< 2 Timothy 2 >

1 Thou therefore, my sonne, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Iesus.
Naki wu vre mu ti gbengblen ni Alheri wa ahei ni mi Kristi Yesu.
2 And what things thou hast heard of me, by many witnesses, ye same deliuer to faithfull men, which shalbe able to teache other also.
Kpie bi wa 'u' woh ni me, ni mi shaidu gbugbu'u 'u' ka kaba zini ndi bi suron didima, biwa ba ya da tsro bari game.
3 Thou therefore suffer affliction as a good souldier of Iesus Christ.
Vu suron di sha yah ni me na ndi u' taku didima u Kristi yesu.
4 No man that warreth, entangleth himselfe with the affaires of this life, because he woulde please him that hath chosen him to be a souldier.
Indi 'u taku wa ahei ni bubu ku ana vu kpie loh ni kpama wa a ni you suron ni bana, dun ani son da ti kpe wa ani bi ni ndi wa ahan you ni bitaku'a.
5 And if any man also striue for a Masterie, he is not crowned, except he striue as he ought to doe.
Inde ndi wa asi vu yere ni roh, bana loh nze ni na, sei avu yere dede.
6 The husbandman must labour before he receiue the fruites.
A mla di ndi u' ron wa a tiyah du guci ri yah ma.
7 Consider what I say: and the Lord giue thee vnderstanding in all things:
Rhi mere nitu kpei wa me si hla, naki Bachi ni noyi ganiwa ni mi ko gey.
8 Remember that Iesus Christ, made of the seede of Dauid, was raysed againe from the dead according to my Gospel,
Rhi mere Yesu Kristi a rji ni grji Dauda, wa bazu rji nimi be'a. Ahi wayi hi ton du tre'a.
9 Wherein I suffer trouble as an euill doer, euen vnto bondes: but the worde of God is not bounde.
Na di misi ti yah har ba loh me ni sarka na ndi u yib, ama bana loh tre Rji na.
10 Therefore I suffer all things, for the elects sake, that they might also obtaine the saluation which is in Christ Iesus, with eternall glorie. (aiōnios g166)
Naki me vu suron ni kpie ba wawu'u sabo ni ndi bi wa ba hlaba du baba me kpa ceto wa ahei ni mi Kristi Yesu ni daraja u' tutrun. (aiōnios g166)
11 It is a true saying, For if we be dead together with him, we also shall liue together with him.
Ikpei yi hi tre u' jajima, la “inde ki kuque ni 'u', i'kita me ki sun ni' u' la.
12 If we suffer, we shall also reigne together with him: if we denie him, he also will denie vs.
Inde ki vu susroun, kiyi mulki ni 'u' la “inde ki tre di kina toh na, iwawu me ni tre di wawu na toh ta game na.
13 If we beleeue not, yet abideth he faithfull: he cannot denie himselfe.
Inde kita ki na hei ni jaji na, wawu hei ni jaji la wawu na iya tre di wawu na toh tu ma na im.
14 Of these things put them in remembrance, and protest before the Lord, that they striue not about wordes, which is to no profit, but to the peruerting of the hearers.
Ta hla kpie bi yi ni bau' yarhan ni ba ni shishi, Rji ni tu vie u yieu; ana hei ni amfani na naki bi wa ba si woh, ana bi na. iftift ikpie bi didima baba Greek bi sen ba bla, ifqa. yarhan ni ba ni shishi Bachi ifqa if.
15 Studie to shewe thy selfe approued vnto God, a workeman that needeth not to be ashamed, diuiding the worde of trueth aright.
Ti iyakaci kokari me di jin tume ye ni Rji na wa ba kpayeim niwu na ndi 'u du wa ahei ni dalili u klu shan, wa ani tsro ba tre gyegyer.
16 Stay prophane, and vaine babblings: for they shall encrease vnto more vngodlinesse.
Na kpa yeim ni tre bi meme ma wa ani jin kpie wa ana bina nikon Rji.
17 And their worde shall fret as a canker: of which sort is Hymeneus and Philetus,
Tre ba ani kagon na lilo tio miji. Ni nimba Hymenaeus ba Filestus.
18 Which as concerning ye trueth haue erred from the marke, saying that the resurrection is past alreadie, and do destroy the faith of certaine.
Wa ba yi' ba shishi da don tre jaji. ba tre di tashem ni be'a a riga da kle ye, ba du gbarju bi jaji grji she me.
19 But the foundation of God remaineth sure, and hath this seale, The Lord knoweth who are his: and, Let euery one that calleth on the Name of Christ, depart from iniquitie.
Naki zi chi koh Rji krie gbagban don ahei ni hatimi “Bachi atoh bi wa ba hi bima, ndi wa ani you de Bachi, ka don kon meme'a.
20 Notwithstanding in a great house are not onely vessels of gold and of siluer, but also of wood and of earth, and some for honour, and some vnto dishonour.
Ni ko rigar, kpie ba hei ni mi, ana kpie zinariya ba azurfa ni kagrji na ni u kukro ba meme, bari he ni daraja bari ba ni yah.
21 If any man therefore purge him selfe from these, he shalbe a vessell vnto honour, sanctified, and meete for the Lord, and prepared vnto euery good worke.
Inde di wa agla kpama rju ni mi raishi aminci wa hi kpie u didima ' Ba chu zi kan wa ndi u koh ni ti du ni 'u, naki bata tidu didima niu'
22 Flee also from the lustes of youth, and follow after righteousnes, faith, loue, and peace, with them that call on the Lord with pure heart,
Ka kpie bi wa wu tatiba ni ze me you ga, di hu adalci, bangaskiya ni son ni sun si baba bi you de Bachi ni mi dri u didima.
23 And put away foolish and vnlearned questions, knowing that they ingender strife.
Na woh mie u bi ruru baba bi wa bana toh kpe na. U toh di ba grji senyeiu
24 But the seruant of ye Lord must not striue, but must be gentle toward all men, apt to teache, suffering the euill,
Indi wa hi wu Bachi du na vie na. naki sei ka ti didi ni ndi wawu, wa ani ya tsro ni vu suron.
25 Instructing them with meekenesse that are contrary minded, prouing if God at any time will giue them repentance, that they may acknowledge the trueth,
Ni mi tre didi ani tre bi wa basi vie. naki ko irji ni du ba tuba da toh janji.
26 And come to amendment out of that snare of the deuil, of whom they are taken prisoners, to doe his will.
Da chu tu ba rju nimi troko ibrji don igran Bachi avu ba ni vie ji hi ni mere Irji.

< 2 Timothy 2 >