< 2 Corinthians 9 >
1 For as touching the ministring to the Saints, it is superfluous for me to write vnto you.
Lino kwamba sha bipo byakunyamfwilisha bantu ba Lesa nkandela kumulembela.
2 For I knowe your readinesse of minde, whereof I boast my selfe of you vnto them of Macedonia, and say, that Achaia was prepared a yeere agoe, and your zeale hath prouoked many.
Pakwinga ndicinsheti mukute moyo wakuyandishisha, kayi ndabambili mwakukondwa bashoma bali ku Makedoniya kwambeti, amwe mwekala mu cimpansha ca Akaya mwanga mwalibambila kwa caka cakabumbulu. Kuliyaba kwenu mukubenga bipo kulayuminishi bangi kwambeti naboyo babenge bipo.
3 Nowe haue I sent the brethren, lest our reioycing ouer you shoulde bee in vaine in this behalfe, that yee (as I haue sayde) be readie:
Encendatumininga Tito ne banendi babili kuli njamwe, ndayandangeti mulibambile mbuli ncendalamulaya. Ici nicinshile bukamboni kwambeti nkatwalikuba balubila pakumulumba.
4 Lest if they of Macedonia come with me, and finde you vnprepared, we (that wee may not say, you) should be ashamed in this my constant boasting.
Pakwinga bantu ba mucimpansha ca Makedoniya balakesanga pamo ne njame uko ku Kolinto, bakacaneti nkamwalibambila nitukanyumfwe nsoni pakuboneti ncito yakubenga bipo ilamwalili. Ne njamwe nimukanyumfwe nsoni kupita afwe.
5 Wherefore, I thought it necessarie to exhort the brethren to come before vnto you, and to finish your beneuolence appointed afore, that it might be readie, and come as of beneuolence, and not as of niggardlinesse.
Encendayeyeleti ntume Tito ne banendi kwambeti babe ne njamwe kwacindi nkantananjisa. Babunganyine limo bipo mbyomwalalaya pakwinga nicindi caina cakubenga mwakuyandishisha, nteko kwakukakatisha sobwe.
6 This yet remember, that he which soweth sparingly, shall reape also sparingly, and hee that soweth liberally, shall reape also liberally.
Kamwanukani maswi akwambeti, “mbuto shing'ana shikute kupa butebushi bung'ana, nomba mbuto shingi shikute kupa buteshi bunene.”
7 As euery man wisheth in his heart, so let him giue, not grudgingly, or of necessitie: for God loueth a cheerefull giuer.
Uliyense asuminishane ne moyo wakendi, abenge bipo mwakubula kung'ung'uta nambi kukakatishiwa sobwe. Lesa usuni bantu bakute kubenga mwakuyandishisha.
8 And God is able to make all grace to abound towarde you, that yee alwayes hauing all sufficiencie in all thinges, may abounde in euery good worke,
Lesa ngaumupa byapitilila mbyemulayanda kwambeti cindi conse mucane mbyemulayanda, kayi ngamuba ne bintu bingi byakwana muncito iliyonse yaina.
9 (As it is written, He hath sparsed abroad and hath giuen to the poore: his beneuolence remayneth for euer. (aiōn )
Mbuli Mabala ncalambangeti, “Lesa lamwaya bipo byakendi ku bakandu, Bululami bwakendi nkabupu.” (aiōn )
10 Also hee that findeth seede to the sower, will minister likewise bread for foode, and multiplie your seede, and increase the fruites of your beneuolence, )
Lesa eukute kupa balimi mbuto kwambeti bonse bacane cakulya. Nakamusankanishilepo palibyo mbyemukute kwambeti mukonshe kupa abo babulilwa.
11 That on all partes yee may bee made rich vnto all liberalitie, which causeth through vs thankesgiuing vnto God.
Nakamupe bingi kwambeti mupitilishe kuyabila banenu cindi conse. Neco bantu bangi nibakalumbe Lesa twakabatwalila bupe bwenu.
12 For the ministration of this seruice not onely supplieth the necessities of the Saintes, but also aboundantly causeth many to giue thankes to God,
Incito njemulenshinga nteyo yakunyamfowa bantu ba Lesa mubintu mbyebalayandanga sobwe, nsombi ilapeshengeti bangi balumbaishe Lesa.
13 (Which by the experiment of this ministration praise God for your voluntarie submission to the Gospell of Christ, and for your liberall distribution to them, and to all men)
Pakwinga iyi ncito ilabapanga bukamboni bwa luse lwenu lwancine ncine, neco balo nibakalumbanye Lesa cebo cakunyumfwa kwenu pakusuminisha Mulumbe Waina. Nibakenseco cebo cakusunguluka kwenu pakuyabana nebantu bonse.
14 And in their praier for you, to log after you greatly, for the aboundant grace of God in you.
Pakuba ne lusuno lunene balamupaililinga cebo cankumbo shenu shingi isho Lesa nshalamupa
15 Thankes therefore bee vnto God for his vnspeakeable gift.
Katulumbaishani Lesa cebo ca cipo cakendi cela kubula kupandululwa ne maswi ali onse.