< 2 Chronicles 17 >
1 And Iehosphat his sonne reigned in his steade, and preuailed against Israel.
Hans Søn Josafat blev Konge i hans Sted. Han styrkede sin Stilling over for Israel
2 And he put garisons in all the strong cities of Iudah, and set bandes in the lande of Iudah and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken.
ved at lægge Besætning i alle Judas befæstede Byer og indsætte Fogeder i Judas Land og de efraimitiske Byer, hans Fader Asa havde indtaget.
3 And the Lord was with Iehoshaphat, because he walked in the first wayes of his father Dauid, and sought not Baalim,
Og HERREN var med Josafat, thi han vandrede de Veje, hans Fader David til at begynde med havde vandret, og søgte ikke hen til Ba'alerne,
4 But sought the Lord God of his father, and walked in his commandements, and not after the trade of Israel.
men til sin Faders Gud og fulgte hans Bud og gjorde ikke som Israel.
5 Therefore the Lord stablished the kingdome in his hande, and all Iudah brought presents to Iehoshaphat, so that he had of riches and honour in abundance.
Derfor grundfæstede HERREN Kongedømmet i hans Hånd; og hele Juda bragte Josafat Gaver, så han vandt stor Rigdom og Ære.
6 And he lift vp his heart vnto the wayes of the Lord, and he tooke away moreouer the hie places and the groues out of Iudah.
Da voksede hans Mod til at vandre på HERRENs Veje, så han også udryddede Offerhøjene og Asjerastøtterne i Juda.
7 And in the thirde yere of his reigne he sent his princes, Ben-hail, and Obadiah, and Zechariah, and Nethaneel, and Michaiah, that they should teach in the cities of Iudah,
I sit tredje Regeringsår sendte han sine Øverster Benhajil, Obadja, Zekarja, Netan'el og Mika ud for at undevise i Judas Byer,
8 And with them Leuites, Shemaiah, and Nethaniah, and Zebadiah, and Asahel, and Shemiramoth, and Iehonathan, and Adoniiah, and Tobiiah, and Tob-adoniiah, Leuites, and with the Elishama and Iehoram Priestes.
ledsaget af Leviterne Sjemaja, Netanja, Zebadja, Asa'el, Sjemiramot, Jonatan, Adonija, Tobija og Tob-Adonija, Leviterne, og præsterne Elisjama og Joram.
9 And they taught in Iudah, and had the booke of the Lawe of the Lord with them, and went about throughout all the cities of Iudah, and taught the people.
De havde HERRENs Lovbog med sig og undeviste i Juda, og de drog rundt i alle Judas Byer og underviste Folket.
10 And the feare of the Lord fell vpon all the kingdomes of ye lands that were round about Iudah, and they fought not against Iehoshaphat.
En HERRENs Rædsel kom over alle Lande og Riger rundt om Juda, så de ikke indlod sig i Krig med Josafat.
11 Also some of the Philistims brought Iehoshaphat giftes and tribute siluer, and the Arabians brought him flockes, seuen thousande and seuen hundreth rammes, and seuen thousande and seuen hundreth hee goates.
Fra Filisterne kom der Folk, som bragte Josafat Gaver og svarede Sølv i Skat; også Araberne bragte ham Småkvæg, 7700 Vædre og 7700 Bukke.
12 So Iehoshaphat prospered and grewe vp on hie: and he built in Iudah palaces and cities of store.
Således gik det stadig fremad for Josafat, så han til sidst fik meget stor Magt; og han byggede Borge og Forrådsbyer i Juda,
13 And he had great workes in the cities of Iudah, and men of warre, and valiant men in Ierusalem.
og han havde store Forråd i Judas Byer og Krigsfolk, dygtige Krigere i Jerusalem.
14 And these are the nombers of them after the house of their fathers, In Iudah were captaines of thousands, Adnah the captaine, and with him of valiant men three hundreth thousande.
Her følger en Fortegnelse over dem efter deres Fædrenehuse. Til Juda hørte følgende Tusindførere: Øversten Adna med 300.000 dygtige Krigere;
15 And at his hande Iehohanan a captaine, and with him two hundreth and fourescore thousande.
ved Siden af ham Øversten Johanan med 280.000 Mand;
16 And at his hande Amasiah the sonne of Zichri, which willingly offered him selfe vnto the Lord, and with him two hundreth thousand valiant men.
ved Siden af ham Amasja, Zikris Søn, der frivilligt gav sig i HERRENs Tjeneste, med 200.000 dygtige Krigere;
17 And of Beniamin, Eliada a valiant man, and with him armed men with bowe and shielde two hundreth thousand.
fra Benjamin var Eljada, en dygtig Koger, med 200.000 Mand, væbnet med Bue og Skjold;
18 And at his hand Iehozabad, and with him an hundreth and fourescore thousand armed to the warre.
ved Siden af ham Jozabad med 80.000 vel rustede Mand.
19 These waited on the King, besides those which the King put in the strong cities thoroughout all Iudah.
Disse stod i Kongens Tjeneste, og dertil kom de, som Kongen havde lagt i de befæstede Byer hele Juda over.