< Acts 17 >
1 Nowe as they passed through Amphipolis, and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a Synagogue of the Iewes.
Paulo ne Sailasi pakuya balapitila mu minshi ya Amfipoli ne Apoloniya, balashika ku Tesalonika uko kwalikuba ng'anda yakupaililamo ya Bayuda.
2 And Paul, as his maner was, went in vnto them, and three Sabbath daies disputed with them by the Scriptures,
Kwelana ne cinga ncalikukute Paulo, walengila mung'anda yakupaililamo ne kubandika nabo makani amu Mabala a Lesa kwa nsondo shitatu.
3 Opening, and alleadging that Christ must haue suffered, and risen againe from the dead: and this is Iesus Christ, whom, said he, I preach to you.
Walabasansulwila cena makani amu Mabala a Lesa, ne kubalesheti Mupulushi Walaiwa usa welela kupenga ne kupundushiwa kubafu. Paulo walambeti, “Yesuyu ngondamukambaukilinga e Mupulushi Wasalwa ne Lesa.”
4 And some of them beleeued, and ioyned in companie with Paul and Silas: also of the Grecians that feared God a great multitude, and of the chiefe women not a fewe.
Nabambi balashoma ne kukonkela Paulo ne Sailasi. Naboyo Bagiliki bangi balikukambilila Lesa, pamo ne batukashi bangi bayampuwo naboyo balashoma.
5 But the Iewes which beleeued not, mooued with enuie, tooke vnto them certaine vagabonds and wicked fellowes, and whe they had assembled the multitude, they made a tumult in the citie, and made assault against the house of Iason, and sought to bring them out to the people.
Nomba Bayuda nabambi balanyumfwa minyono, neco balayungaula bantu bamalofwa balikwendanowa munshila, bantu abo pamo ne Bayuda ebalatatika mipyopyongano mu munshi umo. Balabundumukila ne kuya kutoba ng'anda ya Yasoni, kuya kulangaula Paulo ne Sailasi, kwambeti babapulishe mung'andomo ne kubaleta ku bantu.
6 But when they found them not, they drew Iason and certaine brethren vnto the heads of the citie, crying, These are they which haue subuerted the state of the world, and here they are,
Mpobalanyala pakubula kucanako Paulo ne Sailasi, balekata Yasoni pamo ne bashoma nabambi ne ku bakwelanya kubatwala kubendeleshi bamu munshi, uko nkobalabilikisheti, “Basa bantu baletenga mipyopyongano kulikonse, lelo balesa kumunshi kwetu,
7 Whom Iason hath receiued, and these all doe against the decrees of Cesar, saying that there is another King, one Iesus.
Yasoni labatambulu. Mbyobalenshinga bonse nkabyekatana ne milawo ya mwami waku Loma sobwe, balambangeti kuli Mwami naumbi lina lyakendi Yesu.”
8 Then they troubled the people, and the heads of the citie, when they heard these things.
Maswi awa alakalalisha likoto lya bantu pamo ne bendeleshi bamu munshi.
9 Notwithstanding when they had receiued sufficient assurance of Iason and of the other, they let them goe.
Nomba Yasoni ne banendi basa mpobalalipila mali angi a mulanduwo, bendeleshi ba munshi balabasungulula.
10 And the brethren immediatly sent away Paul and Silas by night vnto Berea, which when they were come thither, entred into ye Synagogue of the Iewes.
Mpokwalashipuluka mansailo, banse balatuma Paulo ne Sailasi ku Beleya. Mpobalashikowa balengila mu ng'anda yakupaililamo ya Bayuda.
11 These were also more noble men then they which were at Thessalonica, which receiued the woorde with all readinesse, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Bayuda balikuba ku Beleya balikukute myoyo ishikuyanda kunyumfwishisha, kupita bantu baku Tesalonika. Pakwinga balo balatambula maswi a Lesa ne moyo umo, kayi busuba ne busuba balikubwelulukamo mu Mabala a Lesa kwambeti babone na nicakubinga ncambanga Paulo ne Sailasi.
12 Therefore many of them beleeued, and of honest women, which were Grecians, and men not a fewe.
Neco Bayuda bangi balashoma. Kayi ne batukashi ba Cigiliki ne batuloba bangi bayampuwo nabo balashoma.
13 But when the Iewes of Thessalonica knewe, that the woord of God was also preached of Paul at Berea, they came thither also, and mooued the people.
Nomba mpobalanyumfwa Bayuda baku Tesalonika basa, kwambeti Paulo lakambaukunga maswi a Lesa ku Beleya, nakoyo balayako ne kutatika kuyungaula bantu kwambeti batatike mipyopyongano.
14 But by and by the brethren sent away Paul to goe as it were to the sea: but Silas and Timotheus abode there still.
Pacindi copeleco banse balatuma bantu nabambi kwambeti bashindikile Paulo ku lwenje. Nomba Sailasi ne Timoti balashalila ku Beleya.
15 And they that did conduct Paul, brought him vnto Athens: and when they had receiued a commandement vnto Silas and Timotheus that they shoulde come to him at once, they departed.
Bantu basa balamushindikila Paulo balashika nendi ku Atene. Panyuma pakendi balabwelela ku Beleya, ne kuya kwambila Sailasi ne Timoti kwambeti Paulo layandangeti bamukonke bwangu bwangu.
16 Nowe while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirite was stirred in him, when hee sawe the citie subiect to idolatrie.
Cindi Paulo ncalikupembelela Sailasi ne Timoti ku Atene, walapenga mumoyo pakuboneti munshi wonse walikuba wesula ne tumbwanga ntobali kukambilila.
17 Therefore he disputed in the Synagogue with the Iewes, and with them that were religious, and in the market daily with whomesoeuer he met.
Lino Paulo walabandika ne Bayuda mung'anda ya kupaililamo pamo ne bantu bamishobo naimbi balikukambilila Lesa. Kayi walabandika ne bantu mbwalikukumanya pamusena wa makwebo busuba ne busuba.
18 Then certaine Philosophers of the Epicures, and of the Stoickes, disputed with him, and some sayde, What will this babler say? Others sayde, He seemeth to be a setter forth of straunge gods (because hee preached vnto them Iesus, and the resurrection.)
Bantu ba mano nabambi bamulikoto lyalikukwiweti Epikuleya, neba Sitoyiki, balatotekeshana ne Paulo, nabambi balikwambeti, “Inga mbutuma iyi yapamulomo cisa ilelekeshenga kwamba cani?” Nabambi kayi balikwambeti, “Uyu lanyumfwikingeti lakambaukunga sha balesa bensu mbotuteshi kuno.” Balikwambeco pakwinga Paulo, walikukambauka Mulumbe Waina ulambanga sha Yesu ne shakupunduka kubafu.
19 And they tooke him, and brought him into Mars streete, saying, May we not know, what this newe doctrine, whereof thou speakest, is?
Neco balamutwala Paulo ku nkuta yalikukwiweti Aleopagi ne kumwambileti, “Mutusansulwile afwe cishikunyumfwika sha ciyisho calinolino ici ncomuleyishinga.
20 For thou bringest certaine strange thinges vnto our eares: we woulde knowe therefore, what these things meane.
Pakwinga bintu nabimbi mbyomulatwiyishinga, nkatuna tubinyumfwapo, neco tulayandanga kubinshiba cena.”
21 For all the Athenians, and strangers which dwelt there, gaue them selues to nothing els, but either to tell, or to heare some newes.
Bantu bonse balikwikala mu Atene, pamo ne bensu, balikukute cinga cakutaya cindi cabo, ne kuyandowa kutonda tonda ne kunyumfwa bintu byalinolino.
22 Then Paul stoode in the mids of Mars streete, and sayde, Yee men of Athens, I perceiue that in all things yee are too superstitious.
Paulo walemana pakati pa nkuta ya Aleopagi ne kwambeti, “Amwe bantu bene Atene, ndabononga kwambeti mwashimpa cena mu kukambilila kwenu.
23 For as I passed by, and behelde your deuotions, I founde an altar wherein was written, VNTO THE VNKNOWEN GOD. Whom ye then ignorantly worship, him shewe I vnto you.
Pakwinga pacindi ncondendananga mu munshi wenu uwu, ndabona misena ingi njomukute kupaililamo, pa nteme napambi mpomukute kupaililapo palembwa cisa, ‘Kuli Lesa wabula kwinshibikwa. Epeloyo ngomukute kukambilila kamutamwinshi, endiye ngondamwambilinga pacino cindi.
24 God that made the world, and all things that are therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaue and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands,
Uyo endiye Lesa walalenga cishi ne bintu byonse bilimo, e Mwami lendeleshenga kwilu ne cishi capanshi. Neco nkakute kwikala mu manda ebakwa ne bantu sobwe.
25 Neither is worshipped with mens handes, as though he needed any thing, seeing hee giueth to all life and breath and all things,
Cakubinga paliya bantu ncobelela kumusebensela ne makasa abo, pakwinga paliya ncabulilwa. Endiye Lesa ukute kutupa buyumi ne muya ngotukute kuyoya, pamo ne bintu byonse.
26 And hath made of one blood all mankinde, to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath assigned the seasons which were ordeined before, and the boundes of their habitation,
cakutanguna Lesa walalenga muntu umo, kufuma mu muntu umo ngwalalenga, emwalafuma mishobo yonse ya bantu, kwambeti bekalenga kulikonse pacishi capacishi. Walababambilalimo cindi ca buyumu bwabo kayi ne nyinsa ya misena yabo.
27 That they shoulde seeke the Lord, if so be they might haue groped after him, and founde him though doubtlesse he be not farre from euery one of vs.
Walenseco kwambeti bantu bakamulangaule, mpani ngabamwinshiba mukumulangaula. Nsombi Lesa nkalipo kutali ne njafwe twense sobwe.”
28 For in him we liue, and mooue, and haue our being, as also certaine of your owne Poets haue sayd, for we are also his generation.
Mbuli muntu naumbi ncalambeti, endiye ukute kutupa ngofu sha kuba ne buyumi, shakwenda kayi kuba mbuli ncetubele. Mbuli bakalaka maimbo benu ncobalalembeti, ne njafwe tobana bendi.
29 Forasmuch then, as we are the generation of God, we ought not to thinke that ye Godhead is like vnto gold, or siluer, or stone grauen by arte and the inuention of man.
Pakwinga tobana bendi Lesa, nkatwelela kuyeyeti bulesa bwakendi bwakoshana ne kambwanga kagolide nambi ka silifa nambi ka libwe lyapangwa cena ne mano a muntu.
30 And the time of this ignorance God regarded not: but nowe hee admonisheth all men euery where to repent,
Kaindi Lesa walikubalekelela bantu bintu byaipa mbyobalikwinsa, pakwinga nkabalikumwinshiba, nsombi lino labambilinga bantu kulikonse kwambeti basanduke.
31 Because hee hath appoynted a day in the which he wil iudge the world in righteousnes, by that man whome hee hath appoynted, whereof he hath giuen an assurance to all men, in that hee hath raised him from the dead.
Lesa wasalapo busuba bumo, bwa kwisakombolosha bantu pacishi capanshi mubululami, kupitila mu muntu uyo ngwalasala. Ici walacibonesha ku bantu bonse, pakumupundusha kubafu muntuyo.
32 Now when they heard of the resurrection from the dead, some mocked, and other sayde, We will heare thee againe of this thing.
Nabambi bantu mpobalanyumfwa makani akupunduka kubafu ngalikwamba Paulo, balamuseka. Nsombi nabambi balambeti, tulayandanga kwambeti ukese busuba nabumbi kwisa kutwambila makani awa.
33 And so Paul departed from among them.
Popelapo Paulo walafumako ku nkuta.
34 Howbeit certaine men claue vnto Paul, and beleeued: among whome was also Denys Areopagita, and a woman named Damaris, and other with them.
Nabambi bantu balakonkela Paulo balashoma. Pakati pa bantu abo palikuba Diyonisiya, wa mulikoto lyankuta ya Aleopagi, pamo ne mutukashi lina lyakendi Damalisi, ne nabambi.