< Acts 23 >

1 And Paul behelde earnestly the Councill, and sayde, Men and brethren, I haue in all good conscience serued God vntill this day.
Intendens autem in concilium Paulus ait: Viri fratres, ego omni conscientia bona conversatus sum ante Deum usque in hodiernum diem.
2 Then the hie Priest Ananias commanded them that stood by, to smite him on the mouth.
Princeps autem sacerdotum Ananias præcepit astantibus sibi percutere os eius.
3 Then sayd Paul to him, God will smite thee, thou whited wall: for thou sittest to iudge me according to the Lawe, and transgressing the Lawe, commaundest thou me to be smitten?
Tunc Paulus dixit ad eum: Percutiet te Deus, paries dealbate. Et tu sedens iudicas me secundum legem, et contra legem iubes me percuti?
4 And they that stood by, sayd, Reuilest thou Gods hie Priest?
Et qui astabant dixerunt: Summum sacerdotem Dei maledicis.
5 Then sayd Paul, I knewe not, brethren, that he was the hie Priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speake euill of the ruler of thy people.
Dixit autem Paulus: Nesciebam fratres quia princeps est sacerdotum. Scriptum est enim: Principem populi tui non maledices.
6 But when Paul perceiued that the one part were of the Sadduces, and the other of the Pharises, hee cried in the Council, Men and brethren, I am a Pharise, the sonne of a Pharise: I am accused of the hope and resurrection of the dead.
Sciens autem Paulus quia una pars esset Sadducæorum, et altera Pharisæorum, exclamavit in concilio: Viri fratres, ego Pharisæus sum, filius Pharisæorum, de spe et resurrectione mortuorum ego iudicor.
7 And when hee had saide this, there was a dissension betweene the Pharises and the Sadduces, so that the multitude was deuided.
Et cum hæc dixisset, facta est dissensio inter Pharisæos, et Sadducæos, et soluta est multitudo.
8 For the Sadduces say that there is no resurrection, neither Angel, nor spirit: but the Pharises confesse both.
Sadducæi enim dicunt, non esse resurrectionem, neque Angelum, neque spiritum: Pharisæi autem utraque confitentur.
9 Then there was a great crye: and the Scribes of the Pharises part rose vp, and stroue, saying, Wee finde none euill in this man: but if a spirit or an Angel hath spoken to him, let vs not fight against God.
Factus est autem clamor magnus. Et surgentes quidam Pharisæorum, pugnabant, dicentes: Nihil mali invenimus in homine isto: quid si spiritus locutus est ei, aut angelus?
10 And when there was a great dissension, the chiefe captaine, fearing lest Paul should haue bene pulled in pieces of them, commanded the souldiers to go downe, and take him from among them, and to bring him into the castel.
Et cum magna dissensio facta esset, timens Tribunus ne discerperetur Paulus ab ipsis, iussit milities descendere, et rapere eum de medio eorum, ac deducere eum in castra.
11 Nowe the night folowing, the Lord stoode by him, and saide, Be of good courage, Paul: for as thou hast testified of mee in Hierusalem, so must thou beare witnesse also at Rome.
Sequenti autem nocte assistens ei Dominus, ait: Constans esto: sicut enim testificatus es de me in Ierusalem, sic te oportet et Romæ testificari.
12 And when the day was come, certaine of the Iewes made an assemblie, and bounde themselues with a curse, saying, that they woulde neither eate nor drinke, till they had killed Paul.
Facta autem die collegerunt se quidam ex Iudæis, et devoverunt se dicentes, neque manducaturos, neque bibaturos donec occiderent Paulum.
13 And they were more then fourtie, which had made this conspiracie.
Erant autem plus quam quadraginta viri, qui hanc coniurationem fecerant:
14 And they came to the chiefe Priestes and Elders, and said, We haue bound our selues with a solemne curse, that wee will eate nothing, vntill we haue slaine Paul.
qui accesserunt ad principes sacerdotum, et seniores, et dixerunt: Devotione devovimus nos nihil gustaturos, donec occidamus Paulum.
15 Nowe therefore, ye and the Council signifie to the chiefe captaine, that hee bring him foorth vnto you to morow: as though you would know some thing more perfectly of him, and we, or euer he come neere, will be readie to kill him.
Nunc ergo vos notum facite Tribuno cum concilio, ut producat illum ad vos, tamquam aliquid certius cognituri de eo. Nos vero prius quam appropiet, parati sumus interficere illum.
16 But when Pauls sisters sonne heard of their laying awaite, he went, and entred into the castel, and tolde Paul.
Quod cum audisset filius sororis Pauli insidias, venit, et intravit in castra, nunciavitque Paulo.
17 And Paul called one of the Centurions vnto him, and said, Take this yong man hence vnto the chiefe captaine: for he hath a certaine thing to shewe him.
Vocans autem Paulus ad se unum ex Centurionibus, ait: Adolescentem hunc perduc ad Tribunum, habet enim aliquid indicare illi.
18 So hee tooke him, and brought him to the chiefe captaine, and saide, Paul the prisoner called mee vnto him, and prayed mee to bring this yong man vnto thee, which hath some thing to say vnto thee.
Et ille quidem assumens eum duxit ad Tribunum, et ait: Vinctus Paulus rogavit me hunc adolescentem perducere ad te, habentem aliquid loqui tibi.
19 Then the chiefe captaine tooke him by the hande, and went apart with him alone, and asked him, What hast thou to shewe me?
Apprehendens autem Tribunus manum illius, secessit cum eo seorsum, et interrogavit illum: Quid est, quod habes indicare mihi?
20 And he saide, The Iewes haue conspired to desire thee, that thou wouldest bring foorth Paul to morow into the Council, as though they would inquire somewhat of him more perfectly:
Ille autem dixit: Iudæis convenit rogare te, ut crastina die producas Paulum in concilium, quasi aliquid certius inquisituri sint de illo:
21 But let them not perswade thee: for there lie in waite for him of them, more then fourtie men, which haue bound themselues with a curse, that they will neither eate nor drinke, till they haue killed him: and nowe are they readie, and waite for thy promise.
tu vero ne credideris illis, insidiantur enim ei ex eis viri amplius quam quadraginta, qui se devoverunt non manducare, neque bibere donec interficiant eum: et nunc parati sunt, exspectantes promissum tuum.
22 The chiefe captaine then let the yong man depart, after hee had charged him to vtter it to no man, that he had shewed him these things.
Tribunus igitur dimisit adolescentem, præcipiens ne cui loqueretur quoniam hæc nota sibi fecisset.
23 And he called vnto him two certaine Centurions, saying, Make readie two hundred souldiers, that they may go to Cæsarea, and horsemen three score and ten, and two hundred with dartes, at the thirde houre of the night.
Et vocatis duobus Centurionibus, dixit illis: Parate milites ducentos ut eant usque Cæsaream, et equites septuaginta, et lancearios ducentos a tertia hora noctis:
24 And let them make readie an horse, that Paul being set on, may be brought safe vnto Felix the Gouernour.
et iumenta præparate ut imponentes Paulum, salvum perducerent ad Felicem præsidem.
25 And he wrote an epistle in this maner:
Timuit enim ne forte raperent eum Iudæi, et occiderent, et ipse postea calumniam sustineret, tamquam accepturus pecuniam,
26 Claudius Lysias vnto the most noble Gouernour Felix sendeth greeting.
scribens epistolam continentem hæc: CLAUDIUS Lysias optimo Præsidi, Felici salutem.
27 As this man was taken of the Iewes, and shoulde haue bene killed of them, I came vpon them with the garison, and rescued him, perceiuing that he was a Romane.
Virum hunc comprehensum a Iudæis, et incipientem interfici ab eis, superveniens cum exercitu eripui, cognito quia Romanus est:
28 And when I would haue knowen the cause, wherefore they accused him, I brought him forth into their Council.
Volensque scire causam, quam obiiciebant illi, deduxi eum in concilium eorum.
29 There I perceiued that hee was accused of questions of their Lawe, but had no crime worthy of death, or of bondes.
Quem inveni accusari de quæstionibus legis ipsorum, nihil vero dignum morte aut vinculis habentem criminis.
30 And when it was shewed me, how that the Iewes layd waite for the man, I sent him straightway to thee, and commanded his accusers to speake before thee the thinges that they had against him. Farewell.
Et cum mihi perlatum esset de insidiis, quas paraverant illi, misi eum ad te: denuncians et accusatoribus ut dicant apud te, Vale.
31 Then the souldiers as it was commanded them, tooke Paul, and brought him by night to Antipatris.
Milites ergo secundum præceptum sibi, assumentes Paulum, duxerunt per noctem in Antipatridem.
32 And the next day, they left the horsemen to goe with him, and returned vnto the Castel.
Et postera die dimissis equitibus ut cum eo irent, reversi sunt ad castra.
33 Now when they came to Cæsarea, they deliuered the epistle to the Gouernour, and presented Paul also vnto him.
Qui cum venissent Cæsaream, et tradidissent epistolam præsidi, statuerunt ante illum et Paulum.
34 So when the Gouernour had read it, hee asked of what prouince he was: and when he vnderstoode that he was of Cilicia,
Cum legisset autem, et interrogasset de qua provincia esset: et cognoscens quia de Cilicia,
35 I will heare thee, said he, when thine accusers also are come, and commanded him to bee kept in Herods iudgement hall.
Audiam te, inquit, cum accusatores tui venerint. Iussitque in prætorio Herodis custodiri eum.

< Acts 23 >