< 2 Peter 1 >
1 Simon Peter a seruant and an Apostle of Iesus Christ, to you which haue obteined like precious faith with vs by the righteousnesse of our God and Sauiour Iesus Christ:
Njame, Shimoni Petulo, musebenshi kayi mutumwa wa Yesu Klistu, ndalembelenga bantu balatambula lushomo ulo nenjafwe ndotwalatambula. Balalutambula cebo ca bululami bwa Lesa ne Mupulushi wetu Yesu Klistu.
2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you, through the acknowledging of God, and of Iesus our Lord,
Lesa amunyumfwile nkumbo nekumupa lumuno lwesula pakumwishiba Lesa ne Yesu Mwami wetu.
3 According as his diuine power hath giuen vnto vs all things that perteine vnto life and godlinesse, through the acknowledging of him that hath called vs vnto glory and vertue.
Lesa mwangofu shakendi latupa byonse mbyetulayandanga mubuyumi bwa ciklistu kupitila mulwinshibo lwa uyo walatukuweti tuyabane bulemu ne kwina kwakendi.
4 Whereby most great and precious promises are giuen vnto vs, that by them ye should be partakers of the diuine nature, in that ye flee the corruption, which is in the worlde through lust.
Munshila ilico latupa cipo cinene cilayandikinga ncalatulaya, kwambeti kupitila mubipo bilicisa mukakonshe kuleya lunkumbwa lwaipa luli mucishici, kwambeti mutambuleko buyumi bwa Lesa.
5 Therefore giue euen all diligence thereunto: ioyne moreouer vertue with your faith: and with vertue, knowledge:
Lino kamubani nempapa musankanye mikalilo yaina pa lushomo lwenu, nawo mano mwasankanye pa mikalilo yenu yaina,
6 And with knowledge, temperance: and with temperance, patience: and with patience, godlines:
kayi pa mano musankanyepo kulikanisha, pakulikanisha musankanyepo kulimbikila, kayi pa kulimbikila musankanyepo buyumi bwa kukambilila Lesa,
7 And with godlines, brotherly kindnes: and with brotherly kindnes, loue.
pabuyumi bwa kukambilila Lesa, musankanyepo nkumbo, pankumbo musankanyepo lusuno.
8 For if these things be among you, and abound, they will make you that ye neither shalbe idle, nor vnfruitfull in the acknowledging of our Lord Iesus Christ:
Na mikalilo iyi ifula mulinjamwe, nteti mukalilwe nekuba babula pindu pa mano akwishiba cena Mwami wetu Yesu Klistu.
9 For he that hath not these things, is blinde, and can not see farre off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his olde sinnes.
Nomba abo babula mikalilo ilicisa bashipilwa, nkabela kubona patali sobwe, kayi balalubu kwambeti balasukwa bwipishi bwabo bwakaindi.
10 Wherefore, brethren, giue rather diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye doe these things, ye shall neuer fall.
Ecebo cakendi mobanse bame, kamubani nekangwabu kwambeti mushininkisheti Lesa ewalamukuwa nekumusala. Mwenseco nkamwela kuwa mulushomo sobwe.
11 For by this meanes an entring shalbe ministred vnto you aboundantly into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. (aiōnios )
Neco nakamucalwile cishinga cakwingilila mu Bwami butapu bwa Lesa wetu ne mupulushi wetu Yesu Klistu. (aiōnios )
12 Wherefore, I will not be negligent to put you alwayes in remembrance of these things, though that ye haue knowledge, and be stablished in the present trueth.
Ecebo cakendi ame ndayandanga kandimwanusha cindi conse, nambi mucishi ne kushoma ne moyo wonse cancine ncine ncemwalatambula.
13 For I thinke it meete as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stirre you vp by putting you in remembrance,
Ndabonongeti caina kwambeti kandicili muyumi ndimuyuminishenga pakumwanushako.
14 Seeing I knowe that the time is at hand that I must lay downe this my tabernacle, euen as our Lord Iesus Christ hath shewed me.
Pakwinga ndicisheti ndilipepi kufwa, mbuli Yesu Klistu ncalanjishibisha.
15 I will endeuour therefore alwayes, that ye also may be able to haue remembrance of these things after my departing.
Nomba ninjelekeshe kubambeti nambi nkafumepo mukapitilishe kubyanuka cindi conse.
16 For we followed not deceiuable fables when we opened vnto you the power, and comming of our Lord Iesus Christ, but with our eyes we saw his maiestie:
Afwe tuliya kukonkela tulabi, mpotwalamwishibisha kwisa kwangofu kwa Mwami wetu Yesu Klistu. Nsombi twalensa kubona ne menso etu bukulene bwakendi.
17 For he receiued of God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voyce to him from that excellent glory, This is my beloued Sonne, in whom I am well pleased.
Neye walatambula bulemu bunene kuli Lesa Bata, mpwalanyumfwika maswi alafuma kuli Bata Balemekeshewa kupita bonse akwambeti, “Uyu e Mwaname ngonsuni, mulyendiye ndakondwa”
18 And this voyce we heard when it came from heauen, being with him in the Holy mount.
Maswi awa alafumina kwilu afwe twalanyumfwa pakwinga twalikuba nendi pa mulundu waswepa usa.
19 We haue also a most sure worde of the Prophets, to the which ye doe well that yee take heede, as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place, vntill the day dawne, and the day starre arise in your hearts.
Neco tucishi lino nditu kwambeti maswi asa abashinshimi nacancinencine. Caina kwambeti lino mulangishishe pa lampi ilamunikinga mumushinshe, mpaka cindi cakumaca ntanda mpweshikatatike kumunika mumyoyo mwenu.
20 So that yee first knowe this, that no prophecie of the Scripture is of any priuate interpretation.
Nomba cakutanguna kamwishibani, paliya muntu wela kucikonsha kusansulula cena maswi abashinshimi alembwa mu Mabala.
21 For the prophecie came not in olde time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moued by the holy Ghost.
Pakwinga maswi abushinshimi aliya kufumina kukuyanda kwa bantu sobwe, nsombi Mushimu Uswepa ewalikubambisha maswi alikufumina kuli Lesa.