< 2 Corinthians 2 >
1 Bvt I determined thus in my selfe, that I would not come againe to you in heauinesse.
aparañcāhaṁ punaḥ śōkāya yuṣmatsannidhiṁ na gamiṣyāmīti manasi niracaiṣaṁ|
2 For if I make you sorie, who is he then that shoulde make me glad, but ye same which is made sorie by me?
yasmād ahaṁ yadi yuṣmān śōkayuktān karōmi tarhi mayā yaḥ śōkayuktīkr̥tastaṁ vinā kēnāparēṇāhaṁ harṣayiṣyē?
3 And I wrote this same thing vnto you, lest when I came, I should take heauines of them, of whom I ought to reioyce: this confidence haue I in you all, that my ioye is the ioye of you all.
mama yō harṣaḥ sa yuṣmākaṁ sarvvēṣāṁ harṣa ēvēti niścitaṁ mayābōdhi; ataēva yairahaṁ harṣayitavyastai rmadupasthitisamayē yanmama śōkō na jāyēta tadarthamēva yuṣmabhyam ētādr̥śaṁ patraṁ mayā likhitaṁ|
4 For in great affliction, and anguish of heart I wrote vnto you with many teares: not that yee should be made sorie, but that ye might perceiue the loue which I haue, specially vnto you.
vastutastu bahuklēśasya manaḥpīḍāyāśca samayē'haṁ bahvaśrupātēna patramēkaṁ likhitavān yuṣmākaṁ śōkārthaṁ tannahi kintu yuṣmāsu madīyaprēmabāhulyasya jñāpanārthaṁ|
5 And if any hath caused sorowe, the same hath not made mee sorie, but partly (lest I should more charge him) you all.
yēnāhaṁ śōkayuktīkr̥tastēna kēvalamahaṁ śōkayuktīkr̥tastannahi kintvaṁśatō yūyaṁ sarvvē'pi yatō'hamatra kasmiṁścid dōṣamārōpayituṁ nēcchāmi|
6 It is sufficient vnto the same man, that hee was rebuked of many.
bahūnāṁ yat tarjjanaṁ tēna janēnālambhi tat tadarthaṁ pracuraṁ|
7 So that nowe contrariwise yee ought rather to forgiue him, and comfort him, lest the same shoulde bee swalowed vp with ouermuch heauinesse.
ataḥ sa duḥkhasāgarē yanna nimajjati tadarthaṁ yuṣmābhiḥ sa kṣantavyaḥ sāntvayitavyaśca|
8 Wherefore, I pray you, that you woulde confirme your loue towards him.
iti hētōḥ prarthayē'haṁ yuṣmābhistasmin dayā kriyatāṁ|
9 For this cause also did I write, that I might knowe the proofe of you, whether yee would be obedient in all things.
yūyaṁ sarvvakarmmaṇi mamādēśaṁ gr̥hlītha na vēti parīkṣitum ahaṁ yuṣmān prati likhitavān|
10 To whome yee forgiue any thing, I forgiue also: for verely if I forgaue any thing, to whome I forgaue it, for your sakes forgaue I it in the sight of Christ,
yasya yō dōṣō yuṣmābhiḥ kṣamyatē tasya sa dōṣō mayāpi kṣamyatē yaśca dōṣō mayā kṣamyatē sa yuṣmākaṁ kr̥tē khrīṣṭasya sākṣāt kṣamyatē|
11 Lest Satan should circumuent vs: for we are not ignorant of his enterprises.
śayatānaḥ kalpanāsmābhirajñātā nahi, atō vayaṁ yat tēna na vañcyāmahē tadartham asmābhiḥ sāvadhānai rbhavitavyaṁ|
12 Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christs Gospell, and a doore was opened vnto me of the Lord,
aparañca khrīṣṭasya susaṁvādaghōṣaṇārthaṁ mayi trōyānagaramāgatē prabhōḥ karmmaṇē ca madarthaṁ dvārē muktē
13 I had no rest in my spirit, because I founde not Titus my brother, but tooke my leaue of them, and went away into Macedonia.
satyapi svabhrātustītasyāvidyamānatvāt madīyātmanaḥ kāpi śānti rna babhūva, tasmād ahaṁ tān visarjjanaṁ yācitvā mākidaniyādēśaṁ gantuṁ prasthānam akaravaṁ|
14 Now thankes be vnto God, which alwaies maketh vs to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the sauour of his knowledge by vs in euery place.
ya īśvaraḥ sarvvadā khrīṣṭēnāsmān jayinaḥ karōti sarvvatra cāsmābhistadīyajñānasya gandhaṁ prakāśayati sa dhanyaḥ|
15 For wee are vnto God the sweete sauour of Christ, in them that are saued, and in them which perish.
yasmād yē trāṇaṁ lapsyantē yē ca vināśaṁ gamiṣyanti tān prati vayam īśvarēṇa khrīṣṭasya saugandhyaṁ bhavāmaḥ|
16 To the one we are the sauour of death, vnto death, and to the other the sauour of life, vnto life: and who is sufficient for these things?
vayam ēkēṣāṁ mr̥tyavē mr̥tyugandhā aparēṣāñca jīvanāya jīvanagandhā bhavāmaḥ, kintvētādr̥śakarmmasādhanē kaḥ samarthō'sti?
17 For wee are not as many, which make marchandise of the woorde of God: but as of sinceritie, but as of God in ye sight of God speake we in Christ.
anyē bahavō lōkā yadvad īśvarasya vākyaṁ mr̥ṣāśikṣayā miśrayanti vayaṁ tadvat tanna miśrayantaḥ saralabhāvēnēśvarasya sākṣād īśvarasyādēśāt khrīṣṭēna kathāṁ bhāṣāmahē|