< 2 Kings 5 >

1 Now was there one Naaman captaine of the hoste of the King of Aram, a great man, and honourable in the sight of his lorde, because that by him the Lord had deliuered the Aramites. He also was a mightie man and valiant, but a leper.
Koro Naaman ne en jatend to jolweny mar ruodh Aram. Ne en ngʼat ma ruodhe ogeno kendo morgo, nikech kokalo kuome Jehova Nyasaye nomiyo jo-Aram oloyo lweny. Ne en jalweny molony kendo ma jachir, to kata kamano ne en ja-dhoho.
2 And the Aramites had gone out by bands, and had taken a litle mayde of the land of Israel, and shee serued Naamans wife.
Jolweny moa Aram nodhi momako nyako matin ma nyar Israel kendo ne en jatij chi Naaman.
3 And she sayd vnto her mistres, Would God my lord were with the Prophet that is in Samaria, he would soone deliuer him of his leprosie.
Nyakono nowachone chi Naaman niya, “Ka dipo ni ruodha ne nyalo dhi ir janabi modak Samaria, to donge ne onyalo change kuom dhohone.”
4 And he went in, and tolde his lorde, saying, Thus and thus saith the mayde that is of the land of Israel.
Naaman nodhi ir ruodhe mowachone gima jatich ma nyar jo-Israel owacho.
5 And the King of Aram sayde, Goe thy way thither, and I will send a letter vnto the King of Israel. And he departed, and tooke with him ten talents of siluer, and sixe thousand pieces of golde, and ten change of rayments,
Ruodh Aram nodwoko niya, “Dhi ma ok ilewo. Abiro oro baruwa ne ruodh Israel.” Omiyo Naaman nowuok mokawo mich mar fedha ma pekne romo kilo mia adek gi piero angʼwen, dhahabu ma pekne romo kilo piero abiriyo kod lewni motwe nyadipar.
6 And brought the letter to the King of Israel to this effect, Now when this letter is come vnto thee, vnderstand, that I haue sent thee Naaman my seruant, that thou maiest heale him of his leprosie.
Baruwa mane okawo koterone ruodh Israel nondik kama: “Gi baruwani aoro jatichna Naaman iri mondo ichange kuom dhoho man kuome.”
7 And when the King of Israel had read the letter, he rent his clothes, and sayde, Am I God, to kill and to giue life, that hee doth send to mee, that I should heale a man from his leprosie? wherfore consider, I pray you, and see howe he seeketh a quarel against me.
Kane ruodh Israel osomo baruwano, ne oyiecho lepe kowacho niya, “An e Nyasaye koso, ma anyalo nego ngʼato kata miye ngima? Ere kaka ngʼatni oro ngʼato ira mondo achang dhohone. Neye kaka odwaro chako koda lweny!”
8 But when Elisha the man of God had heard that the King of Israel had rent his clothes, hee sent vnto the King, saying, Wherefore hast thou rent thy clothes? Let him come now to me, and he shall knowe that there is a Prophet in Israel.
Kane Elisha ngʼat Nyasaye owinjo ni ruodh Israel oyiecho lepe, ne oorone wach kama, “Angʼo momiyo iseyiecho lepi? We ngʼatno obi ira kendo enongʼe ni nitie janabi e piny Israel.”
9 Then Naaman came with his horses, and with his charets, and stoode at the doore of the house of Elisha.
Omiyo Naaman nowuok modhi gi farese kod geche mag lweny nyaka e dhood Elisha.
10 And Elisha sent a messenger vnto him, saying, Go and wash thee in Iorden seuen times, and thy flesh shall come againe to thee, and thou shalt be clensed.
Elisha ne ooro jatichne mondo odhi okone niya, “Dhiyo, inyumri e aoro Jordan nyadibiriyo, to dendi biro chango kendo ibiro pwodhori.”
11 But Naaman was wroth and went away, and sayde, Beholde, I thought with my selfe, Hee will surely come out, and stande, and call on the Name of the Lord his God and put his hand on the place, and heale the leprosie.
To Naaman nowuok odhi ka iye owangʼ kowacho niya, “Ne aparo ni dowuog obi ira mi ochungʼ kendo oluong nying Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasache, korieyo bade kama tuo nitie mondo ochang dhohona.
12 Are not Abanah and Pharpar, riuers of Damascus, better then all the waters of Israel? may I not washe mee in them, and bee cleansed? so hee turned, and departed in displeasure.
Aore man Damaski ma gin Abana kod Farpar, donge beyo moloyo aore mag Israel? Donge ne anyalo lwokora e aorego mi achangi?” Omiyo nodok ka iye owangʼ.
13 But his seruants came, and spake vnto him, and sayd, Father, if the Prophet had commanded thee a great thing, wouldest thou not haue done it? howe much rather then, when hee sayth to thee, Wash and be cleane?
Jotich Naaman nodhi ire mokwaye niya, “Wuonwa, kapo ni janabi dine okwayi mondo itim gik matek, donge dine itimogi? To koro ka owacho mana niya, ‘Dhi ilwokri mondo ichangi ibed mapoth’!”
14 Then went he downe, and washed him selfe seuen times in Iorden, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came againe, like vnto ye flesh of a litle child, and he was cleane.
Bangʼ mano nodhi monimo e aora Jordan nyadibiriyo mana kaka ngʼat Nyasaye nowachone kendo dende nochango mobedo mapoth ka mar wuowi ma rawera.
15 And hee turned againe to the man of God, hee, and all his companie, and came and stood before him, and sayd, Behold, now I knowe that there is no God in all the world, but in Israel: now therefore, I pray thee, take a reward of thy seruant.
Eka Naaman kod jotichne duto nodok ir ngʼat Nyasaye. Nochungʼ e nyime mowachone niya, Koro angʼeyo ni onge Nyasaye moro e piny mangima makmana e Israel. Koro kiyie kaw mich moa kuom jatichni.
16 But hee sayde, As the Lord liueth (before whom I stand) I wil not receiue it. And he would haue constrained him to receiue it, but he refused.
To janabi nodwoke niya, “Akwongʼora gi nying Jehova Nyasaye mangima, ma atiyone, ni ok anakaw gimoro kuomi.” Kata obedo ni Naaman nomedo saye kamano, nodagi.
17 Moreouer Naaman sayde, Shall there not be giuen to thy seruant two mules loade of this earth? for thy seruant will henceforth offer neither burnt sacrifice nor offring vnto any other god, saue vnto the Lord.
Naaman nokone niya, “Ka idagi, to we mondo an jatichni miya lowo moromo kenje ariyo tingʼo, nikech chakre kawuono ok abi timo misango miwangʼo pep kod misango moro amora ne nyasaye moro makmana Jehova Nyasaye.
18 Herein the Lord bee mercifull vnto thy seruant, that when my master goeth into the house of Rimmon, to worship there, and leaneth on mine hand, and I bowe my selfe in the house of Rimmon: when I doe bowe downe, I say, in the house of Rimmon, the Lord be mercifull vnto thy seruant in this point.
Gimoro achiel ma Jehova Nyasaye onego ngʼwon-ne jatichne ema: Ruodha pod biro donjo e od Rimon nyasaye mondo olem kuno, koyiengore e bada. Obiro kulore e od Rimon kendo an bende abiro kulora kode, to Jehova Nyasaye mondo owena kuom timo kamano.”
19 Vnto whome he saide, Goe in peace. So he departed from him about halfe a dayes iourney of grounde.
Elisha nokone niya, “Dhi gi kwe.” Bangʼ ka Naaman nosewuotho mochwalore,
20 And Gehazi the seruant of Elisha the man of God sayde, Beholde, my master hath spared this Aramite Naaman, receiuing not those things at his hand that he brought: as the Lord liueth, I will runne after him, and take somewhat of him.
Gehazi jatich Elisha ngʼat Nyasaye nowacho e chunye niya, Ruodha ne oketone Naaman mayot ahinya, koweyo mich ma ja-Aram-ni okelo. Akwongʼora gi nying Jehova Nyasaye mangima ni abiro lawe manyaka ayud gimoro kuome.
21 So Gehazi followed speedily after Naaman. And when Naaman sawe him running after him, he light downe from the charet to meete him, and said, Is all well?
Omiyo Gehazi nolawo Naaman, kane Naaman onene kolawe, ne olor piny oa e gache mondo oromne, kopenje niya, Gik moko duto nikare?
22 And he answered, All is well: my master hath set me, saying, Behold, there be come to me, euen nowe from mount Ephraim two yong men of the children of the Prophets: giue them, I pray thee, a talent of siluer, and two change of garmets.
Gehazi nodwoke niya, “Gik moko duto beyo. Ruodha oora mondo anyisi ni, ‘Ji ariyo matindo moa e kanyakla mar jonabi obiro ira koa e gode mag Efraim. Yie imigi fedha moromo kilo piero adek gangʼwen kod lewni motwe otwe nyadiriyo.’”
23 And Naaman saide, Yea, take two talents: and he compelled him, and bound two talents of siluer in two bagges, with two change of garments, and gaue them vnto two of his seruants, that they might beare them before him.
Naaman nowachone Gehazi niya, “Kuom ngʼwono duto yie ikawgi fedha ma pekne romo kilo piero auchiel gaboro.” Nokwayo Gehazi mondo okawgi kendo notweyo fedha ma pekne romo kilo piero auchiel gaboro e mifuke ariyo kod lewni motwe otwe nyadiriyo. Naaman nomiyo jotijene ariyo gigo mondo otingʼ ka gitelo e nyim Gehazi.
24 And when he came to the towre, he tooke them out of their handes, and laide them in the house, and sent away the men: and they departed.
Kane Gehazi ochopo e got, ne okawo michgi kuom jotichgo mokanogi e ot. Bangʼ mano nomiyo jogo thuolo mondo odhiyo kendo negidhi.
25 Then he went in, and stoode before his master. And Elisha said vnto him, Whence commest thou, Gehazi? And he said, Thy seruant went no whither.
Eka nodhi mochungʼ e nyim Elisha ruodhe. Elisha openje niya, “Gehazi, ia kanye?” En to nodwoke ni, Jatichni ne ok odhi kamoro.
26 But he saide vnto him, Went not mine heart with thee when the man turned againe from his charet to meete thee? Is this a time to take money, and to receiue garments, and oliues, and vineyardes, and sheepe, and oxen, and men seruants, and maide seruants?
To Elisha nowachone niya, “Donge chunya ne ni kodi kane ngʼatno olor e gache duogo romo kodi? Bende en sa ma ikawoe pesa, kata law, kata zeituni, kata mzabibu, kata chiayo, kata dhok, kata jotich machwo, kata ma nyiri?
27 The leprosie therefore of Naaman shall cleaue vnto thee, and to thy seede for euer. And he went out from his presence a leper white as snowe.
Dhoho mar Naaman biro gore kuomi kendo kuom kothi ndalo duto.” Kuom mano Gehazi nowuok e wangʼ Elisha ka dhoho omako dende duto marachar ka pe.

< 2 Kings 5 >