< 2 Kings 13 >
1 In the three and twentieth yeere of Ioash the sonne of Ahaziah King of Iudah, Iehoahaz the sonne of Iehu began to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, and he reigned seuenteene yeere.
anno vicesimo tertio Ioas filii Ahaziae regis Iudae regnavit Ioachaz filius Hieu super Israhel in Samaria decem et septem annis
2 And he did euil in the sight of the Lord, and followed the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, which made Israel to sinne, and departed not therefrom.
et fecit malum coram Domino secutusque est peccata Hieroboam filii Nabath qui peccare fecit Israhel non declinavit ab eis
3 And the Lord was angry with Israel, and deliuered them into the hand of Hazael King of Aram, and into the hand of Ben-hadad the sonne of Hazael, all his dayes.
iratusque est furor Domini contra Israhel et tradidit eos in manu Azahelis regis Syriae et in manu Benadad filii Azahel cunctis diebus
4 And Iehoahaz besought the Lord, and the Lord heard him: for he saw the trouble of Israel, wherewith the King of Aram troubled them.
deprecatus est autem Ioachaz faciem Domini et audivit eum Dominus vidit enim angustiam Israhel qua adtriverat eos rex Syriae
5 (And the Lord gaue Israel a deliuerer, so that they came out from vnder the subiection of the Aramites. And the children of Israel dwelt in their tents as before time.
et dedit Dominus Israheli salvatorem et liberatus est de manu Syriae habitaveruntque filii Israhel in tabernaculis suis sicut heri et nudius tertius
6 Neuerthelesse they departed not from the sinnes of the house of Ieroboam which made Israel sinne, but walked in them. euen the groue also remayned still in Samaria)
verumtamen non recesserunt a peccatis domus Hieroboam qui peccare fecit Israhel in ipsis ambulaverunt siquidem et lucus permansit in Samaria
7 For he had left of the people to Iehoahaz but fiftie horsemen, and tenne charets, and tenne thousand footemen, because the King of Aram had destroyed them, and made them like dust beaten to pouder.
et non sunt derelicti Ioachaz de populo nisi quinquaginta equites et decem currus et decem milia peditum interfecerat enim eos rex Syriae et redegerat quasi pulverem in tritura areae
8 Concerning the rest of the actes of Iehoahaz and all that he did, and his valiant deedes, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
reliqua autem sermonum Ioachaz et universa quae fecit sed et fortitudo eius nonne haec scripta sunt in libro sermonum dierum regum Israhel
9 And Iehoahaz slept with his fathers, and they buried him in Samaria, and Ioash his sonne reigned in his steade.
dormivitque Ioachaz cum patribus suis et sepelierunt eum in Samaria regnavitque Ioas filius eius pro eo
10 In the seuen and thirtieth yere of Ioash King of Iudah began Iehoash the sonne of Iehoahaz to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, and reigned sixteene yeere,
anno tricesimo septimo Ioas regis Iuda regnavit Ioas filius Ioachaz super Israhel in Samaria sedecim annis
11 And did euil in the sight of the Lord: for he departed not from all the sinnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat that made Israel to sinne, but he walked therein.
et fecit quod malum est in conspectu Domini non declinavit ab omnibus peccatis Hieroboam filii Nabath qui peccare fecit Israhel in ipsis ambulavit
12 Concerning the rest of the actes of Ioash and all that he did, and his valiant deedes, and how he fought against Amaziah King of Iudah, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?
reliqua autem sermonum Ioas et universa quae fecit sed et fortitudo eius quomodo pugnaverit contra Amasiam regem Iuda nonne haec scripta sunt in libro sermonum regum Israhel
13 And Ioash slept with his fathers, and Ieroboam sate vpon his seate: and Ioash was buryed in Samaria among the Kings of Israel.
et dormivit Ioas cum patribus suis Hieroboam autem sedit super solium eius porro Ioas sepultus est in Samaria cum regibus Israhel
14 When Elisha fell sicke of his sickenesse whereof he dyed, Ioash the King of Israel came downe vnto him, and wept vpon his face, and sayd, O my father, my father, the charet of Israel, and the horsemen of the same.
Heliseus autem aegrotabat infirmitate qua et mortuus est descenditque ad eum Ioas rex Israhel et flebat coram eo dicebatque pater mi pater mi currus Israhel et auriga eius
15 Then Elisha sayde vnto him, Take a bowe and arrowes. And he tooke vnto him bowe and arrowes.
et ait illi Heliseus adfer arcum et sagittas cumque adtulisset ad eum arcum et sagittas
16 And he sayde to the King of Israel, Put thine hand vpon the bowe. And he put his hand vpon it. And Elisha put his hands vpon the Kings hands,
dixit ad regem Israhel pone manum tuam super arcum et cum posuisset ille manum suam superposuit Heliseus manus suas manibus regis
17 And saide, Open the windowe Eastward. And when he had opened it, Elisha said, Shoote. And he shot. And he sayd, Beholde the arrowe of the Lordes deliuerance and the arrowe of deliuerance against Aram: for thou shalt smite the Aramites in Aphek, till thou hast consumed them.
et ait aperi fenestram orientalem cumque aperuisset dixit Heliseus iace sagittam et iecit et ait Heliseus sagitta salutis Domini et sagitta salutis contra Syriam percutiesque Syriam in Afec donec consumas eam
18 Againe he said, Take the arrowes. And he tooke them. And he sayde vnto the King of Israel, Smite the ground. And he smote thrise, and ceased.
et ait tolle sagittas qui cum tulisset rursum dixit ei percute iaculo terram et cum percussisset tribus vicibus et stetisset
19 Then the man of God was angry with him, and sayde, Thou shouldest haue smitten fiue or sixe times, so thou shouldest haue smitten Aram, till thou haddest consumed it, where nowe thou shalt smite Aram but thrise.
iratus est contra eum vir Dei et ait si percussisses quinquies aut sexies sive septies percussisses Syriam usque ad consummationem nunc autem tribus vicibus percuties eam
20 So Elisha dyed, and they buryed him. And certaine bandes of the Moabites came into the land that yeere.
mortuus est ergo Heliseus et sepelierunt eum latrunculi quoque de Moab venerunt in terra in ipso anno
21 And as they were burying a man, behold, they saw the souldiers: therfore they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha. And when the man was downe, and touched the bones of Elisha, he reuiued and stoode vpon his feete.
quidam autem sepelientes hominem viderunt latrunculos et proiecerunt cadaver in sepulchro Helisei quod ambulavit et tetigit ossa Helisei et revixit homo et stetit super pedes suos
22 But Hazael King of Aram vexed Israel all the dayes of Iehoahaz.
igitur Azahel rex Syriae adflixit Israhel cunctis diebus Ioachaz
23 Therefore the Lord had mercy on them and pitied them, and had respect vnto them because of his couenant with Abraham, Izhak, and Iaakob, and would not destroy them, neither cast he them from him as yet.
et misertus est Dominus eorum et reversus est ad eos propter pactum suum quod habebat cum Abraham Isaac et Iacob et noluit disperdere eos neque proicere penitus usque in praesens tempus
24 So Hazael the King of Aram dyed: and Ben-hadad his sonne reigned in his stead.
mortuus est autem Azahel rex Syriae et regnavit Benadad filius eius pro eo
25 Therefore Iehoash the sonne of Iehoahaz returned, and tooke out of the hand of Ben-hadad the sonne of Hazael the cities which he had taken away by warre out of the hand of Iehoahaz his father: for three times did Ioash beate him, and restored the cities vnto Israel.
porro Ioas filius Ioachaz tulit urbes de manu Benadad filii Azahel quas tulerat de manu Ioachaz patris sui iure proelii tribus vicibus percussit eum Ioas et reddidit civitates Israheli