< 2 John 1 >
1 THE ELDER to the elect Lady, and her children, whom I loue in the trueth: and not I onely, but also all that haue knowen the trueth,
he abhirucite kuriye, tvAM tava putrAMzca prati prAcIno'haM patraM likhAmi|
2 For the trueths sake which dwelleth in vs, and shalbe with vs for euer: (aiōn )
satyamatAd yuSmAsu mama premAsti kevalaM mama nahi kintu satyamatajJAnAM sarvveSAmeva| yataH satyamatam asmAsu tiSThatyanantakAlaM yAvaccAsmAsu sthAsyati| (aiōn )
3 Grace be with you, mercie and peace from God the Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne of the Father, with trueth and loue.
piturIzvarAt tatpituH putrAt prabho ryIzukhrISTAcca prApyo 'nugrahaH kRpA zAntizca satyatApremabhyAM sArddhaM yuSmAn adhitiSThatu|
4 I reioyced greatly, that I founde of thy children walking in trueth, as we haue receiued a commandement of the Father.
vayaM pitRto yAm AjJAM prAptavantastadanusAreNa tava kecid AtmajAH satyamatam Acarantyetasya pramANaM prApyAhaM bhRzam AnanditavAn|
5 And nowe beseeche I thee, Lady, (not as writing a newe commandement vnto thee, but that same which we had from the beginning) that we loue one another.
sAmprataJca he kuriye, navInAM kAJcid AjJAM na likhannaham Adito labdhAm AjJAM likhan tvAm idaM vinaye yad asmAbhiH parasparaM prema karttavyaM|
6 And this is that loue, that we should walke after his commandements. This commandement is, that as ye haue heard from the beginning, ye should walke in it.
aparaM premaitena prakAzate yad vayaM tasyAjJA Acarema| Adito yuSmAbhi ryA zrutA seyam AjJA sA ca yuSmAbhirAcaritavyA|
7 For many deceiuers are entred into this worlde, which confesse not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh. He that is such one, is a deceiuer and an Antichrist.
yato bahavaH pravaJcakA jagat pravizya yIzukhrISTo narAvatAro bhUtvAgata etat nAGgIkurvvanti sa eva pravaJcakaH khrISTArizcAsti|
8 Looke to your selues, that we lose not the things which we haue done, but that we may receiue full reward.
asmAkaM zramo yat paNDazramo na bhavet kintu sampUrNaM vetanamasmAbhi rlabhyeta tadarthaM svAnadhi sAvadhAnA bhavataH|
9 Whosoeuer transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Sonne.
yaH kazcid vipathagAmI bhUtvA khrISTasya zikSAyAM na tiSThati sa IzvaraM na dhArayati khrISTasya zijJAyAM yastiSThati sa pitaraM putraJca dhArayati|
10 If there come any vnto you, and bring not this doctrine, receiue him not to house, neither bid him, God speede:
yaH kazcid yuSmatsannidhimAgacchan zikSAmenAM nAnayati sa yuSmAbhiH svavezmani na gRhyatAM tava maGgalaM bhUyAditi vAgapi tasmai na kathyatAM|
11 For he that biddeth him, God speede, is partaker of his euill deedes.
yatastava maGgalaM bhUyAditi vAcaM yaH kazcit tasmai kathayati sa tasya duSkarmmaNAm aMzI bhavati|
12 Although I had many things to write vnto you, yet I woulde not write with paper and ynke: but I trust to come vnto you, and speake mouth to mouth, that our ioy may be full.
yuSmAn prati mayA bahUni lekhitavyAni kintu patramasIbhyAM tat karttuM necchAmi, yato 'smAkam Anando yathA sampUrNo bhaviSyati tathA yuSmatsamIpamupasthAyAhaM sammukhIbhUya yuSmAbhiH sambhASiSya iti pratyAzA mamAste|
13 The sonnes of thine elect sister greete thee, Amen.
tavAbhirucitAyA bhaginyA bAlakAstvAM namaskAraM jJApayanti| Amen|