< Acts 14 >
1 And it came to passe in Iconium, that they went both together into the Synagogue of the Iewes, and so spake, that a great multitude both of the Iewes and of the Grecians beleeued.
Zgodí se pa v Ikoniji, da sta šla vkupej v shajališče Judovsko, in sta govorila, tako, da je veliko mnoštvo Judov in Grkov verovalo.
2 And the vnbeleeuing Iewes stirred vp, and corrupted the mindes of the Gentiles against the brethren.
Tisti Judje pa, kteri niso verovali, podpihajo in nadražijo duše poganov zoper brate.
3 So therefore they abode there a long time, and spake boldly in the Lord, which gaue testimonie vnto the woord of his grace, and caused signes and woders to be done by their hands.
Ali ostala sta dosti časa, govoreč srčno v Gospodu, kteri je pričeval besedo milosti svoje, in je dajal, da so se znamenja in čudeži godili po njunih rokah.
4 But the multitude of the city was deuided: and some were with the Iewes, and some with the Apostles.
In množica mestna se razdelí; in eni so bili z Judi, eni pa z aposteljnoma.
5 And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles, and of the Iewes with their rulers, to doe them violence, and to stone them,
Ko so se pa vzdignili pogani in Judje s poglavarji svojimi, da bi ju zasramotili in kamenjali,
6 They were ware of it, and fled vnto Lystra, and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and vnto the region round about,
Zvesta, in pobegneta v Likaonski mesti Listro in Derbo, in okolico,
7 And there preached the Gospel.
In tu sta oznanjevala evangelj.
8 Nowe there sate a certaine man at Lystra, impotent in his feete, which was a creeple from his mothers wombe, who had neuer walked.
In sedel je v Listri en mož bolan na nogah, hrom iz telesa matere svoje, kteri ni bil nikoli hodil.
9 He heard Paul speake: who beholding him, and perceiuing that he had faith to be healed,
Ta je poslušal Pavla, ko je govoril; in on pogleda nanj, in videvši, da ima vero, da bo ozdravel,
10 Said with a loude voyce, Stand vpright on thy feete. And he leaped vp, and walked.
Reče z močnim glasom: Stopi na noge svoje po konci! In skočil jo, in hodil je.
11 Then when the people sawe what Paul had done, they lift vp their voyces, saying in ye speach of Lycaonia, Gods are come downe to vs in the likenesse of men.
Ljudstvo pa, ko je videlo, kar je Pavel storil, povzdignejo glas svoj, govoreč Likaonski: Bogova sta v človeškej podobi sešla k nam.
12 And they called Barnabas, Iupiter: and Paul, Mercurius, because hee was the chiefe speaker.
In imenovali so Barnaba Jupiterja; a Pavla Merkurija, ker je bil on načelnik besede.
13 Then Iupiters priest, which was before their citie, brought bulles with garlands vnto the gates, and would haue sacrificed with the people.
Duhoven pa Jupiterjev, ki je bil pred mestom, pripelje juncev, in prinese vencev pred vrata, in hotel jima je z ljudstvom darovati.
14 But when the Apostles, Barnabas and Paul heard it, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying,
Ko sta pa aposteljna Barnaba in Pavel to slišala, raztrgala sta oblačila svoja, in skočila sta med ljudstvo kričeč,
15 And saying, O men, why doe yee these things? We are euen men subiect to the like passions that yee be, and preache vnto you, that yee shoulde turne from these vaine things vnto the liuing God, which made heauen and earth, and the sea, and all things that in them are:
In govoreč: Možjé! kaj to delate? Tudi midva sva umrljiva, vam enaka človeka, ktera vam oznanjujeva, da se od teh praznih reči obrnite k živemu Bogu, kteri je ustvaril nebo in zemljo in morje in vse, kar je v njih;
16 Who in times past suffered all the Gentiles to walke in their owne waies.
Kteri je v preteklih časih pustil vse narode, da so hodili po svojih potih:
17 Neuerthelesse, hee left not him selfe without witnes, in that hee did good and gaue vs raine from heauen, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with foode, and gladnesse.
Vendar pa ni sebe brez pričevanja pustil, delajoč dobrote, dajoč nam z neba dež in rodovitne čase, napolnjujoč srca naša z jedjó in veseljem.
18 And speaking these things, scarce appeased they the multitude, that they had not sacrificed vnto them.
In govoreč to, komaj sta ustavila ljudstvo, da jima ni darovalo.
19 Then there came certaine Iewes from Antiochia and Iconium, which when they had persuaded the people, stoned Paul, and drewe him out of the citie, supposing he had bene dead.
Med tem pa pride nekaj Judov iz Antijohije in Ikonije, in pregovorivši ljudstvo, kamenjali so Pavla in izvlekli iz mesta, misleč, da je umrl.
20 Howbeit, as the disciples stoode rounde about him, hee arose vp, and came into the citie, and the next day hee departed with Barnabas to Derbe.
Ko so ga pa učenci obstopili, vstane in vnide v mesto; in drugi dan izide z Barnabom v Derbo.
21 And after they had preached the glad tidings of the Gospel to that citie, and had taught many, they returned to Lystra, and to Iconium, and to Antiochia,
In ko sta oznanila evangelj temu mestu, in sta mnoge podučila, vrnila sta se v Listro in Ikonijo in Antijohijo,
22 Confirming the disciples hearts, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, affirming that we must through many afflictions enter into the kingdome of God.
Potrjujoč duše učencev, opominjajoč, da naj ostanejo v veri, in da nam je treba po mnogih stiskah vniti v kraljestvo Božje.
23 And when they had ordeined them Elders by election in euery Church, and prayed, and fasted, they commended them to the Lord in whome they beleeued.
In postavivši jim starešine po cerkvah, molivši s postom, izročila sta jih Gospodu, v kterega so verovali.
24 Thus they went throughout Pisidia, and came to Pamphylia.
In prešla sta Pisidijo in prišla v Pamfilijo.
25 And when they had preached the woorde in Perga, they came downe to Attalia,
In govorivši v Pergi besedo, sešla sta v Atalijo;
26 And thence sailed to Antiochia, from whence they had bene comended vnto the grace of God, to the woorke, which they had fulfilled.
In odtod sta se odpeljala po morji v Antijohijo, odkoder sta bila izročena milosti Božjej na delo, ktero sta dokončala.
27 And when they were come and had gathered the Church together, they rehearsed all the things that God had done by them, and howe he had opened the doore of faith vnto the Gentiles.
Ko sta pa prišla in sta zbrala cerkev, sporočila sta, koliko reči je Bog ž njima storil, in da je odprl poganom vrata vere.
28 So there they abode a long time with the disciples.
In prebila sta tu ne malo časa z učenci.