< 2 Kings 2 >

1 And when the Lord would take vp Eliiah into heauen by a whirle winde, Eliiah went with Elisha from Gilgal.
Wakati Bwana alipokuwa karibu kumchukua Eliya mbinguni kwa upepo wa kisulisuli, Eliya na Elisha walikuwa njiani wakitoka Gilgali.
2 Then Eliiah saide to Elisha, Tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lord hath sent me to Bethel. But Elisha said, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came downe to Beth-el.
Eliya akamwambia Elisha, “Kaa hapa. Bwana amenituma Betheli.” Lakini Elisha akasema, “Kwa hakika, kama Bwana aishivyo na wewe uishivyo, sitakuacha.” Kwa hiyo wakaenda Betheli pamoja.
3 And the children of the Prophets that were at Beth-el, came out to Elisha, and said vnto him, Knowest thou that the Lord will take thy master from thine head this day? And he said, Yea, I knowe it: holde ye your peace.
Wana wa manabii waliokuwako huko Betheli wakamjia Elisha na kumuuliza, “Je, unajua ya kwamba Bwana atakuondolea bwana wako leo?” Elisha akawajibu, “Ndiyo, najua, lakini msizungumze juu ya jambo hilo.”
4 Againe Eliiah saide vnto him, Elisha, tarie here, I pray thee: for the Lord hath sent me to Iericho: But he said, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they came to Iericho.
Kisha Eliya akamwambia, “Baki hapa, Elisha. Bwana amenituma Yeriko.” Naye akajibu, “Kwa hakika kama Bwana aishivyo na wewe uishivyo, sitakuacha.” Hivyo wakaenda Yeriko.
5 And the children of the Prophets that were at Iericho, came to Elisha, and saide vnto him, Knowest thou, that the Lord will take thy master from thine head this day? And he sayde, Yea, I knowe it: holde ye your peace.
Wana wa manabii waliokuwako huko Yeriko wakamwendea Elisha na kumuuliza, “Je, unajua ya kwamba Bwana atakuondolea bwana wako leo?” Akawajibu, “Ndiyo, najua, lakini msizungumze juu ya jambo hilo.”
6 Moreouer Eliiah saide vnto him, Tarie, I pray thee, here: for the Lord hath sent me to Iorden. But he saide, As the Lord liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. So they went both together.
Kisha Eliya akamwambia, “Kaa hapa. Bwana amenituma kwenda Yordani.” Naye akamjibu, “Kwa hakika kama Bwana aishivyo na wewe uishivyo, sitakuacha.” Hivyo wote wawili wakaendelea pamoja.
7 And fiftie men of the sonnes of the Prophets went and stoode on the other side a farre off, and they two stoode by Iorden.
Wana hamsini wa manabii wakaenda na kusimama kwa mbali, kuelekea mahali ambapo Eliya na Elisha walikuwa wamesimama kando ya Mto Yordani.
8 Then Eliiah tooke his cloke, and wrapt it together, and smote the waters, and they were deuided hither and thither, and they twaine went ouer on the dry lande.
Eliya akachukua vazi lake, akalisokota na kupiga nalo maji. Maji yakagawanyika upande wa kuume na upande wa kushoto, nao wawili wakavuka pakavu.
9 Nowe when they were passed ouer, Eliiah saide vnto Elisha, Aske what I shall doe for thee before I be taken from thee. And Elisha saide, I pray thee, let thy Spirit be double vpon me.
Walipokwisha kuvuka, Eliya akamwambia Elisha, “Niambie, nikufanyie nini kabla sijaondolewa kutoka kwako?” Elisha akajibu, “Naomba nirithi sehemu maradufu ya roho yako.”
10 And he saide, Thou hast asked an hard thing: yet if thou see me when I am taken from thee, thou shalt haue it so: and if not, it shall not be.
Eliya akasema, “Umeomba jambo gumu. Lakini kama utaniona wakati ninapoondolewa kutoka kwako litakuwa lako. La sivyo, hautalipata.”
11 And as they went walking and talking, beholde, there appeared a charet of fire, and horses of fire, and did separate them twaine. So Eliiah went vp by a whirle winde into heauen.
Walipokuwa wakitembea pamoja na kuzungumza, ghafula gari la moto na farasi wa moto vilitokea na kuwatenganisha wao wawili, naye Eliya akapanda mbinguni katika upepo wa kisulisuli.
12 And Elisha saw it, and he cryed, My father, my father, the charet of Israel, and the horsemen thereof: and he sawe him no more: and he tooke his owne clothes, and rent them in two pieces.
Elisha aliona hili, naye akapaza sauti, “Baba yangu! Baba yangu! Magari ya Israeli na wapanda farasi wake!” Naye Elisha hakumwona tena. Kisha akazishika nguo zake mwenyewe na kuzirarua.
13 He tooke vp also the cloke of Eliiah that fell from him, and returned, and stoode by the banke of Iorden.
Akaliokota lile vazi lililoanguka kutoka kwa Eliya, kisha akarudi na kusimama ukingoni mwa Yordani.
14 After, he tooke the cloke of Eliiah, that fell from him, and smote the waters, and sayde, Where is the Lord God of Eliiah? And so he also, after he had striken the waters, so that they were deuided this way and that way, went ouer, euen Elisha.
Ndipo akalichukua lile vazi ambalo lilikuwa limeanguka kutoka kwa Eliya, naye akayapiga yale maji nalo. Akauliza, “Yuko wapi sasa Bwana, Mungu wa Eliya?” Elisha alipoyapiga maji, yakagawanyika kulia na kushoto, naye akavuka.
15 And when the children of the Prophets, which were at Iericho, saw him on the other side, they sayde, The Spirite of Eliiah doeth rest on Elisha: and they came to meete him, and fell to the grounde before him,
Wale wana wa manabii kutoka Yeriko waliokuwa wakitazama wakasema, “Roho wa Eliya inamkalia Elisha.” Nao wakaenda kumlaki na kusujudu hadi nchi mbele yake.
16 And said vnto him, Beholde nowe, there be with thy seruants fiftie strong men: let them go, we pray thee, and seeke thy master, if so be the Spirite of the Lord hath taken him vp, and cast him vpon some mountaine, or into some valley. But he said, Ye shall not sende.
Wakasema, “Tazama, sisi watumishi wako tunao watu hamsini wenye uwezo. Waruhusu waende kumtafuta bwana wako. Labda Roho wa Bwana amemtwaa na kumweka katika mlima fulani au bonde fulani.” Elisha akajibu, “Hapana, msiwatume.”
17 Yet they were instant vpon him, til he was ashamed: wherefore he saide, Sende. So they sent fiftie men, which sought three dayes, but founde him not.
Lakini wakasisitiza, mpaka akaona aibu kuwakatalia. Hivyo akasema, “Watumeni.” Nao wakawatuma watu hamsini, wakamtafuta kwa siku tatu, lakini hawakumpata.
18 Therefore they returned to him, (for he taryed at Iericho) and he said vnto them, Did not I say vnto you, Goe not?
Walipomrudia Elisha, ambaye alikuwa akingojea huko Yeriko, akawaambia, “Je, sikuwaambia msiende?”
19 And the men of the citie saide vnto Elisha, Beholde, we pray thee: the situation of this citie is pleasant, as thou, my lorde, seest, but the water is naught, and the ground baren.
Watu wa mji wakamwambia Elisha, “Tazama, bwana wetu, mahali mji huu ulipojengwa ni pazuri, kama bwana wangu aonavyo, lakini maji yake ni mabaya, na nchi haizai.”
20 Then he saide, Bring me a newe cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him.
Akasema, “Nileteeni bakuli mpya, mweke chumvi ndani yake.” Kwa hiyo wakamletea.
21 And he went vnto the spring of the waters, and cast there the salt, and said, Thus saith the Lord, I haue healed this water: death shall no more come thereof, neither barennesse to the ground.
Kisha akaenda kwenye chemchemi na kuitupa ile chumvi ndani yake, akisema, “Hili ndilo asemalo Bwana: ‘Nimeyaponya maji haya. Kamwe hayatasababisha mauti tena wala kutozaa.’”
22 So the waters were healed vntill this day, according to the worde of Elisha which hee had spoken.
Nayo yale maji yakaponywa mpaka leo, sawasawa na neno la Elisha alilokuwa amesema.
23 And he went vp from thence vnto Beth-el. And as he was going vp the way, litle children came out of the citie, and mocked him, and saide vnto him, Come vp, thou balde head, come vp, thou balde head.
Kutoka huko Elisha akakwea kwenda Betheli. Ikawa alipokuwa akitembea barabarani, baadhi ya vijana wakatoka mjini na kumfanyia mzaha. Wakasema, “Paa, wewe mwenye upaa! Paa, wewe mwenye upaa!”
24 And he turned backe, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two beares came out of the forest, and tare in pieces two and fourtie children of them.
Akageuka, akawatazama na kuwalaani kwa Jina la Bwana. Kisha dubu wawili wa kike wakatokea mwituni na kuwararua vijana arobaini na wawili miongoni mwao.
25 So he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria.
Naye akaondoka huko, akaenda Mlima Karmeli, na kutoka huko akarudi Samaria.

< 2 Kings 2 >