< 2 Samuel 22 >

1 And Dauid spake the woordes of this song vnto the Lord, what time the Lord had deliuered him out of the handes of all his enemies, and out of the hand of Saul.
David sang HERREN denne Sang, dengang HERREN havde frelst ham af alle hans Fjenders og af Sauls Haand.
2 And he sayd, The Lord is my rocke and my fortresse, and he that deliuereth mee.
Han sang: »HERRE, min Klippe, min Borg, min Befrier,
3 God is my strength, in him will I trust: my shielde, and the horne of my saluation, my hie tower and my refuge: my Sauiour, thou hast saued me from violence.
min Gud, mit Bjerg, hvortil jeg tyr, mit Skjold, mit Frelseshorn, mit Værn, min Tilflugt, min Frelser, som frelser mig fra Vold!
4 I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praysed: so shall I be safe from mine enemies.
Jeg paakalder HERREN, den Højlovede, og frelses fra mine Fjender.
5 For the pangs of death haue compassed me: the floods of vngodlinesse haue made mee afrayd.
Dødens Brændinger omsluttede mig, Ødelæggelsens Strømme forfærdede mig,
6 The sorowes of the graue compassed mee about: the snares of death ouertooke mee. (Sheol h7585)
Dødsrigets Reb omspændte mig, Dødens Snarer faldt over mig; (Sheol h7585)
7 But in my tribulation did I call vpon the Lord, and crie to my God, and he did heare my voyce out of his temple, and my crie did enter into his eares.
i min Vaande paakaldte jeg HERREN og raabte til min Gud. Han hørte min Røst fra sin Helligdom, mit Raab fandt ind til hans Ører!
8 Then the earth trembled and quaked: the foundations of the heauens mooued and shooke, because he was angrie.
Da rystede Jorden og skjalv, Himlens Grundvolde bæved og rysted, thi hans Vrede blussede op.
9 Smoke went out at his nostrels, and consuming fire out of his mouth: coles were kindled thereat.
Røg for ud af hans Næse, fortærende Ild af hans Mund, Gløder gnistrede fra ham.
10 He bowed the heauens also, and came downe, and darkenes was vnder his feete.
Han sænkede Himlen, steg ned med Skymulm under sine Fødder;
11 And he rode vpon Cherub and did flie, and hee was seene vpon the winges of the winde.
baaret af Keruber fløj han, svæved paa Vindens Vinger;
12 And hee made darkenesse a Tabernacle round about him, euen the gatherings of waters, and the cloudes of the ayre.
han omgav sig med Mulm som en Bolig, mørke Vandmasser, vandfyldte Skyer.
13 At the brightnesse of his presence the coles of fire were kindled.
Fra Glansen foran ham for der Hagl og Ildgløder ud.
14 The Lord thundred from heauen, and the most hie gaue his voyce.
HERREN tordned fra Himlen, den Højeste lod høre sin Røst;
15 He shot arrowes also, and scattered them: to wit, lightning, and destroyed them.
han udslynged Pile, adsplittede dem, lod Lynene funkle og skræmmede dem.
16 The chanels also of the sea appeared, euen the foundations of the worlde were discouered by the rebuking of the Lord, and at the blast of the breath of his nostrels.
Havets Bund kom til Syne, Jordens Grundvolde blottedes ved HERRENS Trusel, for hans Vredes Pust.
17 He sent from aboue, and tooke me: hee drewe me out of many waters.
Han udrakte Haanden fra det høje og greb mig, drog mig op af de vældige Vande,
18 He deliuered me from my strong enemie, and from them that hated me: for they were too strong for me.
frelste mig fra mine mægtige Fjender, fra mine Avindsmænd; de var mig for stærke.
19 They preuented me in the day of my calamitie, but the Lord was my stay,
Paa min Ulykkes Dag faldt de over mig, men HERREN blev mig et Værn.
20 And brought me foorth into a large place: he deliuered me, because he fauoured me.
Han førte mig ud i aabent Land, han frelste mig, thi han havde Behag i mig.
21 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousnesse: according to the purenesse of mine handes he recompensed me.
HERREN gengældte mig efter min Retfærd, lønned mig efter mine Hænders Uskyld;
22 For I kept the wayes of the Lord, and did not wickedly against my God.
thi jeg holdt mig til HERRENS Veje, svigted i Gudløshed ikke min Gud;
23 For all his lawes were before me, and his statutes: I did not depart therefrom.
hans Bud stod mig alle for Øje, jeg veg ikke fra hans Love.
24 I was vpright also towarde him, and haue kept me from my wickednesse.
Ustraffelig var jeg for ham og vogtede mig for Brøde.
25 Therefore the Lord did reward me according to my righteousnesse, according to my purenesse before his eyes.
HERREN lønned mig efter min Retfærd, mine Hænders Uskyld, som var ham for Øje!
26 With the godly thou wilt shewe thy selfe godly: with the vpright man thou wilt shew thy selfe vpright.
Du viser dig from mod den fromme, retsindig mod den retsindige,
27 With the pure thou wilt shewe thy selfe pure, and with the frowarde thou wilt shew thy selfe frowarde.
du viser dig ren mod den rene og vrang mod den svigefulde.
28 Thus thou wilt saue the poore people: but thine eyes are vpon the hautie to humble them.
De arme giver du Frelse, hovmodiges Øjne Skam!
29 Surely thou art my light, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkenes.
Ja, du er min Lampe, HERRE! HERREN opklarer mit Mørke.
30 For by thee haue I broken through an hoste, and by my God haue I leaped ouer a wall.
Thi ved din Hjælp søndrer jeg Mure, ved min Guds Hjælp springer jeg over Volde.
31 The way of God is vncorrupt: the word of the Lord is tryed in the fire: he is a shield to all that trust in him.
Fuldkommen er Guds Vej, lutret er HERRENS Ord. Han er et Skjold for alle, der sætter deres Lid til ham.
32 For who is God besides the Lord? and who is mightie, saue our God?
Ja, hvem er Gud uden HERREN, hvem er en Klippe uden vor Gud,
33 God is my strength in battel, and maketh my way vpright.
den Gud, der omgjorded mig med Kraft, jævnede Vejen for mig,
34 He maketh my feete like hindes feete, and hath set me vpon mine hie places.
gjorde mine Fødder som Hindens og gav mig Fodfæste paa Højne,
35 He teacheth mine handes to fight, so that a bowe of brasse is broken with mine armes.
oplærte min Haand til Krig, saa mine Arme spændte Kobberbuen?
36 Thou hast also giuen me the shield of thy saluation, and thy louing kindnesse hath caused me to increase.
Du gav mig din Frelses Skjold, din Nedladelse gjorde mig stor;
37 Thou hast inlarged my steppes vnder me, and mine heeles haue not slid.
du skaffede Plads for mine Skridt, mine Ankler vaklede ikke.
38 I haue pursued mine enemies and destroyed them, and haue not turned againe vntill I had consumed them.
Jeg jog mine Fjender, indhentede dem, vendte først om, da de var gjort til intet,
39 Yea, I haue consumed them and thrust them through, and they shall not arise, but shall fall vnder my feete.
slog dem ned, saa de ej kunde rejse sig, men laa faldne under min Fod.
40 For thou hast girded me with power to battell, and them that arose against me, hast thou subdued vnder me.
Du omgjorded mig med Kraft til Kampen, mine Modstandere tvang du i Knæ for mig;
41 And thou hast giuen me the neckes of mine enemies, that I might destroy them that hate me.
du slog mine Fjender paa Flugt mine Avindsmænd ryddede jeg af Vejen.
42 They looked about, but there was none to saue them, euen vnto the Lord, but he answered them not.
De raabte, men ingen hjalp, til HERREN, han svared dem ikke.
43 Then did I beate them as small as the dust of the earth: I did treade them flat as the clay of the streete, and did spread them abroad.
Jeg knuste dem som Jordens Støv, som Gadeskarn tramped jeg paa dem.
44 Thou hast also deliuered me from the contentions of my people: thou hast preserued me to be the head ouer nations: the people which I knewe not, doe serue me.
Du friede mig af Folkekampe, du satte mig til Folkeslags Høvding; nu tjener mig ukendte Folk;
45 Strangers shalbe in subiection to me: assoone as they heare, they shall obey me.
Udlandets Sønner kryber for mig; blot de hører om mig, lyder de mig:
46 Strangers shall shrinke away, and feare in their priuie chambers.
Udlandets Sønner vansmægter, kommer skælvende frem af deres Skjul.
47 Let the Lord liue, and blessed be my strength: and God, euen the force of my saluation be exalted.
HERREN lever, højlovet min Klippe, ophøjet være min Frelses Gud,
48 It is God that giueth me power to reuenge me, and subdue the people vnder me,
den Gud, som giver mig Hævn, lægger Folkeslag under min Fod
49 And rescueth me from mine enemies: (thou also hast lift me vp from them that rose against me, thou hast deliuered me from the cruell man.
og frier mig fra mine Fjender! Du ophøjer mig over mine Modstandere, fra Voldsmænd frelser du mig.
50 Therefore I will praise thee, O Lord amog the nations, and will sing vnto thy Name)
HERRE, derfor priser jeg dig blandt Folkene og lovsynger dit Navn,
51 He is the tower of saluation for his King, and sheweth mercie to his anointed, euen to Dauid, and to his seede for euer.
du, som kraftig hjælper din Konge og viser din Salvede Miskundhed. David og hans Æt evindelig.«

< 2 Samuel 22 >