< 2 Chronicles 21 >

1 Iehosphaphat then slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the citie of Dauid: and Iehoram his sonne reigned in his steade.
यहोशापात आफ्‍ना पुर्खाहरूसित सुते र तिनीहरूसँग दाऊदको सहरमा गाडिए । तिनका ठाउँमा तिनका छोरा यहोराम राजा भए ।
2 And he had brethren the sonnes of Iehoshaphat, Azariah, and Iehiel, and Zechariah, and Azariah, and Michael, and Shephatiah. All these were the sonnes of Iehoshaphat King of Israel.
यहोरामका भाइहरू, यहोशापातका छोराहरू अजर्याह, यहीएल, जकरिया, अजर्याह, मिखाएल र शपत्‍याह थिए । यी सबै इस्राएलका राजा यहोशापातका छोराहरू थिए ।
3 And their father gaue them great giftes of siluer and of golde, and of precious things, with strong cities in Iudah, but the kingdome gaue he to Iehoram: for he was the eldest.
तिनका बुबाले तिनीहरूलाई सुन, चाँदी र बहुमूल्‍य थोकहरूका ठुला उपहारहरू र यहूदाका किल्‍ला भएका सहरहरू पनि दिए, तर राज्‍यचाहिं तिनले यहोरामलाई नै दिए ।
4 And Iehoram rose vp vpon the kingdom of his father, and made himselfe strong, and slew all his brethren with the sworde, and also of the princes of Israel.
जब यहोराम आफ्‍ना बुबाको राज्यमा उदाएका र आफैलाई राजाको रूपमा बलियोसँग स्थापित गरेका थिए, तब तिनले आफ्‍ना सबै भाइलाई र इस्राएलका धेरै जना अगुवालाई तरवारले मारे ।
5 Iehoram was two and thirtie yeere olde, when he began to reigne, and he reigned eyght yeere in Ierusalem.
यहोरामले राज्य गर्न सुरु गर्दा तिनी बत्तिस वर्षका थिए र तिनले येरूशलेममा आठ वर्ष राज्य गरे ।
6 And he walked in the way of the Kings of Israel, as the house of Ahab had done: for he had the daughter of Ahab to wife, and he wrought euill in the eyes of the Lord.
आहाबका घरानाले गरेझैं तिनी इस्राएलका राजाहरूका चालमा हिंडे, किनकि तिनले आहाबकी छोरीलाई आफ्‍नी पत्‍नीको रूपमा ल्याए, र तिनले परमप्रभुको दृष्‍टिमा जे खराब थियो सो गरे ।
7 Howbeit the Lord would not destroy the house of Dauid, because of the couenant that he had made with Dauid, and because he had promised to giue a light to him, and to his sonnes for euer.
तापनि दाऊदसित परमप्रभुले गर्नुभएको करारको खातिर उहाँले दाऊदको घरानालाई नाश गर्ने इच्‍छा गर्नुभएन । उहाँले दाऊद र तिनका सन्तानहरूलाई सधैँ जीवन दिने प्रतिज्ञा उहाँले गर्नुभएको थियो ।
8 In his dayes Edom rebelled from vnder the hand of Iudah, and made a King ouer them.
यहोरामको समयमा एदोमले यहूदाको अधीनताको विरोध गर्‍यो, र तिनीहरूले आफ्‍नै राजा स्‍थापित गरे ।
9 And Iehoram went forth with his princes, and all his charets with him: and hee rose vp by night, and smote Edom, which had compassed him in, and the captaines of the charets.
तब यहोराम आफ्‍ना फौज पतिहरू र सबै रथका साथमा एदोमतिर गए । तिनी उठेर एदोमीहरूसँग युद्ध गर्दा रात परेको थियो । एदोमीहरूले तिनी र तिनका रथका फौज पतिहरूलाई घेरेका थिए ।
10 But Edom rebelled from vnder the hande of Iudah vnto this day. then did Libnah rebell at the same time from vnder his hand, because he had forsaken the Lord God of his fathers.
यसैले एदोम आजको दिनसम्‍मै यहूदाको अधीनताको विरुद्धमा छ । त्‍यसै बेला लिब्‍नाले पनि तिनको अधीनताको विरुद्धमा विद्रोह गर्‍यो, किनभने यहोरामले परमप्रभु आफ्‍ना पुर्खाहरूका परमेश्‍वरलाई त्‍यागेका थिए ।
11 Moreouer hee made hie places in the mountaines of Iudah, and caused the inhabitants of Ierusalem to commit fornication, and compelled Iudah thereto.
यसबाहेक यहोरामले यहूदाका पहाडमा अल्‍गा ठाउँहरू पनि बनाएका थिए र तिनले यरूशलेमका बासिन्‍दाहरूलाई वेश्याहरूजस्तै जिउने बनाए र यहूदालाई कुमार्गमा लगाए ।
12 And there came a writing to him from Elijah the Prophet, saying, Thus sayth the Lord God of Dauid thy father, Because thou hast not walked in the wayes of Iehoshaphat thy father, nor in the wayes of Asa King of Iudah,
एलिया अगमवक्ताबाट यहोरामकहाँ एउटा पत्र आयो । त्‍यसमा लेखिएको थियो, “तपाईंका पुर्खा दाऊदका परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्‍छ: ‘तँ आफ्‍ना बुबा यहोशापात चालमा चलिनस्, न त यहूदाका राजा आसाको चालमा नै चलिस्,
13 But hast walked in the way of the kings of Israel, and hast made Iudah and the inhabitantes of Ierusalem to go a whoring, as the house of Ahab went a whoring, and hast also slaine thy brethre of thy fathers house, which were better then thou,
तर आहाबको घरानाले गरेझैं इस्राएलका राजाहरूका चालमा चलेर आहाबको परिवारले गरेजस्तै तैंले यहूदा र यरूशलेमका बासिन्‍दाहरूलाई वेश्‍याहरूजस्तै गर्न लगाइस्, र तैंले तँभन्दा असल तेरा बुबाका परिवारका आफ्‍नै भाइहरू, तँभन्‍दा असल मानिसहरू पनि तैंले मारिस् —
14 Beholde, with a great plague will the Lord smite thy people, and thy children, and thy wiues, and all thy substance,
हेर्, तेरा मानिसहरू, तेरा छोराछोरी, तेरी पत्‍नीहरू र तेरा सबै धन-सम्‍पत्तिमा परमप्रभुले प्रहार गर्नुहुनेछ ।
15 And thou shalt be in great diseases in the disease of thy bowels, vntill thy bowels fall out for the disease, day by day.
तँ आफैलाई चाहिं निको नहुने आन्‍द्राको रोग हुनेछ । त्‍यसले गर्दा दिनदिनै तेरा आन्‍द्रा बाहिर निस्‍केर आउनेछन्‌ ।”
16 So the Lord stirred vp against Iehoram the spirite of the Philistims, and the Arabians that were beside the Ethiopians.
परमप्रभुले यहोरामको विरुद्धमा कूशीहरूका नजिकै बस्‍ने पलिश्‍ती र अरबीहरूलाई उक्‍साउनुभयो ।
17 And they came vp into Iudah, and brake into it, and caryed away all the substance that was found in the Kings house, and his sonnes also, and his wiues, so that there was not a sonne left him, saue Iehoahaz, the yongest of his sonnes.
तिनीहरूले यहूदालाई हमला गरेर आक्रमण गरे र राजाको महलमा फेला पारेका सबै धन-सम्‍पत्ति लिएर गए । तिनीहरूले तिनका छोराहरू र पत्‍नीहरू पनि लगे । कान्‍छा छोरा अहज्‍याहबाहेक तिनका कुनै छोरा पनि बाँकी रहेन ।
18 And after all this, the Lord smote him in his bowels with an incurable disease.
यी सबै भएपछि परमप्रभुले यहोरामलाई निको नहुने रोगले आन्‍द्रामा प्रहार गर्नुभयो ।
19 And in processe of time, euen after the end of two yeeres, his guttes fell out with his disease: so he dyed of sore diseases: and his people made no burning for him like the burning of his fathers.
त्‍यस रोगले तिनलाई केही समयसम्‍म सताइरह्यो । अनि दोस्रो वर्षको अन्‍तमा त्‍यही रोगले तिनका आन्‍द्रा बाहिर निस्‍के, र तिनी गम्भीर रोगले मरे । तिनको सम्‍मान गर्नलाई तिनका मानिसहरूले आगो बालेनन्, जस्‍तो तिनीहरूले तिनका पुर्खाहरूका निम्‍ति गरेका थिए ।
20 When he began to reigne, he was two and thirtie yeere olde, and reigned in Ierusalem eight yeere, and liued without being desired: yet they buryed him in the citie of Dauid, but not among the sepulchres of the Kings.
तिनी बत्तिस वर्षको हुँदा तिनले राज्य गर्न सुरु गरेका थिए । तिनले यरूशलेममा आठ वर्ष राज्य गरे, र तिनी मर्दा कसैले पनि शोक गरेन । तिनीहरूले तिनलाई दाऊदको सहरमा गाडे, तर राजाहरूका चिहानमा होइन ।

< 2 Chronicles 21 >