< 2 Samuel 12 >

1 Then the Lord sent Nathan vnto Dauid, who came to him, and sayd vnto him, There were two men in one citie, the one riche, and the other poore.
Jehova Nyasaye nooro Nathan ir Daudi. Kane ochopo ire nowachone niya, “Ne nitie ji ariyo moko e dala moro; achiel ne jamoko to machielo nodhier.
2 The rich man had exceeding many sheepe and oxen:
Jamoko ne nigi rombe mangʼeny gi dhok,
3 But the poore had none at all, saue one litle sheepe which he had bought, and nourished vp: and it grew vp with him, and with his children also, and did eate of his owne morsels, and dranke of his owne cup, and slept in his bosome, and was vnto him as his daughter.
to ngʼat modhier to ne onge gimoro makmana nyarombo ma sibini achiel mane osengʼiewo. Norite maber mana kaka norito nyithinde owuon. Nyarombono nopogone chiembe mochamo, ne omodho e okombene kendo nonindo e bade. Ne ochalne mana ka nyathine ma nyako.
4 Now there came a stranger vnto the rich man, who refused to take of his owne sheepe, and of his owne oxen to dresse for the stranger that was come vnto him, but tooke the poore mans sheepe, and dressed it for the man that was come to him.
“Koro jawuoth moro nobiro ir jamoko-cha, to jamokono ne ok okawo achiel kuom rombe kata dhoge mondo oyangʼ ni jawuodhno mane obiro ireno. Kata kamano, nyarombo ma sibini mar jadhierno ema noyangʼone wendo mane obiro ire.”
5 Then Dauid was exceeding wroth with the man, and sayde to Nathan, As the Lord liueth, the man that hath done this thing, shall surely dye,
Mirima malich ne omako Daudi gi ngʼatno mowachone Nathan niya, “Akwongʼora gi nying Jehova Nyasaye mangima ni ngʼat mane otimo kama owinjore otho!
6 And he shall restore the lambe foure folde, because he did this thing, and had no pitie thereof.
Nyaka ochul kar rombono moloyo nyadingʼwen, nikech ne otimo gima chalo kama, ka chunye onge gi kech.”
7 Then Nathan sayd to Dauid, Thou art the man. Thus sayth the Lord God of Israel, I anoynted thee King ouer Israel, and deliuered thee out of the hand of Saul,
Eka Nathan nodimbo wach ne Daudi niya, “In e ngʼatno! Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye, ma Nyasach Israel wacho: ‘Ne awiri mondo ibed ruoth Israel, ne agoli e lwet Saulo.
8 And gaue thee thy lordes house, and thy lords wiues into thy bosome, and gaue thee the house of Israel, and of Iudah, and would moreouer (if that had bene too litle) haue giuen thee such and such things.
Ne amiyi od ruodhi mondo obed mari, kendo naketo monde ruodhi e lweti. Ne amiyi dhout Israel gi dhood Juda. To ka magi ne ok oromi to pod ne anyalo miyi moko.
9 Wherefore hast thou despised the commandement of the Lord, to doe euill in his sight? thou hast killed Vriah the Hittite with ye sworde, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slaine him with the sworde of the children of Ammon.
Angʼo momiyo isechayo wach Jehova Nyasaye ka itimo gima rach machal kama e wangʼe? Ne inego Uria ja-Hiti gi ligangla mi ikawo chiege mondo obed mari iwuon. Ne inege gi ligangla jo-Amon.
10 Now therefore the sworde shall neuer depart from thine house, because thou hast despised me, and taken the wife of Vriah the Hittite to be thy wife.
Kuom mano, negruok gi ligangla ok norum e odi, nikech ne ichaya mi ikawo chi Uria ja-Hiti mobedo mari iwuon.’
11 Thus sayth the Lord, Behold, I will rayse vp euil against thee out of thine owne house, and will take thy wiues before thine eyes, and giue them vnto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wiues in the sight of this sunne.
“Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye wacho: ‘Anakelni masira kowuok e odi iwuon. Mana kineno kama gi wangʼi iwuon abiro kawo mondi kendo miyogi achiel kuom joma chiegni kodi, kendo obiro terore kod mondegi odiechiengʼ alanga.
12 For thou diddest it secretly: but I will doe this thing before all Israel, and before the sunne.
Nitimo gino apanda, to an abiro timo ma odiechiengʼ alanga e nyim jo-Israel.’”
13 Then Dauid sayde vnto Nathan, I haue sinned against the Lord. And Nathan sayde vnto Dauid, The Lord also hath put away thy sinne, thou shalt not die.
Eka Daudi nowachone Nathan niya, “Asekethone Jehova Nyasaye.” Nathan nodwoko niya, “Jehova Nyasaye oseweyoni richoni. Ok ibi tho.
14 Howbeit because by this deede thou hast caused the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the childe that is borne vnto thee shall surely die.
To nikech gima isetimo, isemiyo jowasigu ojaro Jehova Nyasaye, omiyo wuodi monywolno biro tho.”
15 So Nathan departed vnto his house: and the Lord stroke the childe that Vriahs wife bare vnto Dauid, and it was sicke.
Bangʼ kane Nathan osedhi dala, Jehova Nyasaye nogoyo nyathi ma chi Uria nosenywolo ni Daudi gi tuo.
16 Dauid therefore besought God for the childe, and fasted and went in, and lay all night vpon the earth.
Daudi nolamo Nyasaye mondo kik nyathi tho. Notweyo chiemo kendo nodhi e ode mi onindo piny e lowo otieno ka otieno.
17 Then the Elders of his house arose to come vnto him, and to cause him to rise from the groud: but he would not, neither did he eate meate with them.
Jodongo mag ode nochungʼ bathe mondo gichunge owe nindo piny e lowo, to notamore, kendo ne ok onyal chamo chiemo moro amora.
18 So on the seuenth day the child dyed: and the seruants of Dauid feared to tell him that the childe was dead: for they sayde, Beholde, while the childe was aliue, we spake vnto him, and he woulde not hearken vnto our voyce: how then shall we say vnto him, The childe is dead, to vexe him more?
To chiengʼ mar abiriyo nyathi notho, jotij Daudi ne luor nyise ni nyathi osetho, nikech negiparo niya, “Kane nyathi pod ngima, ne wawuoyo gi Daudi to ne ok owinjowa. Koro to wadhi wacho ne nangʼo ka nyathi osetho? Onyalo timo gimoro marach.”
19 But when Dauid sawe that his seruantes whispered, Dauid perceiued that the childe was dead: therefore Dauid sayde vnto his seruants, Is the childe dead? And they sayd, He is dead.
Daudi noneno ka jotije kuodho wach kendgi mine ongʼeyo ni nyathi osetho. Nopenjo niya, “Nyathi osetho?” Negidwoke niya, “Ee, osetho.”
20 Then Dauid arose from the earth, and washed and anoynted himselfe, and changed his apparell, and came into the house of the Lord, and worshipped, and afterward came to his owne house, and bade that they should set bread before him, and he did eate.
Daudi noa malo e lowo. Kane oseluokore, nowirore gi mo moloko lewni mane orwako, nodhi e od Jehova Nyasaye mi olemo. Bangʼe nodhi e ode owuon, mine okwayo chiemo momiye mochamo.
21 Then saide his seruants vnto him, What thing is this, that thou hast done? thou diddest fast and weepe for the childe while it was aliue, but when the childe was dead, thou diddest rise vp, and eate meate.
Jotije nopenje niya, “Itimori kama nangʼo? Kane nyathi pod ngima, ne itweyo chiemo kendo ne iywak. To ka nyathi koro osetho, to ichungʼ kendo ichiemo!”
22 And he sayde, While the childe was yet aliue, I fasted, and wept: for I sayde, Who can tell whether God will haue mercy on me, that the childe may liue?
Nodwokogi niya, “Kane nyathi pod ngima ne atweyo chiemo kendo aywak. Nikech ne aparo ni, ‘Ngʼama dingʼe? Dipo ka Jehova Nyasaye nyalo timona ngʼwono miwe nyathi obed mangima.’
23 But now being dead, wherefore shoulde I now fast? Can I bring him againe any more? I shall goe to him, but he shall not returne to me.
To nikech koro osetho, angʼo dimi atwe chiemo? Bende daduoge obed mangima? An ema abiro dhi ire to en ok onyal duogo ira.”
24 And Dauid comforted Bath-sheba his wife, and went in vnto her, and lay with her, and she bare a sonne, and he called his name Salomon: also the Lord loued him.
Daudi nohoyo Bathsheba chiege, nodhi ire mobedo kode e achiel. Nonywolo wuowi kendo negichake ni Solomon. Jehova Nyasaye ne ohere;
25 For the Lord had sent by Nathan the Prophet: therefore he called his name Iedidiah, because the Lord loued him.
kendo nikech Jehova Nyasaye nohere, nomiyo Nathan janabi wach ni mondo ochake ni Jedidia.
26 Then Ioab fought against Rabbah of the children of Ammon, and tooke the citie of the kingdome.
Kata kamano Joab nodhi nyime kedo gi Raba e piny jo-Amon kendo nomako kar ruoth mochiel motegno.
27 Therefore Ioab sent messengers to Dauid, saying, I haue fought against Rabbah, and haue taken the citie of waters.
Joab nooro joote ir Daudi, kowacho niya, “Asekedo gi Raba ma amako kargi mar pi.
28 Now therefore gather the rest of the people together, and besiege the city, that thou mayest take it, lest the victorie be attributed to me.
Koro bi gi jolweny duto mondo ilwor dala maduongʼ kendo ikawe. Ka ok kamano to abiro kawo dala maduongʼno kendo ibiro luonge gi nyinga.”
29 So Dauid gathered al the people together, and went against Rabbah, and besieged it, and tooke it.
Omiyo Daudi nochoko jolweny duto modhigo Raba mi omonje kendo okawe.
30 And he tooke their Kings crowne from his head, (which weighed a talent of golde, with precious stones) and it was set on Dauids head: and he brought away the spoyle of the citie in exceeding great abundance.
Nogolo osimbo mar duongʼ ewi ruodhgi, ma pek dhahabu mane olosego ne romo kilo piero adek gangʼwen kendo noduse gi kite ma nengogi tek mi osidhne Daudi. Noyako gik mangʼeny e dala maduongʼno
31 And he carryed away the people that was therein, and put them vnder sawes, and vnder yron harowes, and vnder axes of yron, and cast them into the tyle kylne: euen thus did he with all the cities of the children of Ammon. Then Dauid and all the people returned vnto Ierusalem.
kendo nokawo ji duto mane ni e dalano, moketogi e tij ngʼeto gi musimeno kod tiyo gi chumbe gi ledhi; bende ne oketogi jolos matafare. Notimo ma ni mier duto mag jo-Amon. Eka Daudi gi jolwenje duto nodok Jerusalem.

< 2 Samuel 12 >