< 2 Chronicles 2 >

1 Then Salomon determined to builde an house for the Name of the Lord, and an house for his kingdome.
Solomon nochiwo chik mondo ger hekalu ni Nying Jehova Nyasaye kod ode mar ruoth.
2 And Salomon tolde out seuentie thousand that bare burdens, and fourescore thousande men to hewe stones in the mountaine, and three thousand and sixe hundreth to ouersee them.
Nondiko jotingʼ gik moko ji alufu piero abiriyo gi jopa kite e got ji alufu piero aboro kod nyipeche alufu adek gi mia auchiel.
3 And Salomon sent to Huram the king of Tyrus, saying, As thou hast done to Dauid my father, and didst sende him cedar trees to buylde him an house to dwell in, so do to me.
Solomon noorone Hiram ruodh Turo wach niya, “Orna yiend sida kaka ne iorone wuora Daudi sida mane ogerogo ode mar dak.
4 Behold, I buylde an house vnto the Name of the Lord my God, to sanctifie it vnto him, and to burne sweete incense before him, and for the continuall shewbread, and for the burnt offrings of the morning and euening, on the Sabbath dayes, and in the new moneths, and in the solemne feastes of the Lord our God: this is a perpetuall thing for Israel.
Sani achiegni gero hekalu ni Nying Jehova Nyasaye Nyasacha mondo achiwne kaka kar wangʼo ubani mangʼwe ngʼar e nyime. Hekaluni nobed kama iketoe makati mowal e nyime pile, kendo kama ichiwoe misengini miwangʼo pep mapile pile okinyi godhiambo. Misenginigi bende notim kinde Sabato kod ndalo ma dwe opor, kaachiel gi sewni moyier mag Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachwa. Ma en chik mochwere ni jo-Israel.
5 And the house which I buylde, is great: for great is our God aboue all gods.
“Hekalu ma anager nobed maduongʼ nikech Nyasachwa duongʼ moloyo nyiseche mamoko duto.
6 Who is he then that can be able to buylde him an house, when the heauen, and the heauen of heauens can not conteine him? who am I then that I should buylde him an house? but I do it to burne incense before him.
To en ngʼa manyalo gerone hekalu, ka kata polo malo kata polo mabor moloyo ok nyal romi? An to an ngʼa mondo agerne hekalu makmana gero kama iwangʼoe misengini e nyime?
7 Sende me nowe therefore a cunning man that can worke in golde, in siluer, and in brasse, and in yron, and in purple, and crimosin and blue silke, and that can graue in grauen worke with the cunning men that are with me in Iudah and in Ierusalem, whom Dauid my father hath prepared.
“Yie iorna ngʼama olony e tij dhahabu kod fedha, kod mula kod nyinyo kendo mongʼeyo loso law maralik gi makwar kod marambulu kendo man-gi ngʼeyo kuom goro gik mamoko mondo oti gi jotichna molony man Juda gi Jerusalem mane Daudi wuora oketo.
8 Sende mee also cedar trees, firre trees and Algummim trees from Lebanon: for I knowe that thy seruants can skill to hewe timber in Lebanon: and beholde, my seruantes shalbe with thine,
“Kowna bende yiend sida gi saipras gi algumo mag Lebanon nimar angʼeyo ni jotiji olony e ngʼado yiende kanyo. Jotijena biro tiyo kanyakla kod jotijegi
9 That they may prepare me timber in abundance: for the house which I doe buylde, is great and wonderfull.
mondo giikna yiende mangʼeny nikech hekalu magero nyaka bed maduongʼ kendo miwuoro.
10 And behold, I will giue to thy seruants the cutters and the hewers of timber twentie thousand measures of beaten wheate, and twentie thousand measures of barley, and twentie thousand baths of wine, and twentie thousand baths of oyle.
Anami jotichni ma jongʼad yien gunde alufu piero angʼwen mag ngano moregi, gi gunde alufu piero ariyo gariyo mag shairi gi degi alufu angʼwen mag divai kod depe alufu angʼwen mag mo.”
11 Then Huram King of Tyrus answered in writing which he sent to Salomon, Because the Lord hath loued his people, he hath made thee King ouer them.
Hiram ruodh Turo nodwoko Solomon gi baruwa kowacho: “Nikech Jehova Nyasaye ohero joge oseketi idoko ruodhgi.”
12 Huram sayd moreouer, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, which made the heauen and the earth, and that hath giuen vnto Dauid the King a wise sonne, that hath discretion, prudence and vnderstanding to buylde an house for the Lord, and a palace for his kingdome.
Kendo Hiram nomedo wacho niya, “Pak odogne Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasach jo-Israel mane ochweyo polo gi piny! Osemiyo Ruoth Daudi wuowi mariek, mongʼeyo fwono tiend weche kendo fwenyo gik moko, en ema noger hekalu ne Jehova Nyasaye to gi od ruoth modakie owuon.
13 Now therefore I haue sent a wise man, and of vnderstanding of my father Hurams,
“Aoroni Huram-Abi ngʼat man-gi lony maduongʼ
14 The sonne of a woman of the daughters of Dan: and his father was a man of Tyrus, and he can skill to worke in golde, in siluer, in brasse, in yron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue silke, and in fine linen, and in crimosin, and can graue in all grauen workes, and broyder in all broydered worke that shalbe giuen him, with thy cunning men, and with the cunning men of my lord Dauid thy father.
ma min-gi ne nyar Dan to wuon-gi ne ja-Turo. Ne otiegore e tije dhahabu, kod fedha, mula kod nyinyo, kidi kod yien, kendo kuom loso lewni maralik gi marambulu gi marakwaro to gi law katana maber. En kod lony mangʼeny kuom kit goro duto kendo loso kido moro amora momiye. Enoti gi jotijegi molony kaachiel gi mag ruodha Daudi wuonu.
15 Now therefore the wheate and the barley, the oyle and the wine, which my lorde hath spoken of, let him send vnto his seruants.
“Emomiyo ruodha yie iorna ngano gi shairi kod mo zeituni kod divai mane isingo.
16 And we wil cut wood in Lebanon as much as thou shalt neede, and will bring it to thee in raftes by the sea to Iapho, so thou mayest cary them to Ierusalem.
Wanatongʼ yiend Lebanon moromo kaka idwaro kendo nwatwegi kanyakla ma wakwangʼ-gi e nam nyaka Jopa, eka iniomgi mitergi Jerusalem.”
17 And Salomon nombred al the strangers that were in the land of Israel, after the nombring that his father Dauid had nombred them: and they were found an hundreth and three and fiftie thousand, and sixe hundreth.
Solomon nokwano jodak duto man Israel bangʼ kwan mane wuon mare Daudi nosekwano kendo noyudo ni gin ji alufu mia achiel gi piero abich gadek gi mia auchiel.
18 And he set seuentie thousande of them to the burden, and fourescore thousande to hewe stones in the mountaine, and three thousande and sixe hundreth ouerseers to cause the people to worke.
Ne oketo ji alufu piero abiriyo kuomgi mondo obed jotingʼo to ji alufu piero aboro opa kite e gode kaachiel gi ji alufu adek gi mia auchiel ma nyipechegi mondo omi ji oti.

< 2 Chronicles 2 >