< 2 Samuel 21 >

1 Then there was a famine in the dayes of Dauid, three yeeres together: and Dauid asked counsell of the Lord, and the Lord answered, It is for Saul, and for his bloodie house, because hee slewe the Gibeonites.
E ndalo loch Daudi, ne nitie kech kuom higni adek moluwore; omiyo Daudi nolamo koywak ni Jehova Nyasaye. To Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ni, “Ma ne otimore nikech remo mane Saulo gi ode ochwero, nikech nonego jo-Gibeon.”
2 Then ye King called the Gibeonites and said vnto them. (Now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but a remnant of the Amorites, vnto whom ye children of Israel had sworne: but Saul sought to slay them for his zeale toward the children of Israel and Iudah)
Ruoth noluongo jo-Gibeon mowuoyo kodgi. To koro jo-Gibeon ne ok gin achiel kuom jo-Israel to ne gin jo-Amor ma notony, kendo jo-Israel nosekwongʼore ni biro weyogi ma ok onegogi, to Saulo kane dwaro gi chunye duto mondo jo-Israel gi jo-Juda ogurre motegno, notemo tiekogi.
3 And Dauid said vnto the Gibeonites, What shall I doe for you, and wherewith shall I make the atonement, that ye may blesse the inheritance of the Lord?
Daudi nopenjo jo-Gibeon niya, “Atimnu angʼo? Ere kaka dalos winjruok mane okethore mondo ugwedhi oganda Jehova Nyasaye?”
4 The Gibeonites then answered him, Wee will haue no siluer nor golde of Saul nor of his house, neither for vs shalt thou kill any man in Israel. And he said, What ye shall say, that will I doe for you.
Jo-Gibeon nodwoke niya, “Waonge ratiro mar dwaro fedha kata dhahabu kuom joka Saulo, to bende waonge gi teko mar nego jo-Israel.” Eka Daudi nopenjogi niya, “Angʼo mudwaro mondo atimnu?”
5 Then they answered the King, The man that consumed vs and that imagined euill against vs, so that we are destroyed from remaining in any coast of Israel,
Ne gikwayo ruoth niya, “To kuom ngʼat mane onegowa kendo mane ochano yo mar hinyowa momiyo waserumo kendo wabedo maonge kar dak kamoro amora e Israel,
6 Let seuen men of his sonnes be deliuered vnto vs, and we will hang them vp vnto the Lord in Gibeah of Saul, the Lordes chosen. And the King said, I will giue them.
yie imiwa nyikwaye machwo abiriyo mondo onegi kendo owegi e nyim Jehova Nyasaye e Gibea e dala Saulo ma en ngʼat Jehova Nyasaye moyier.” Omiyo ruoth nowacho niya, “Abiro miyougi.”
7 But the King had compassion on Mephibosheth the sonne of Ionathan the sonne of Saul, because of the Lordes othe, that was betweene them, euen betweene Dauid and Ionathan the sonne of Saul.
To ruoth ne ongʼwono ma ok ochiwo Mefibosheth wuod Jonathan, ma wuod Saulo, nikech singruok mane Daudi gi Jonathan wuod Saulo otimo e nyim Jehova Nyasaye.
8 But the King tooke the two sonnes of Rizpah the daughter of Aiah, whome shee bare vnto Saul, euen Armoni and Mephibosheth and the fiue sonnes of Michal, the daughter of Saul, whome shee bare to Adriel the sonne of Barzillai the Meholathite.
To ruoth nokawo Armoni gi Mefibosheth ma yawuot Rizpa nyar Aiya mane onywolo ni Saulo, to gi yawuowi abich ma Merab nyar Saulo nonywolo ni Adriel wuod Barzilai, ma ja-Mehola.
9 And hee deliuered them vnto the handes of the Gibeonites, which hanged them in the mountaine before the Lord: so they died all seuen together, and they were slaine in the time of haruest: in the first dayes, and in the beginning of barly haruest.
Nochiwogi ni jo-Gibeon mano onegogi moweyogi ewi got nyim Jehova Nyasaye. Giduto ji abiriyogo notho kanyakla kane oneg-gi e kinde mokwongʼo mag keyo, mana ka ichako kayo shairi.
10 Then Rizpah the daughter of Aiah tooke sackecloth and hanged it vp for her vpon the rocke, from the beginning of haruest, vntill water dropped vpon them from the heauen, and suffered neither the birdes of the aire to light on the by day, nor beasts of the fielde by night.
Rizpa nyar Aiya nokawo pien gugru mopedho ewi lwanda mondo obedie, chakre ndalo keyo nyaka koth nochako chue ka goyo ringre jogo. To noriembo winy mafuyo godiechiengʼ kod le mawuotho gotieno mondo kik cham ringregi.
11 And it was told Dauid, what Rizpah the daughter of Aiah ye concubine of Saul had done.
Kane onyis Daudi gima Rizpa nyar Aiya mane en achiel kuom mond Saulo mamoko, nosetimo,
12 And Dauid went and tooke the bones of Saul and the bones of Ionathan his sonne from the citizens of Iabesh Gilead, which had stollen them from the streete of Beth-shan, where the Philistims had hanged them, when the Philistims had slaine Saul in Gilboa.
nodhi mokawo choke Saulo gi mag wuode Jonathan ka ogologi kuom oganda jo-Jabesh Gilead. Ne gisekawogi lingʼ-lingʼ koa e paw dala man Beth Shan, kuma jo-Filistia nolierogie bangʼ nego Saulo Gilboa.
13 So hee brought thence the bones of Saul and the bones of Ionathan his sonne, and they gathered the bones of them that were hanged.
Daudi nokelo choke Saulo gi mag wuode Jonathan koa kuno, kod choke mag joma ne oneg mowe oko nochokgi kamoro achiel.
14 And the bones of Saul and of Ionathan his sonne buried they in the coutrey of Beniamin in Zelah, in the graue of Kish his father: and when they had perfourmed all that the King had commanded, God was then appeased with the land.
Negiiko choke Saulo gi mag Jonathan ma wuode e liend Kish wuon Saulo, e Zela e piny Benjamin kendo negitimo gik moko duto ma ruoth nochiko. Bangʼ mano Nyasaye nodwoko lemo mane ilamo ni piny.
15 Againe the Philistims had warre with Israel: and Dauid went downe, and his seruants with him, and they fought against the Philistims, and Dauid fainted.
Lweny nochako bet kendo e kind jo-Filistia gi jo-Israel. Daudi nodhi gi joge mondo oked gi jo-Filistia, kendo nobedo mool.
16 Then Ishi-benob which was of the sonnes of Haraphah (the head of whose speare wayed three hundreth shekels of brasse) euen he being girded with a newe sword, thought to haue slaine Dauid.
To Ishbi-Benob ma en achiel kuom nyikwa Rafa, mane omanore gi tongʼ ma pek mula mane olosgo wiye ne romo kilo adek gi nus kendo ne en-gi ligangla manyien, nowacho ni obiro nego Daudi.
17 But Abishai the sonne of Zeruiah succoured him, and smote the Philistim, and killed him. Then Dauids men sware vnto him, saying, Thou shalt goe no more out with vs to battell, lest thou quench the light of Israel.
To Abishai wuod Zeruya nobiro moreso Daudi mi nogoyo ja-Filistia monego. Eka jolweny mag Daudi nosingorene kawacho niya, “Ok inichak iwuog kodwa kidhi e lweny, nikech dipo ka tach Israel otho.”
18 And after this also there was a battell with the Philistims at Gob, then Sibbechai the Hushathite slewe Saph, which was one of ye sonnes of Haraphah.
Bangʼ kinde manok, ne nitie lweny machielo gi jo-Filistia e piny Gob. E kindeno Sibekai ma ja-Hushath nonego Saf, achiel kuom nyikwa Rafa.
19 And there was yet another battel in Gob with the Philistims, where Elhanah the sonne of Iaare-oregim, a Bethlehemite slewe Goliath the Gittite: the staffe of whose speare was like a weauers beame.
E lweny machielo gi jo-Filistia e piny Gob Elhanan wuod Jare-Oregim ma ja-Bethlehem nonego Goliath, ja-Giti ma bond tonge chalo lodi.
20 Afterward there was also a battel in Gath, where was a man of a great stature, and had on euerie hand sixe fingers, and on euerie foote sixe toes, foure and twentie in nomber: who was also the sonne of Haraphah.
Lweny machielo nochako owuok Gath, kama ne nitie ngʼat marabet mane nigi lith lwedo auchiel gi lith tielo auchiel koni gi koni, lith lwetene gi mag tiendene koriw to ne romo piero ariyo gangʼwen. En bende ne en nyakwar Rafa.
21 And when hee reuiled Israel, Ionathan the sonne of Shima the brother of Dauid slewe him.
En bende kane ojaro jo-Israel to Jonathan wuod Shimea ma owadgi Daudi nonege.
22 These foure were borne to Haraphah in Gath, and died by the hande of Dauid and by the hands of his seruants.
Ji angʼwen-gi mane nyikwa Rafa ma ja-Gath, nonegi gi Daudi kod joge.

< 2 Samuel 21 >