< 2 Kings 17 >

1 In the twelft yeere of Ahaz King of Iudah began Hoshea the sonne of Elah to reigne in Samaria ouer Israel, and reigned nine yeeres.
E higa mar apar gariyo mar loch Ahaz ruodh Juda, Hoshea wuod Ela nobedo ruoth e piny Israel kodak Samaria kendo norito pinyno kuom higni ochiko.
2 And he did euill in the sight of the Lord, but not as the Kinges of Israel, that were before him.
Timbene ne richo e nyim Jehova Nyasaye to ok kaka ruodhi Israel mane otelone notimo.
3 And Shalmaneser king of Asshur came vp against him, and Hoshea became his seruant, and gaue him presents.
Shalmaneser ruodh Asuria nokedo gi Hoshea moloye kendo nobedo e bwo lochne kogolone osuru.
4 And the King of Asshur founde treason in Hoshea: for he had sent messengers to So King of Egypt, and brought no present vnto the King of Asshur, as he had done yeerely: therfore the king of Asshur shut him vp, and put him in prison.
To ruodh Asuria nofwenyo ni Hoshea ne en andhoga, nimar nooro ji ir Osorkon ruodh Misri, bende ne ok ochiw osuru ne ruodh Asuria kaka ne osebedo kotimo higa ka higa. Kuom mano Shalmaneser nomake mokete e od twech.
5 Then the king of Asshur came vp throughout all the lande, and went against Samaria, and besieged it three yeere.
Ruodh Asuria nomonjo pinyno duto, mochopo nyaka Samaria kendo nogoyone agengʼa kuom higni adek.
6 In the ninth yeere of Hoshea, the King of Asshur tooke Samaria, and caryed Israel away vnto Asshur, and put them in Halah, and in Habor by the riuer of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.
E higa mar ochiko mar loch Hoshea, ruodh Asuria nokawo Samaria kendo nomako jo-Israel motero e twech Asuria. Nomiyogi kar dak Hala kod Gozan man but Aora Habor kaachiel gi mier mag Medes.
7 For when the children of Israel sinned against the Lord their God, which had brought them out of the land of Egypt, from vnder ye hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and feared other gods,
Magi duto notimore nikech jo-Israel notimo richo e nyim Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachgi, mane ogologi e piny Misri e bwo loch Farao ruodh Misri. Negilamo nyiseche mamoko
8 And walked according to the facions of the Heathen, whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel, and after the maners of the Kings of Israel, which they vsed,
ka giluwo timbe mag ogendini mane Jehova Nyasaye osedaro oa kuomgi, to gi timbe moko mane ruodhi mag Israel noketo.
9 And the children of Israel had done secretly things that were not vpright before the Lord their God, and throughout all their cities had built hie places, both from the tower of the watch, to the defensed citie,
Jo-Israel notimo gik maricho lingʼ-lingʼ ne Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachgi. Chakre kuonde mingʼichogo gi malo nyaka kuonde mochiel motegno mag dala maduongʼ, negigero kuondegi motingʼore gi malo e miechgi duto.
10 And had made them images and groues vpon euery hie hill, and vnder euery greene tree,
Negichungo kite moyiedhi kod sirni mag Ashera ewi gode maboyo duto, kendo e tiend yiende duto motimo tipo.
11 And there burnt incense in all the hie places, as did the heathen, whom the Lord had taken away before them, and wrought wicked things to anger the Lord,
Kamoro amora motingʼore gi malo ne giwangʼoe ubani mangʼwe ngʼar, mana kaka pinjeruodhi mane Jehova Nyasaye oseriembo kuomgi ne timo. Negitimo timbe maricho mane omiyo Jehova Nyasaye mirima.
12 And serued idoles: whereof the Lord had sayd vnto them, Ye shall do no such thing,
Negilamo nyiseche manono, kata obedo ni Jehova Nyasaye nowachonegi niya, “Kik utim kamano.”
13 Notwithstanding the Lord testified to Israel, and to Iudah by all the Prophets, and by all the Seers, saying, Turne from your euill wayes, and keepe my commandements and my statutes, according to all the Lawe, which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my seruants the Prophets.
Jehova Nyasaye nosiemo Israel kod Juda kokalo kuom jonabi mage kod jokor, kawacho niya, “Lokri iwe yoreni maricho, luw wechena, kod yorena kaluwore gi chikena duto mane amiyo kwereu mondo oriti kendo mane amiyou kowuok kuom jotichna ma jonabi.”
14 Neuerthelesse they would not obey, but hardened their neckes, like to the neckes of their fathers, that did not beleeue in the Lord their God.
To ne ok ginyal dewo kendo tokgi ne tek mana kaka kweregi mane ok oketo genogi kuom Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachgi.
15 And they refused his statutes and his couenant, that he made with their fathers, and his testimonies (wherewith he witnessed vnto them) and they followed vanitie, and became vaine, and followed the heathen that were round about them: concerning whome the Lord had charged them, that they should not do like them.
Ne gidagi winjo buchene kod chikene mane otimo gi kweregi to gi siem mane omiyogi, negiluwo nyiseche maonge tich, ma gin bende gibedo ji manono. Negidonjo e kit timbe ogendini mane odak e diergi, kata obedo ni Jehova Nyasaye nosekwerogi ni kik gitim kaka gitimo kendo negitimo gik mane Jehova Nyasaye nokwerogi mondo kik gitim.
16 Finally they left all the commandements of the Lord their God, and made them molten images, euen two calues, and made a groue, and worshipped all the hoste of heauen, and serued Baal.
Negiweyo chike duto mag Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachgi magiloso nyiseche ariyo molos e kido mar nyaroya kendo machalo gi siro mar Ashera. Negikulore ne nyisechegi giwegi ma gilamo Baal.
17 And they made their sonnes and their daughters passe thorowe the fire, and vsed witchcraft and inchantments, yea, solde them selues to doe euill in the sight of the Lord, to anger him.
Negichiwo yawuotgi kod nyigi kaka misango e mach. Negitimo timbe ajuoke kod mag nyakalondo ma gichiwore mar timo gik mamono e nyim Jehova Nyasaye, ma gimiye mirima.
18 Therefore the Lord was exceeding wroth with Israel, and put them out of his sight, and none was left but the tribe of Iudah onely.
Omiyo Jehova Nyasaye iye nowangʼ gi jo-Israel mi nogologi e nyime. Dhood joka Juda kende ema ne odongʼ,
19 Yet Iudah kept not the commandements of the Lord their God, but walked according to the facion of Israel, which they vsed.
to kata kamano jo-Juda bende ne ok orito chike Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachgi. Negiluwo mana timbe mane jo-Israel osiekogo.
20 Therefore the Lord cast off all the seede of Israel, and afflicted them, and deliuered them into the handes of spoylers, vntill he had cast them out of his sight.
Kuom mano Jehova Nyasaye ne odagi jo-Israel duto; nokumogi mi oketegi e lwet joyeko nyaka ne ogologi chutho e wangʼe.
21 For he cut off Israel from the house of Dauid, and they made Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat King: and Ieroboam drewe Israel away from following the Lord, and made them sinne a great sinne.
Kane ogolo jo-Israel owuok e dhood Daudi negikawo Jeroboam wuod Nebat obedo ruodhgi. Jeroboam nowuondo jo-Israel mowuok oweyo luwo Jehova Nyasaye, momiyo gitimo richo mamono.
22 For the children of Israel walked in all the sinnes of Ieroboam, which he did, and departed not therefrom,
Jo-Israel nomedo timo richo duto mag Jeroboam kendo ne ok giweyo timogi,
23 Vntill the Lord put Israel away out of his sight, as he had said by all his seruants the Prophets, and caryed Israel away out of their land to Asshur vnto this day.
nyaka Jehova Nyasaye nogologi kuome mana kaka ne osesiemogi kokadho kuom jotichne duto ma jonabi. Omiyo jo-Israel nogol oa e pinygi modhi e twech e piny Asuria kendo pod gin kuno nyaka chil kawuono.
24 And the King of Asshur brought folke from Babel, and from Cuthah, and from Aua, and from Hamath, and from Sepharuaim, and placed them in the cities of Samaria in steade of the children of Israel: so they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof.
Ruodh Asuria nokelo ji koa Babulon, Kutha, Ava, Hamath kod Sefarvaim moketogi gidak e miech Samaria mondo gikaw kar jo-Israel. Negikawo Samaria ma gidak e mieche duto.
25 And at the beginning of their dwelling there, they feared not the Lord: therefore the Lord sent lions among them, which slewe them.
E kinde mane gidak kuno mokwongo ne ok gilamo Jehova Nyasaye; omiyo Jehova Nyasaye nooro sibuoche e diergi monego jogi moko.
26 Wherefore they spake to the King of Asshur, saying, The nations which thou hast remoued, and placed in the cities of Samaria, knowe not the maner of the God of the land: therefore he hath sent lions among them, and behold, they slay them, because they knowe not the maner of the God of the land.
Wach nochopo ne ruodh Asuria niya, “Ji mane idaro midwoko e miech Samaria, ok ongʼeyo gima nyasaye mar pinyno dwaro. Kuom mano, oseoro sibuoche e diergi mondo oneg-gi nikech ji ok ongʼeyo gima nyasachgino dwaro.”
27 Then the King of Asshur commanded, saying, Carie thither one of the Priestes whome ye brought thence, and let him goe and dwell there, and teache them the maner of the God of the countrey.
Eka ruodh Asuria nomiyogi chik kama: “Kaw achiel kuom jodolo mane igolo itero e twech Samaria mondo odog odag kuno kendo opuonj jogo gima nyasach pinyno dwaro.”
28 So one of the Priestes, which they had caryed from Samaria, came and dwelt in Beth-el, and taught them how they shoulde feare the Lord.
Eka achiel kuom jodolo mane oter twech Samaria nobiro modak Bethel kendo opuonjogi kaka ilamo Jehova Nyasaye.
29 Howbeit euery nation made their gods, and put them in the houses of the hie places, which the Samaritanes had made, euery nation in their cities, wherein they dwelt.
Kata kamano, oganda koganda noloso nyisechegi giwegi e miechgi mopogore opogore, kuonde mane gidakie, mi giketo nyiseche manono kuonde motingʼore mag lemo mane jo-Samaria oseloso.
30 For the men of Babel made Succoth-Benoth: and the men of Cuth made Nergal, and the men of Hamath made Ashima,
Nyiseche mane gilamo e magi: Ji mane oa Babulon noloso Sukoth-Benoth, ji mane oa Kutha noloso Nergal to ji mane oa Hamath noloso Ashima;
31 And the Auims made Nibhaz, and Tartak: and the Sepharuims burnt their children in the fire to Adrammelech, and Anammelech the gods of Sepharuaim.
Jo-Avi to noloso Nibhaz kod Tartak, to jo-Sefarvi nochiwo nyithindgi kaka misango ne Adramelek kod Anamelek mane gin nyiseche mag Sefarvaim.
32 Thus they feared the Lord, and appoynted out Priestes out of them selues for the hie places, who prepared for them sacrifices in the houses of the hie places.
Negilamo Jehova Nyasaye, to bende negiyiero jogi giwegi mopogore opogore mondo obednegi jodolo e kuonde lemo motingʼore gi malo.
33 They feared the Lord, but serued their gods after the maner of the nations whome they caryed thence.
Negilamo Jehova Nyasaye to bende negilamo nyisechegi giwegi kaluwore gi timbe pinje manogolgie.
34 Vnto this day they doe after the olde maner: they neyther feare God, neyther doe after their ordinances, nor after their customes, nor after the Lawe, nor after the commandement, which the Lord commanded the children of Iaakob, whom he named Israel,
Pod gitamore weyo timbegigo nyaka chil kawuono. Ok gilam Jehova Nyasaye kata rito buchene, wechene, chikene kod puonj ma Jehova Nyasaye nomiyo nyikwa Jakobo, ma bangʼe noloko nyinge ni Israel.
35 And with whom the Lord had made a couenant, and charged them, saying, Feare none other gods, nor bowe your selues to them, nor serue them, nor sacrifice to them:
Kane Jehova Nyasaye otimo singruok gi jo-Israel, to nochikogi kama: “Kik ulam nyiseche mamoko kata kulorunegi, tiyonegi kata timonegi misango.
36 But feare the Lord which brought you out of the land of Egypt with great power, and a stretched out arme: him feare ye, and worshippe him, and sacrifice to him.
To Jehova Nyasaye mane ogolou Misri gi teko mangʼongo korieyo lwete, en ema nyaka ulame. En ema onego ukulrune kendo en ema uchiwne misengini.
37 Also keepe ye diligently the statutes and the ordinances, and the Lawe, and the commandement, which he wrote for you, that ye do them continually, and feare not other gods.
Nyaka ubed motangʼ kurito buche, weche, chike kod puonj duto mane omiyou. Kik ulam nyiseche mamoko.
38 And forget not the couenant that I haue made with you, neither feare ye other gods,
Kik wiu owil gi singruok mane atimo kodu bende kik ulam nyiseche mamoko.
39 But feare the Lord your God, and he will deliuer you out of the handes of all your enemies.
To onego ulam Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu, en ema obiro resou e lwet wasiku duto.”
40 Howbeit they obeyed not, but did after their olde custome.
To kata kamano, ne ok gidewo chikego, to negisiko mana ka gitimo timbegi machon.
41 So these nations feared the Lord, and serued their images also: so did their children, and their childrens children: as did their fathers, so do they vnto this day.
Kata e kinde mane ogendini ne lamo Jehova Nyasaye, to negisiko mana ka gitiyone nyisechegi manono. Nyithindgi kod nyikwagi pod osiko katimo timbe mane kweregi timo nyaka chil kawuono.

< 2 Kings 17 >