< 2 Chronicles 29 >

1 Hezekiah began to reigne, when he was fiue and twentie yeere olde, and reigned nine and twentie yeres in Ierusalem: and his mothers name was Abiiah the daughter of Zechariah.
Hezekiya anali wa zaka 25 pamene anakhala mfumu ndipo analamulira mu Yerusalemu kwa zaka 29. Dzina la amayi ake linali Abiya mwana wa Zekariya.
2 And hee did vprightly in the sight of the Lord, according to all that Dauid his father had done.
Iye anachita zolungama pamaso pa Yehova, monga momwe anachitira Davide abambo ake.
3 He opened the doores of the house of the Lord in the first yeere, and in the first moneth of his reigne, and repared them.
Pa chaka choyamba cha ulamuliro wake, iye anatsekula zitseko za Nyumba ya Yehova ndipo anazikonza.
4 And he brought in the Priests and the Leuites, and gathered them into the East streete,
Iye analowetsamo ansembe ndi Alevi ndipo anawasonkhanitsa ku bwalo lakummawa
5 And said vnto them, Heare me, ye Leuites: sanctifie nowe your selues, and sanctifie the house of the Lord God of your fathers, and cary forth the filthinesse out of the Sanctuarie.
ndipo anati: “Mverani, inu Alevi! Dziyeretseni tsopano ndiponso muyeretse Nyumba ya Yehova Mulungu wa makolo anu. Muchotse zodetsa zonse ku malo opatulika.
6 For our fathers haue trespassed, and done euill in the eyes of the Lord our God, and haue forsaken him, and turned away their faces from the Tabernacle of the Lord, and turned their backes.
Makolo athu anali osakhulupirika ndipo anachita zoyipa pa maso pa Yehova Mulungu wathu ndi kumusiya Yehovayo. Iwo anatembenuka ndi kusiya malo okhalako Yehova ndi kumufulatira.
7 They haue also shut the doores of ye porch, and quenched the lampes, and haue neither burnt incense, nor offred burnt offrings in the Sanctuarie vnto the God of Israel.
Iwowo anatsekanso zitseko zapakhonde ndi kuzimitsa nyale. Sanafukize lubani kapena kupereka nsembe zopsereza ku malo opatulika a Mulungu wa Israeli.
8 Wherfore the wrath of the Lord hath bin on Iudah and Ierusalem: and he hath made them a scattering, a desolation, and an hissing, as ye see with your eyes.
Kotero, Yehova anakwiyira Yuda ndi Yerusalemu. Iye anawasandutsa chinthu chochititsa mantha, choopsa ndiponso chonyozedwa monga momwe mukuonera ndi maso anuwa lero lino.
9 For lo, our fathers are fallen by the sword, and our sonnes, and our daughters, and our wiues are in captiuitie for the same cause.
Ichi nʼchifukwa chake makolo athu anaperekedwa ku lupanga ndipo nʼchifukwa chake ana athu aamuna ndi aakazi ndi akazi athu ali ku ukapolo.
10 Now I purpose to make a couenant with the Lord God of Israel, that he may turne away his fierce wrath from vs.
Tsono ine ndikuganiza zochita pangano ndi Yehova Mulungu wa Israeli, kuti mkwiyo wake woopsawu utichokere.
11 Now my sonnes, be not deceiued: for the Lord hath chosen you to stand before him, to serue him, and to be his ministers, and to burne incense.
Ana anga, musanyalanyaze tsopano, pakuti Yehova wakusankhani kuti muziyima pamaso pake ndi kumutumikira Iye, kugwira ntchito pamaso pake ndi kufukiza lubani.”
12 Then the Leuites arose, Mahath ye sonne of Amashai, and Ioel the sonne of Azariah of the sonnes of the Kohathites: and of the sonnes of Merari, Kish the sonne of Abdi, and Azariah the sonne of Iehalelel: and of the Gershonites, Ioah the sonne of Zimmah, and Eden the sonne of Ioah:
Ndipo Alevi awa anakonzeka kugwira ntchito: Kuchokera ku banja la Kohati, Mahati mwana wa Amasai ndi Yoweli mwana wa Azariya; kuchokera ku banja la Merari, Kisi mwana wa Abidi ndi Azariya mwana wa Yehaleleli; kuchokera ku banja la Geresoni, Yowa mwana wa Zima ndi Edeni mwana wa Yowa;
13 And of the sonnes of Elizaphan, Shimri, and Iehiel: and of the sonnes of Asaph, Zechariah, and Mattaniah:
kuchokera kwa zidzukulu za Elizafani, Simiri ndi Yeiyeli; kuchokera kwa zidzukulu za Asafu, Zekariya ndi Mataniya;
14 And of the sonnes of Heman, Iehiel, and Shimei: and of the sonnes of Ieduthun, Shemaiah and Vzziel.
kuchokera kwa zidzukulu za Hemani, Yehieli ndi Simei; kuchokera kwa zidzukulu za Yedutuni, Semaya ndi Uzieli.
15 And they gathered their brethren, and sanctified themselues and came according to the commandement of the King, and by the words of the Lord, for to clense the house of the Lord.
Atasonkhanitsa abale awo ndi kudziyeretsa, iwo anapita kukayeretsa Nyumba ya Yehova, monga inalamulira mfumu, potsatira mawu a Yehova.
16 And the Priests went into the inner partes of the house of the Lord, to clense it, and brought out all the vncleannesse that they founde in the Temple of the Lord, into the court of the house of the Lord: and the Leuites tooke it, to cary it out vnto the brooke Kidron.
Ansembe analowa ku malo opatulika a Yehova kukayeretsako. Anatulutsira ku bwalo la Nyumba ya Yehova chilichonse chodetsedwa chimene anachipeza mʼNyumba ya Yehova. Alevi anatenga zimenezo ndi kupita nazo ku chigwa cha Kidroni.
17 They began the first day of the first moneth to sanctifie it, and the eight day of the moneth came they to the porche of the Lord: so they sanctified the house of the Lord in eight dayes, and in the sixeteenth day of the first moneth they made an ende.
Iwo anayamba mwambo woyeretsawu tsiku loyamba la mwezi woyamba ndipo pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chitatu la mweziwo anafika pa khonde la nyumba ya Yehova. Tsono anachita mwambo woyeretsa Nyumba ya Yehova ija masiku asanu ndi atatu, ndipo anamaliza pa tsiku la 16 mwezi woyamba.
18 Then they went in to Hezekiah ye King, and sayde, We haue clensed all the house of the Lord and the altar of burnt offring, with all the vessels thereof, and the shewbread table, with all the vessels thereof:
Ndipo anapita kwa mfumu Hezekiya ndi kukafotokoza kuti, “Ife tayeretsa Nyumba ya Mulungu yonse, guwa lansembe zopsereza ndi ziwiya zake zonse, ndiponso tebulo limene timayikapo buledi wopatulika pamodzi ndi zinthu zake zonse.
19 And all the vessels which King Ahaz had cast aside when he reigned, and transgressed, haue we prepared and sanctified: and beholde, they are before the altar of the Lord.
Takonza ndi kuyeretsa zinthu zonse zimene mfumu Ahazi anazichotsa mwa kusakhulupirika kwake pamene anali mfumu. Taziyika kutsogolo kwa guwa la Yehova.”
20 And Hezekiah the King rose early, and gathered the princes of the citie, and went vp to the house of the Lord.
Mmamawa tsiku linalo, mfumu Hezekiya inasonkhanitsa pamodzi akuluakulu a mu mzindawo ndipo inapita ku Nyumba ya Yehova.
21 And they brought seuen bullockes, and seuen rammes, and seuen lambes, and seuen hee goates, for a sinne offring for the kingdome, and for the sanctuarie, and for Iudah. And he commanded the Priests the sonnes of Aaron, to offer them on the altar of the Lord.
Iwo anabweretsa ngʼombe zazimuna zisanu ndi ziwiri ndi nkhosa zazimuna zisanu ndi ziwiri, ana ankhosa aamuna asanu ndi awiri, mbuzi zazimuna zisanu ndi ziwiri monga nsembe zoperekedwa chifukwa cha tchimo la ufumu, la malo opatulika ndi Yuda. Tsono mfumu inalamula ansembe, zidzukulu za Aaroni, kuti apereke zimenezi pa guwa lansembe la Yehova.
22 So they slewe the bullockes, and the Priests receiued the blood, and sprinkled it vpon the altar: they slew also the rammes and sprinkled the blood vpon the altar, and they slew the lambes, and they sprinkled the blood vpon the altar.
Choncho anthuwo anapha ngʼombe zazimunazo ndipo ansembe anatenga magazi ake ndi kuwawaza pa guwa lansembe, kenaka anapha nkhosa zazimuna zija ndipo anawaza magazi ake pa guwa lansembe; anaphanso ana ankhosa aja ndipo anawaza magazi ake pa guwa lansembe.
23 Then they brought the hee goates for the sinne offring before the King and the Congregation, and they layde their hands vpon them.
Mbuzi zoperekedwa chifukwa cha tchimo zija zinabweretsedwa pamaso pa mfumu ndi anthu onse, ndipo anasanjika manja awo pa izo.
24 And the Priests slewe them, and with the blood of them they clensed the altar to reconcile all Israel: for the King had commanded for all Israel the burnt offring and the sinne offring.
Kenaka ansembe anapha mbuzizo ndipo anapereka magazi ake pa guwa, kuti ukhale mwambo wofafanizira machimo a Aisraeli onse, pakuti mfumu inalamula kuti nsembe yopsereza ndi yopepesera machimo zichitike chifukwa cha Aisraeli onse.
25 He appointed also the Leuites in the house of the Lord with cymbales, with violes, and with harpes, according to the commandement of Dauid, and Gad the Kings Seer, and Nathan the Prophet: for the commandement was by the hande of the Lord, and by the hande of his Prophets.
Iye anayika Alevi mʼNyumba ya Yehova ali ndi ziwaya za malipenga, azeze ndi apangwe potsata lamulo la Davide, Gadi mlosi wa mfumu ndi mneneri Natani. Pakuti Yehova ndiye analamula zimenezi kudzera mwa aneneri.
26 And the Leuites stood with the instruments of Dauid, and the Priests with the trumpets.
Kotero Alevi anayima okonzekera atanyamula zoyimbira za Davide ndiponso ansembe atanyamula malipenga awo.
27 And Hezekiah commanded to offer the burnt offring vpon the altar: and when the burnt offring began, the song of the Lord beganne with the trumpets, and the instruments of Dauid King of Israel.
Hezekiya analamulira kuti apereke nsembe zopsereza pa guwa. Pamene amayamba kupereka nsembezo, kuyimbira Yehova kunayambikanso, pamodzi ndi malipenga ndi zipangizo zoyimbira za Davide mfumu ya Israeli.
28 And al the Congregation worshipped, singing a song, and they blew the trumpets: all this continued vntill the burnt offring was finished.
Anthu onse anawerama pansi ndi kulambira, pamene oyimba amayimba ndi malipenga. Izi zonse zinapitirira mpaka pa mapeto pa nsembe zopsereza.
29 And when they had made an ende of offring, the King and all that were present with him, bowed themselues, and worshipped.
Zopereka zitatha, mfumu ndi wina aliyense amene anali naye anagwada pansi ndi kulambira.
30 Then Hezekiah the King and the princes commanded the Leuites to prayse the Lord with the wordes of Dauid, and of Asaph the Seer. so they praysed with ioy, and they bowed themselues, and worshipped.
Mfumu Hezekiya ndi akuluakulu ake analamulira Alevi kuti atamande Yehova potsata mawu a Davide ndi mlosi Asafu. Kotero anayimba nyimbo zamatamando mokondwera ndipo anaweramitsa mitu yawo ndi kulambira.
31 And Hezekiah spake, and sayde, Now ye haue consecrate your selues to the Lord: come neere and bring the sacrifices and offerings of prayse into the house of the Lord. And the Congregation brought sacrifices; and offrings of prayses, and euery man that was willing in heart, offred burnt offrings.
Kenaka Hezekiya anati, “Inu mwadzipereka tsopano kwa Yehova. Bwerani ndipo mufike ndi nsembe ndi zopereka zachiyamiko ku Nyumba ya Yehova.” Choncho anthu onse anabweretsa nsembe ndi zopereka zachiyamiko, ndipo anthu onse amene anali ofuna mu mtima mwawo anabweretsa nsembe zopsereza.
32 And the nomber of the burnt offrings, which the Congregation brought, was seuentie bullockes, an hundreth rammes, and two hundreth lambes: all these were for a burnt offring to the Lord:
Chiwerengero cha nsembe zopsereza chimene anthu onse anabweretsa chinali ngʼombe zazimuna makumi asanu ndi awiri, nkhosa zazimuna 100, ana ankhosa aamuna 200 ndipo zonsezi zinali za nsembe yopsereza kwa Yehova.
33 And for sanctification sixe hundreth bullockes, and three thousand sheepe.
Ziweto zimene zinapatulidwa kukhala nsembe zinalipo ngʼombe zazimuna 600, nkhosa ndi mbuzi 3,000.
34 But the Priests were too few, and were not able to flay all the burnt offrings: therefore their brethren the Leuites did helpe them, til they had ended the worke, and vntill other Priests were sanctified: for the Leuites were more vpright in heart to sanctifie themselues, then the Priests.
Koma ansembe anali ochepa kuti asende zonse zopsereza. Choncho abale awo Alevi anawathandiza mpaka ntchito yonse inatha ndipo mpaka ansembe ena atadziyeretsa, pakuti Alevi anachita changu kudziyeretsa kulekana ndi momwe anachitira ansembe.
35 And also the burnt offerings were many with the fat of the peace offrings and the drinke offrings for the burnt offring. so the seruice of the house of the Lord was set in order.
Panali nsembe zopsereza zochuluka, pamodzi ndi mafuta a nsembe yachiyanjano ndi nsembe yachakumwa imene imachitika pamodzi ndi nsembe yopsereza. Kotero ntchito ya mʼNyumba ya Mulungu inakhazikitsidwanso.
36 Then Hezekiah reioyced and all the people, that God had made the people so ready: for the thing was done suddenly.
Hezekiya ndi anthu onse anakondwera pa zimene Mulungu anachitira anthu ake, chifukwa zinachita mwamsangamsanga.

< 2 Chronicles 29 >