< 2 Kings 6 >

1 And the children of the Prophets saide vnto Elisha, Behold, we pray thee, the place where we dwell with thee, is too litle for vs.
Sai ƙungiyar annabawa suka ce wa Elisha, “Duba, wurin da muke taruwa ya kāsa mana.
2 Let vs nowe goe to Iorden, that we may take thence euery man a beame, and make vs a place to dwell in. And he answered, Goe.
Bari mu je Urdun, inda kowannenmu zai saro itace; mu gina inda za mu zauna.” Sai ya ce musu, “Ku je.”
3 And one said, Vouchsafe, I pray thee, to go with thy seruants, and he answered, I will goe.
Sai ɗayansu ya ce, “Ba za ka zo tare da bayinka ba?” Sai Elisha ya ce “Zan zo.”
4 So he went with them, and when they came to Iorden, they cut downe wood.
Ya kuma tafi tare da su. Suka tafi Urdun suka fara saran itatuwa.
5 And as one was felling of a tree, the yron fell into the water: then he cryed, and said, Alas master, it was but borowed.
Yayinda ɗayansu yake cikin saran itace, sai kan gatarin ya fāɗi a ruwa, sai ya ce, “Kash, ranka yă daɗe, kayan aro ne fa!”
6 And the man of God saide, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. Then he cut downe a piece of wood, and cast in thither, and he caused the yron to swimme.
Sai mutumin Allah ya ce, “Daidai ina ya fāɗa?” Da ya nuna masa wurin, sai Elisha ya yanka ɗan sanda ya jefa a wurin, ya sa kan gatarin ya taso sama.
7 Then he saide, Take it vp to thee. And he stretched out his hand, and tooke it.
Sai ya ce masa, “Ka ɗauko.” Sai mutumin ya miƙa hannu ya ɗauka.
8 Then the King of Aram warred against Israel, and tooke counsell with his seruants, and said, In such and such a place shalbe my campe.
To, fa, sarkin Aram yana yaƙi da Isra’ila. Bayan ya tattauna da hafsoshinsa, sai ya ce, “Zan kafa sansanina a wurin kaza da kaza.”
9 Therefore the man of God sent vnto the King of Israel, saying, Beware thou goe not ouer to such a place: for there the Aramites are come downe.
Sai mutumin Allah ya aika wa sarkin Isra’ila cewa, “Ka yi hankali da wuce wuri kaza, domin Arameyawa za su gangara can.”
10 So the King of Israel sent to the place which the man of God tolde him, and warned him of, and saued himselfe from thence, not once, nor twise.
Saboda haka sarkin Isra’ila ya lura da inda mutumin Allah ya ambata. Sau da sau Elisha yakan yi wa sarki kashedi, don haka ya riƙa taka yi tsantsan a wuraren nan.
11 And the heart of the King of Aram was troubled for this thing: therefore he called his seruants and saide vnto them, Will ye not shewe me, which of vs bewrayeth our counsel to the king of Israel?
Wannan ya husata sarkin Aram. Ya kira hafsoshinsa ya tambaye su ya ce, “Ku faɗa mini, wane ne a cikinmu yake gefen sarkin Isra’ila?”
12 Then one of his seruants saide, None, my lorde, O King, but Elisha the Prophet that is in Israel, telleth the King of Israel, euen the wordes that thou speakest in thy priuie chamber.
Sai ɗaya daga cikin hafsoshinsa ya ce, “Babu waninmu, ranka yă daɗe; Elisha, annabin da yake a Isra’ila ne, yake faɗa wa sarkin Isra’ila dukan zancen da ka yi a ɗakinka.”
13 And he said, Goe, and espie where he is, that I may sende and fetch him. And one tolde him, saying, Beholde, he is in Dothan.
Sai sarki ya ba da umarni ya ce, “Ku je ku tabbatar da inda yake don in aika mutane a kamo shi.” Sai ya sami rahoto cewa, “Yana a Dotan.”
14 So he sent thither horses, and charets, and a mightie hoste: and they came by night, and compassed the citie.
Sai ya aika da dawakai da kekunan yaƙi da babban rukunin soja zuwa can. Suka bi dare, suka kewaye birnin.
15 And when the seruant of the man of God arose earely to goe out, beholde, an hoste compassed the citie with horses and charets. Then his seruant sayde vnto him, Alas master, howe shall we doe?
Sa’ad da bawan mutumin Allah ya farka ya kuma fita kashegari da sassafe, sai ga mayaƙa tare da dawakai da kekunan yaƙi sun kewaye birni. Sai bawan ya ce, “Ranka yă daɗe! Me za mu yi?”
16 And he answered, Feare not: for they that be with vs, are moe then they that be with them.
Sai annabin ya ce, “Kada ka ji tsoro, waɗanda suke tare da mu sun fi waɗanda suke tare da su.”
17 Then Elisha prayed, and saide, Lord, I beseech thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the seruant, and he looked, and beholde, the mountaine was full of horses and charets of fyre round about Elisha.
Sa’an nan Elisha ya yi addu’a ya ce, “Ya Ubangiji, ka buɗe idanunsa yă gani!” Sai Ubangiji ya buɗe idanun bawan, ya duba, ya ga tuddai cike da dawakai da keken yaƙin wuta kewaye da Elisha.
18 So they came downe to him, but Elisha prayed vnto the Lord, and said, Smite this people, I pray thee, with blindnesse. And he smote them with blindnes, according to the worde of Elisha.
Yayinda abokan gāba suka gangaro wajensa, sai Elisha ya yi addu’a ga Ubangiji ya ce, “Ka sa mutanen nan su zama makafi.” Sai Ubangiji ya buge su da makanta kamar yadda Elisha ya roƙa.
19 And Elisha said vnto them, This is not the way, neither is this the citie: follow me, and I will leade you to the man whome ye seeke. But he ledde them to Samaria.
Elisha ya ce musu, “Wannan ba ita ce hanyar ba, ba kuma gari ke nan ba, ku bi ni, zan kuwa kai ku wurin mutumin da kuke nema!” Sai ya kai su Samariya.
20 And when they were come to Samaria, Elisha saide, Lord, open their eyes that they may see. And the Lord opened their eyes, and they saw, and beholde, they were in the mids of Samaria.
Bayan suka shiga birnin, sai Elisha ya ce, “Ubangiji, ka buɗe idanun mutanen nan don su gani.” Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya buɗe idanunsu suka ga kansu a tsakiyar Samariya.
21 And the King of Israel sayde vnto Elisha when he sawe them, My father, shall I smite them, shall I smite them?
Da sarkin Isra’ila ya gan su, sai ya tambayi Elisha ya ce, “In kashe su ne, mahaifina? In kashe su?”
22 And he answered, Thou shalt not smite them: doest thou not smite them that thou hast taken with thy sworde, and with thy bowe? but set bread and water before them, that they may eate and drinke and goe to their master.
Elisha ya ce, “Kada ka kashe su. Za ka kashe mutanen da ka kame da takobi ko bakanka? Ka ba su abinci da ruwa su ci, su sha, sa’an nan su koma wurin maigidansu.”
23 And he made great preparation for them: and when they had eaten and drunken, he sent them away: and they went to their master. So ye bands of Aram came no more into the land of Israel.
Saboda haka aka shirya musu babban liyafa, bayan sun ci, suka kuma sha, sai ya tura su zuwa wurin maigidansu. Ta haka’yan harin Aram suka daina kai hari a yankin Isra’ila.
24 But afterward Ben-hadad King of Aram gathered all his hoste, and went vp, and besieged Samaria.
Bayan wani lokaci, Ben-Hadad sarkin Aram ya tattara dukan rundunarsa, ya je ya kewaye Samariya da yaƙi.
25 So there was a great famine in Samaria: for loe, they besieged it vntill an asses head was at foure score pieces of siluer, and the fourth part of a kab of doues doung at fiue pieces of siluer.
Aka yi babban yunwa a cikin birnin. Saboda daɗewar wannan kewayewar da aka yi wa birnin, sai yunwa ta ɓarke a birnin, har ana sayar da kan jaki a kan shekel tamanin, kashin kurciya kuma a kan shekel biyar.
26 And as the King of Israel was going vpon the wall, there cryed a woman vnto him, saying, Helpe, my lord, O King.
Yayinda sarkin Isra’ila yake wucewa kusa da katanga, sai wata mace ta yi masa kuka ta ce, “Ka taimake ni, ranka yă daɗe, sarki!”
27 And he said, Seeing the Lord doeth not succour thee, howe shoulde I helpe thee with the barne, or with the wine presse?
Sai sarki ya amsa ya ce, “In Ubangiji bai taimake ki ba, me zan iya yi? Ina da hatsi ko ruwan inabin da zan ba ki ne?”
28 Also the King said vnto her, What ayleth thee? And she answered, This woman sayde vnto me, Giue thy sonne, that we may eate him to day, and we will eate my sonne to morowe,
Sa’an nan ya tambaye ta ya ce, “Me ya faru?” Sai ta amsa ta ce, “Wannan mace ta ce mini, ‘Kawo ɗanki mu ci yau, gobe kuwa mu ci ɗana.’
29 So we sod my sonne, and did eate him: and I saide to her the day after, Giue thy sonne, that we may eate him, but she hath hid her sonne.
Saboda haka muka dafa ɗana muka ci. Kashegari na ce mata, ‘Kawo ɗanki mu ci,’ amma ta ɓoye shi.”
30 And when the King had heard the wordes of the woman, he rent his clothes, (and as he went vpon the wall, the people looked, and behold, he had sackecloth within vpon his flesh)
Da sarki ya ji maganar macen sai ya yage rigunansa. Sa’ad da sarki yake wucewa a kan katangar birnin, sai mutane suka gan yana saye da rigar makoki a ciki.
31 And he saide, God doe so to me and more also, if the head of Elisha the sonne of Shaphat shall stande on him this day.
Ya ce, “Bari Allah yă yi mini hukunci mai tsanani har ma fiye da haka, idan ban cire kan Elisha ɗan Shafat yau ba!”
32 (Nowe Elisha sate in his house, and the Elders sate with him.) And the King sent a man before him: but before the messenger came to him, he saide to the Elders, See ye not howe this murtherers sonne hath sent to take away mine head? take heede when the messenger commeth, and shut the doore and handle him roughly at the doore: is not the sounde of his masters feete behinde him?
To, Elisha yana zaune a cikin gidansa, dattawa kuwa suna zaune tare da shi. Sai sarki ya aiki ɗan aika yă ci gaba, amma kafin ɗan aikan yă isa, Elisha ya ce wa dattawan, “Kun gani ko? Wannan mai kisa ya aiko a cire mini kai! To, idan ɗan aikan ya iso, sai ku rufe ƙofar da ƙarfi, ku bar shi a waje. Ba da jimawa ba, maigidansa zai bi bayansa?”
33 While he yet talked with them, beholde, the messenger came downe vnto him, and saide, Behold, this euill commeth of the Lord: should I attende on the Lord any longer?
Yana magana da su ke nan, sai ga ɗan aikan ya gangaro wajensa. Sarki kuma ya ce, “Wannan bala’in daga wurin Ubangiji ya fito. Don me zan sa zuciya ga Ubangiji kuma?”

< 2 Kings 6 >