< 2 Kings 25 >
1 And in the ninth yeere of his reigne, the tenth moneth and tenth day of the moneth Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel came, he, and all his hoste against Ierusalem, and pitched against it, and they built fortes against it round about it.
I hans niende Regeringsår på den tiende Dag i den tiende Måned drog Kong Nebukadnezar af Babel da med hele sin Hær mod Jerusalem og belejrede det, og de byggede Belejringstårne imod det rundt omkring;
2 So the citie was besieged vnto the eleueth yeere of King Zedekiah.
og Belejringen varede til Kong Zedekias's ellevte Regeringsår.
3 And the ninth day of the moneth the famine was sore in the citie, so that there was no bread for the people of the lande.
På den niende Dag i den fjerde Måned blev Hungersnøden hård i Byen, og Folket fra Landet havde ikke Brød.
4 Then the citie was broken vp, and all the men of warre fled by night, by the way of the gate, which is betweene two walles that was by the Kings garden: nowe the Caldees were by the citie round about: and the King went by the way of the wildernesse.
Da blev Byens Mur gennembrudt. Kongen og alle Krigsfolkene flygtede om Natten gennem Porten mellem de to Mure ved Kongens Have, medens Kaldæerne holdt Byen omringet, og han tog Vejen ad Arabalavningen til.
5 But the armie of the Caldees pursued after the King, and tooke him in the desertes of Iericho, and all his hoste was scattered from him.
Men Kaldæernes Hær satte efter Kongen og indhentede ham på Jerikosletten, efter at hele hans Hær var blevet splittet til alle Sider.
6 Then they tooke the King, and caried him vp to the King of Babel to Riblah, where they gaue iudgement vpon him.
Så greb de Kongen og bragte ham op til Ribla til Babels Konge, der fældede Dommen over ham.
7 And they slew the sonnes of Zedekiah before his eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bounde him in chaines, and caried him to Babel.
Hans Sønner lod han henrette i hans Påsyn, og på Zedekias selv lod han Øjnene stikke ud; derpå lod han ham lægge i Kobberlænker, og således førte de ham til Babel.
8 And in the fift moneth, and seuenth day of the moneth, which was the nineteenth yere of King Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel, came Nebuzar-adan chiefe stewarde and seruaunt of the King of Babel, to Ierusalem,
På den syvende Dag i den femte Måned, det var Babels Konge Nebukadnezars nittende Regeringsår, kom Nebuzaradan, Øversten for Livvagten, Babels Konges Tjener, til Jerusalem.
9 And burnt the house of the Lord, and the Kings house, and all the houses of Ierusalem, and all the great houses burnt he with fire.
Han satte Ild på HERRENs Hus og Kongens Palads og alle Husene i Jerusalem; på alle Stormændenes Huse satte han Ild;
10 And all the armie of the Caldees that were with the chiefe stewarde, brake downe the walles of Ierusalem round about.
og Murene om Jerusalem nedbrød alle Kaldæernes Folk, som Øversten for Livvagten havde med sig.
11 And the rest of the people that were left in the citie, and those that were fled and fallen to the King of Babel, with the remnant of the multitude, did Nebuzar-adan chiefe steward carie away captiue.
De sidste Folk, som var tilbage i Byen, og Overløberne, der var gået over til Babels Konge, og, de sidste Håndværkere førte Nebuzaradan, Øversten for Livvagten, bort.
12 But the chiefe steward left of the poore of the land to dresse the vines, and to till the land.
Men nogle af de fattigste at Folket fra Landet lod Øversten for Livvagten blive tilbage som Vingårdsmænd og Agerdyrkere.
13 Also the pillars of brasse that were in the house of the Lord, and the bases, and the brasen Sea that was in the house of the Lord, did the Caldees breake, and caried the brasse of them to Babel.
Kobbersøjlerne i HERRENs Hus, Stellene og Kobberhavet i HERRENs Hus slog Kaldæerne i Stykker og førte Kobberet til Babel.
14 The pots also and the besomes, and the instruments of musike, and the incense dishes, and al the vessels of brasse that they ministred in, tooke they away.
Karrene, Skovlene, Hnivene, Kanderne og alle Kobbersagerne, som brugtes ved Tjenesten, røvede de;
15 And the asshe pannes, and the basens, and all that was of gold, and that was of siluer, tooke the chiefe steward away,
også Panderne og Skålene, alt, hvad der helt var af Guld eller Sølv, røvede Øversten for Livvagten.
16 With the two pillars, one Sea and the bases, which Salomon had made for the house of the Lord: the brasse of all these vessels was without weight.
De to Søjler, Havet og Stellene, som Salomo havde ladet lave til HERRENs Hus - Kobberet i alle disse Ting var ikke til at veje.
17 The height of the one pillar was eighteene cubits, and the chapiter thereon was brasse, and the height of the chapiter was with networke three cubites, and pomegranates vpon the chapiter rounde about, all of brasse: and likewise was the second pillar with the networke.
Atten Alen høj var den ene Søjle, og der var et Søjlehoved af Kobber oven på den, tre Alen højt, og rundt om Søjlehovederne var der Fletværk og Granatæbler, alt af Kobber; og på samme Måde var det med den anden Søjle.
18 And the chiefe steward tooke Seraiah the chiefe Priest, and Zephaniah the second Priest, and the three keepers of the doore.
Øversten for Livvagten tog Ypperstepræsten Seraja, Andenpræsten Zefanja og de tre Dørvogtere;
19 And out of the citie hee tooke an Eunuch that had the ouersight of the men of warre, and fiue men of them that were in the Kinges presence, which were founde in the citie, and Sopher captaine of the hoste, who mustred the people of the lande, and threescore men of the people of the lande, that were founde in the citie.
og fra Byen tog han en Hofmand, der havde Opsyn med Krigs folket, og fem Mænd, der hørte til Kongens nærmeste Omgivelser, og som endnu fandtes i Byen, desuden Hærførerens Skriver, der udskrev Folket fra Landet til Krigstjeneste, og dertil tresindstyve Mænd af Folket fra Landet, der fandtes i Byen,
20 And Nebuzar-adan the chiefe stewarde tooke them, and brought them to the King of Babel to Riblah.
dem tog Øversten for Livvagten Nebuzaradan og førte til Babels Konge i Ribla;
21 And the King of Babel smote them, and slew them at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So Iudah was caried away captiue out of his owne land.
og Babels Konge lod dem dræbe i Ribla i Hamats Land. Så førtes Juda i Landflygtighed fra sit Land.
22 Howbeit there remained people in the land of Iudah, whom Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel left, and made Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam the sonne of Shaphan ruler ouer them.
Over de Folk, der blev tilbage i Judas Land, dem, Babels Konge Nebukadnezar lod blive tilbage, satte han Gedalja, Ahikams Søn, Sjafans Sønnesøn.
23 Then when all the captaines of the host and their men heard, that the king of Babel had made Gedaliah gouernour, they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, to wit, Ishmael the sonne of Nethaniah, and Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and Seraiah the sonne of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and Iaazaniah the sonne of Maachathi, they and their men.
Da nu alle Hærførerne med deres Folk hørte, at Babels Konge havde indsat Gedalja, kom de til ham i Mizpa, Jisjmael, Netanjas Søn, Johanan, Bareas Søn, Seraja, Tanhumets Søn fra Netofa, og Ja'azanja, Ma'akatitens Søn, tillige med deres Folk.
24 And Gedaliah sware to them, and to their men, and sayd vnto them, Feare not to be the seruants of the Caldees: dwell in the land, and serue the King of Babel, and ye shalbe well.
Og Gedalja besvor dem og deres Folk og sagde: "Frygt ikke for Kaldæerne! Bliv i Landet og underkast eder Babels Konge, så vil det gå eder vel!"
25 But in the seuenth moneth Ishmael the sonne of Nethaniah the sonne of Elishama of the Kings seede, came, and ten men with him, and smote Gedaliah, and he died, and so did he the Iewes, and the Caldees that were with him at Mizpah.
Men i den syvende Måned kom Jisjmael, Netanjas Søn, Elisjamas Sønnesøo, en Mand af kongelig Byrd, med ti Mænd og slog Gedalja ihjel tillige med de Judæere og Kaldæere, der var hos ham i Mizpa.
26 Then all ye people both small and great, and the captaines of the armie arose, and came to Egypt: for they were afraide of the Caldees.
Da brød hele Folket, store og små, og Hærførerne op og drog til Ægypten; thi de frygtede for Kaldæerne.
27 Notwithstanding in the seuen and thirtieth yeere after Iehoiachin King of Iudah was caried away, in the twelft moneth and the seuen and twentieth day of the moneth, Euil-merodach King of Babel in the yeere that hee began to reigne, did lift vp the head of Iehoiachin King of Iudah out of the prison,
I det syv og tredivte År efter Kong Jojakin af Judas Bortførelse på den syv og tyvende Dag i den tolvte Måned tog Babels Konge Evil-Merodak, der i det År kom på Tronen, Kong Jojakin af Juda til Nåde og førte ham ud af Fængselet.
28 And spake kindly to him, and set his throne aboue the throne of the Kings that were with him in Babel,
Han talte ham venligt til og gav ham Sæde oven for de Konger, der var hos ham i Babel.
29 And changed his prison garments: and he did continually eate bread before him, all the dayes of his life.
Jojakin aflagde sin Fangedragt og spiste daglig hos ham, så længe han levede.
30 And his portion was a continual portion giuen him by the King, euery day a certaine, all the dayes of his life.
Han fik sit daglige Underhold af Kongen, hver Dag hvad han behøvede for den Dag, så længe han levede.