< 2 Peter 3 >
1 This seconde Epistle I nowe write vnto you, beloued, wherewith I stirre vp, and warne your pure mindes,
lino nikukulembela uve ghwe mughanike ikalata iji ja vuvili neke kukusimula ku luhala,
2 To call to remembrance the wordes, which were tolde before of the holy Prophetes, and also the commandement of vs the Apostles of the Lord and Sauiour.
neke kuuti uwesie kukumbuka amasio ghanoghakajovilue ye vakyale avavili avimike ni ndaghilo ja Mutwa ghwitu nu mpoki kwa kutumila avasung'hwa.
3 This first vnderstande, that there shall come in the last dayes, mockers, which wil walke after their lustes,
ukagule ili taasi, kuuti avakaning'hani vilikwisa mu fighono fya vusililo kukuvakana umue, na kulutila palikimo ni noghelua saavo.
4 And say, Where is the promise of his comming? for since the fathers died, all things continue alike from the beginning of the creation.
na kuposia kuuti lulikughi ulufingo lwa kugomoka? avaatwa viitu valyafwile, na fi finu fyoni filyale nahele kuhuma muvwandilo vwa vuvumbi.
5 For this they willingly know not, that the heauens were of olde, and the earth that was of the water and by the water, by the word of God.
vakahwene vasyemilue kuuti iisi na kukyanya fikatengwile kuhumila mu malenga, ku lisio lya Nguluve.
6 Wherefore the worlde that then was, perished, ouerflowed with the water.
na kuuti ilisio lyake na malenga jikava iisi ku n'siki ughuo, ndeve jikamemile amalenga jikanangika.
7 But the heauens and earth, which are nowe, are kept by the same word in store, and reserued vnto fire against the day of condemnation, and of the destruction of vngodly men.
neke lino kukyanya na pa iisi sivikilue ku lisio lililio vwimila umwoto. fivikilue vwimila ikighono kya kuhighua na kubudua vano nava Nguluve.
8 Dearely beloued, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord, as a thousande yeeres, and a thousande yeeres as one day.
vaghanike iji najilikwepesia imhola jaako, kuuti ikighono kimo kwa Mutwa ghahwene maka... na maka... kihwene kighono kimo.
9 The Lord of that promise is not slacke (as some men count slackenesse) but is pacient toward vs, and would haue no man to perish, but would all men to come to repentance.
nakwekuti uMutwa ivomba lukeluke kumalikisia ulufingo, ndavule fino tusagha kuuti fye luliiva, neke umwene nya lugudo vwimila jiinu umwene nainoghelua nambe jumonga afue, neke inoghelua kukwongelesia un'siku kuuti mweni mukave kulaata.
10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thiefe in the night, in the which the heauens shall passe away with a noyse, and the elements shall melt with heate, and the earth with the workes that are therein, shalbe burnt vp.
nambe ikighono kya Nguluve kilikwisa hwene mulyasi, in'kyanya... jilikila kwa kutosia ikelele... ifinu vilinyanyua nu mwoto. iisi ni finu fyoni fino mwefile filiiva pavuvalafu.
11 Seeing therefore that all these thinges must be dissolued, what maner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersation and godlinesse,
ulwakuva ifinu fyoni filibudua ku sila iji, pe ghuliva muunhu muki kukukala mwimike mu vwumi vwa Nguluve.
12 Looking for, and hasting vnto the comming of that day of God, by the which the heauens being on fire, shall be dissolued, and the elements shall melt with heate?
lutuvaghiile kukagula ng'haaning'haani lwake, uvwisilo vwa kighono kwa Nguluve. ikighono ikio kilinyanyua nu mwoto. ni finu filiyeyuka nu lufuke ulukali.
13 But wee looke for newe heauens, and a newe earth, according to his promise, wherein dwelleth righteousnesse.
neke kuhumilanila nu lufingo lwake, tughula in'kyanya imia ni iisi imia pano avanyakyang'hani vilikukala.
14 Wherefore, beloued, seeing that yee looke for such thinges, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot and blamelesse.
lino vaghanike ulwakuva tuhuvila ifinu ifi, mwitange kuva maaso kange kisila lupikano na kuuva nu lughano palikino nu mwene.
15 And suppose that the long suffering of our Lord is saluation, euen as our beloued brother Paul according to the wisedome giuen vnto him wrote to you,
na kugadilila ulugudo lwa Mutwa ghwitu mu vuvangi, ndavule lumbu liitu u Paulo vule akavalembile umue, kuhumilanila mu vukoola vuno akapelilue.
16 As one, that in all his Epistles speaketh of these thinges: among the which some thinges are hard to be vnderstand, which they that are vnlearned and vnstable, wrest, as they do also other Scriptures vnto their owne destruction.
UPaulo ijova isio sooni mu kalata sake, kuli ni fiinu fino fyumu kukwelevua. avaanhu avasila sooni nu vukangafu vafinanginie ifinu ifio, ndavule vivomba mu malembe kulutila uvufue vwave....
17 Ye therefore beloued, seeing ye know these thinges before, beware, lest ye be also plucked away with the errour of the wicked, and fall from your owne stedfastnesse.
lino vaghanike ulwakuva mukagwile aghuo, mujimililaghe jumue neke kuuti namungasyanguaghe nu vusyangi va vadesi na kusofia uvunywilifu.
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ: to him be glory both now and for euermore. Amen. (aiōn )
pepano mukulaghe mu vumosi nu vumanyi vwa Mutwa nu m'poki ghitu uYesu Kilisite. kange uvwimike vuli nu mwene lino nifighono fyoni. (aiōn )