njianganganaga ni mundu jwalijose. Nganasimana une njitindiganyaga pa Nyuumba ja Akunnungu pane mmajumba gao ga kupopelela atamuno palipose mmusi mo.
13 Neither can they proue the things, whereof they now accuse me.
Sooni ŵanyaŵa ngaakombola kunsalila alakwe usyene wa yakumechetela une sambano yo.
14 But this I confesse vnto thee, that after the way (which they call heresie) so worship I the God of my fathers, beleeuing all things which are written in the Lawe and the Prophets,
Chingwitichisya paujo penu chili chimo, uneji ngwapopelela Akunnungu ŵa achambuje ŵetu, njilikuyaga alila litala lyaakuliŵilanga ŵanyawo kuti lili lya unami. Ngukulupilila yanayose yailembekwe mu itabu ya Malajisyo ga Akunnungu gaŵapele che Musa ni itabu ya ŵakulondola ŵa Akunnungu.
15 And haue hope towardes God, that the resurrection of the dead, which they themselues looke for also, shalbe both of iust and vniust.
Uneji ngwete chilolelo kwa Akunnungu mpela ŵanyawo yakuti pakulolela, kuti chikupagwe kusyuka kwa ŵandu ŵambone ni ŵangalumbana.
16 And herein I endeuour my selfe to haue alway a cleare conscience towarde God, and toward men.
Nipele moŵa gose ngulinga nningwa wangu uŵe wambone paujo pa Akunnungu ni kwa ŵandu.
17 Now after many yeres, I came and brought almes to my nation and offerings.
“Panatemi yaka yejinji kwakutalika ko, nausile ku Yelusalemu kuti naaichisye ŵandu ŵa chilambo changu yakwakamuchisya kwa ligongo lya ŵakulaga ni kukutaga mbopesi.
18 At what time, certaine Iewes of Asia founde mee purified in the Temple, neither with multitude, nor with tumult.
Panaliji nkutenda yeleyo ni paŵasimene une pa Nyuumba ja Akunnungu ndili masile kuliswejesya. Nganiupagwa mpingo wa ŵandu natamuno utindiganyo.
19 Who ought to haue bene present before thee, and accuse me, if they had ought against me.
Nambo ŵapali Ŵayahudi ŵane ŵaŵatyochele ku Asia, ŵanyawo ni ŵaŵaŵajilwe kuŵa paujo penu ni kuumechetela une iŵaga akwete chakuumechetela.
20 Or let these themselues say, if they haue found any vniust thing in mee, while I stoode in the Council,
Pane achinsyene ŵa asale chileŵo chiŵachisimene kukwangu panaliji pa Nkungulu wao wekulu,
21 Except it be for this one voyce, that I cried standing among them, Of the resurrection of the dead am I accused of you this day.
ikaŵe yankati liloŵe limo peli linaŵechete panajimi paujo pao kuti, ‘Ngulamulikwa lelo jino pakuŵa ngukulupilila kuti ŵawile chasyuswe.’”
22 Nowe when Felix heard these things, he deferred them, and said, When I shall more perfectly know the things which concerne this way, by the comming of Lysias the chiefe Captaine, I will decise your matter.
Nambo che Felikisi nsyene ŵaliji nkulimanyilila uchenene litala lyo, ŵaunichile ligambo lila ni kwasalila, “Pataiche che Lusia jwankulu jwa ŵangondo mia moja jo, chilamule magambo genu.”
23 Then hee commanded a Centurion to keepe Paul, and that he should haue ease, and that he should forbid none of his acquaintance to minister vnto him, or to come vnto him.
Ni jwankulu jula ŵalamwile anjigale che Paolo ni kwalindilila, nambo aŵe ni uhulu kanandi ni akasaalekasya achambusangagwe kwapa yaikwasoŵa.
24 And after certaine dayes, came Felix with his wife Drusilla, which was a Iewesse, and he called foorth Paul, and heard him of the faith in Christ.
Pagapite moŵa gampepe, ŵaiche che Felikisi pamo ni che Dulusila ŵankwawo juŵaliji Myahudi. Ŵalamwile kuti aŵilanjikwe che Paolo ni ŵampilikanilaga achiŵechetaga yankati kwakulupilila Che Yesu Kilisito.
25 And as he disputed of righteousnes and temperance, and of the iudgement to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time, and when I haue conuenient time, I will call for thee.
Nambo paŵatandite che Paolo kuŵecheta yankati indu yaikwatenda ŵandu aŵe ŵambone ni ungapundanganya ni lyuŵa Akunnungu lichiŵalamule ŵandu wose, che Felikisi ŵajogwepe ni ŵatite, “Sano njauleje, chinammilanje sooni napataga lipesa.”
26 Hee hoped also that money shoulde haue bene giuen him of Paul, that he might loose him: wherefore hee sent for him the oftner, and communed with him.
Katema ko che Felikisi ŵalolelaga kuti chapegwe mbiya ni che Paolo. Ligongo lyo ŵapundile kwaŵilanga sooni ni sooni kunguluka nawo.
27 When two yeeres were expired, Porcius Festus came into Felix roume: and Felix willing to get fauour of the Iewes, left Paul bound.
Payapite yaka iŵili, che Polikio Festo ŵaliji chilongola pamalo pa che Felikisi juŵaliji jwankulu jwa chilambo. Pakuŵa che Felikisi ŵasachile kwanonyelesya Ŵayahudi ŵalesile che Paolo mu nyuumba jakutaŵilwa mula.