< 2 Chronicles 15 >
1 Then the Spirite of God came vpon Azariah the sonne of Obed.
Guds Ånd kom over Azarja, Odeds Søn,
2 And he went out to meete Asa, and said vnto him, O Asa, and all Iudah, and Beniamin, heare ye me. The Lord is with you, while ye be with him: and if ye seeke him, he wil be founde of you, but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.
og han trådte frem for Asa og sagde til ham: "Hør mig, Asa og hele Juda og Benjamin! HERREN er med eder, når I er med ham; og hvis I søger ham, lader han sig finde af eder, men forlader I ham, forlader han også eder!
3 Nowe for a long season Israel hath bene without the true God, and without Priest to teach and without Lawe.
I lange Tider var Israel uden sand Gud, uden Præster til at vejlede og uden Lov,
4 But whosoeuer returned in his affliction to the Lord God of Israel, and sought him, he was founde of them.
men i sin Trængsel omvendte det sig til HERREN, Israels Gud, og søgte ham, og han lod sig finde at dem.
5 And in that time there was no peace to him, that did goe out and goe in: but great troubles were to all the inhabitants of the earth.
I de Tider kunde ingen gå ud og ind i Fred, thi der var vild Rædsel over alle Landes Indbyggere;
6 For nation was destroyed of nation, and citie of citie: for God troubled them with all aduersitie.
Folk knustes mod Folk, By mod By, thi Gud bragte dem i vild Rædsel med alle mulige Trængsler.
7 Be ye strong therefore, and let not your handes be weake: for your worke shall haue a rewarde.
Men I, vær frimodige og lad ikke Hænderne synke, thi der er Løn for eders Gerning."
8 And when Asa heard these wordes, and the prophesie of Obed the Prophet, he was encouraged, and tooke away the abominations out of all the lande of Iudah, and Beniamin, and out of the cities which he had taken of mount Ephraim, and he renued the altar of the Lord, that was before the porche of the Lord.
Da Asa hørte de Ord og den Profeti, tog han Mod til sig og fjernede de væmmelige Guder fra hele Judas og Benjamins Land og fra de Byer, han havde indtaget i Efraims Bjerge; oghan byggede påny HERRENs Alter foran HERRENs Forhal.
9 And he gathered all Iudah and Beniamin, and the strangers with them out of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and out of Simeon: for there fell many to him out of Israel, when they sawe that the Lord his God was with him.
Så samlede han hele Juda og Benjamin og de Folk fra Efraim, Manasse og Simeon, der boede som fremmede hos dem; thi en Mængde Israeliter var gået over til ham, da de så, at HERREN hans Gud var med ham.
10 So they assembled to Ierusalem in the third moneth, in the fifteenth yere of the reigne of Asa.
De samledes i Jerusalem i den tredje Måned i Asas femtende Regeringsår
11 And they offred vnto the Lord the same time of the spoyle, which they had brought, euen seuen hundreth bullockes, and seuen thousande sheepe.
og ofrede den Dag HERREN Ofre af Byttet, de havde medbragt, 700 Stykker Hornkvæg og 7000 Stykker Småkvæg.
12 And they made a couenant to seeke the Lord God of their fathers, with all their heart, and with all their soule.
Derpå sluttede de en Pagt om at søge HERREN, deres Fædres Gud, af hele deres Hjerte og hele deres Sjæl;
13 And whosoeuer will not seeke the Lord God of Israel, shalbe slaine, whether he were small or great, man or woman.
og enhver, der ikke søgte HERREN, Israels Gud, skulde lide Døden, være sig lille eller stor, Mand eller Kvinde.
14 And they sware vnto the Lord with a loude voyce, and with shouting and with trumpets, and with cornets.
Det tilsvor de HERREN med høj Røst under Jubel og til Trompeters og Horns Klang,
15 And all Iudah reioyced at the othe: for they had sworne vnto the Lord with all their heart, and sought him with a whole desire, and he was founde of them. And the Lord gaue them rest rounde about.
Og hele Juda glædede sig over den Ed, thi de svor af hele deres Hjerte og søgte ham af hele deres Vilje; og han lod sig finde af dem og lod dem få Ro til alle Sider.
16 And King Asa deposed Maachah his mother from her regencie, because she had made an idole in a groue: and Asa brake downe her idole, and stamped it, and burnt it at the brooke Kidron.
Kong Asa fratog endog sin Moder Ma'aka Værdigheden som Herskerinde, fordi hun havde ladet lave et Skændselsbillede til Ære for Asjera; Asa lod hendes Skændselsbillede nedbryde, sønderknuse og brænde i Kedrons Dal.
17 But the hie places were not taken away out of Israel: yet the heart of Asa was perfit all his dayes.
Vel forsvandt Offerhøjene ikke af Israel, men alligevel var Asas Hjerte helt med HERREN, så længe han levede.
18 Also he brought into the house of God the things that his father had dedicate, and that he had dedicate, siluer, and golde, and vessels.
Og han bragte sin Faders og sine egne Helliggaver ind i Guds Hus, Sølv, Guld og forskellige Kar.
19 And there was no warre vnto the fiue and thirtieth yeere of the reigne of Asa.
Der var ikke Krige føer efter Asas fem og tredivte Regeringsår.