< 2 Chronicles 14 >

1 So Abiiah slept with his fathers, and they buryed him in the citie of Dauid, and Asa his sonne reigned in his steade: in whose dayes the lande was quiet ten yeere.
Tsono Abiya anamwalira ndipo anayikidwa mʼmanda mu mzinda wa Davide. Asa mwana wake anakhala mfumu mʼmalo mwake ndipo pa masiku ake, dziko linakhala pa mtendere kwa zaka khumi.
2 And Asa did that was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God.
Asa anachita zabwino ndi zolungama pamaso pa Yehova Mulungu wake.
3 For he tooke away the altars of the strange gods and the hie places, and brake downe the images, and cut downe the groues,
Iye anachotsa maguwa achilendo ndi malo opembedzerapo mafano, anaphwanya zipilala za miyala yachipembedzo ndi kugwetsa mafano a Asera.
4 And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their fathers, and to doe according to the Lawe and the comandement.
Asa analamula Yuda kuti afunefune Yehova Mulungu wa makolo awo ndi kumvera malamulo ndi zolamulira zake.
5 And he tooke away out of all the cities of Iudah the hie places, and the images: therefore the kingdome was quiet before him.
Iye anachotsa malo opembedzera mafano ndi maguwa ofukizira lubani mu mzinda uliwonse wa mu Yuda, ndipo mu ufumu wake munali mtendere pa nthawi ya ulamuliro wake.
6 He built also strong cities in Iudah, because the lande was in rest, and he had no warre in those yeeres: for the Lord had giuen him rest.
Asa anamanga mizinda yonse yotetezedwa ya Yuda pakuti dziko linali pa mtendere. Panalibe amene anachita naye nkhondo mʼzaka zimenezo, pakuti Yehova anamupatsa mpumulo.
7 Therefore he saide to Iudah, Let vs builde these cities and make walles about, and towers, gates, and barres, whiles the lande is before vs: because we haue sought the Lord our God, we haue sought him, and he hath giuen vs rest on euery side: so they built and prospered.
Iye anati kwa Yuda “Tiyeni timange mizinda iyi ndipo timange makoma ndi nsanja, zitseko ndi zotchinga. Dzikoli likanali lathu chifukwa tafuna Yehova Mulungu wathu; tinamufuna Iye ndipo watipatsa mpumulo mbali zonse.” Kotero iwo anamanga ndi kukhala pa ulemerero.
8 And Asa had an armie of Iudah that bare shieldes and speares, three hundreth thousande, and of Beniamin that bare shieldes and drewe bowes, two hundreth and foure score thousande: all these were valiant men.
Asa anali ndi ankhondo 300,000 ochokera ku Yuda, okhala ndi zishango zikuluzikulu ndi mikondo, ndiponso ankhondo 280,000 ochokera ku Benjamini, okhala ndi zishango ndi mauta. Onsewa anali ankhondo amphamvu ndi olimba mtima.
9 And there came out against them Zerah of Ethiopia with an hoste of ten hundreth thousande, and three hundreth charets, and came vnto Mareshah.
Zera wa ku Kusi anapita kukamenyana nawo ali ndi gulu lalikulu kwambiri la asilikali ndi magaleta 300 ndipo anafika mpaka ku Maresa.
10 Then Asa went out before him, and they set the battell in aray in the valley of Zephathah beside Mareshah.
Asa anapita kukakumana naye ndipo anakhala pa mizere yawo ya nkhondo mʼchigwa cha Zefata pafupi ndi Maresa.
11 And Asa cryed vnto the Lord his God, and saide, Lord, it is nothing with thee to helpe with many, or with no power: helpe vs, O Lord our God: for we rest on thee, and in thy Name are we come against this multitude: O Lord, thou art our God, let not man preuaile against thee.
Kenaka Asa anafuwulira Yehova Mulungu wake ndipo anati “Yehova palibe wina wofanana nanu kuti angathandize anthu opanda mphamvu pakati pa amphamvu. Tithandizeni Inu Yehova Mulungu wathu pakuti ife timadalira Inu ndipo mʼdzina lanu ife tabwera kudzalimbana ndi gulu la ankhondo lalikulu kwambiri ngati ili. Inu Yehova ndinu Mulungu wathu, musalole kuti munthu akupambaneni.”
12 So the Lord smote the Ethiopians before Asa and before Iudah, and the Ethiopians fled.
Yehova anakantha Akusi pamaso pa Asa ndi Ayuda. Akusi anathawa,
13 And Asa and the people that was with him, pursued them vnto Gerar. And the Ethiopians hoste was ouerthrowen, so that there was no life in them: for they were destroyed before the Lord and before his hoste: and they caryed away a mightie great spoyle.
ndipo Asa ndi ankhondo ake anawathamangitsa mpaka ku Gerari. Gulu lonse lalikulu lija la Akusi linaphedwa. Sanapezeke mmodzi wamoyo pakati pawo. Iwo anakanthidwa pamaso pa Yehova ndi asilikali ake. Anthu a ku Yuda anatenga katundu wambiri olanda ku nkhondo.
14 And they smote all the cities rounde about Gerar: for the feare of the Lord came vpon them, and they spoyled all the cities, for there was exceeding much spoyle in them.
Iwo anawononga midzi yonse yozungulira Gerari pakuti mantha aakulu wochokera kwa Yehova anagwera anthuwo. Analanda katundu wa midzi yonse, popeza kunali katundu wambiri kumeneko.
15 Yea, and they smote the tents of cattel, and carried away plentie of sheepe and camels, and returned to Ierusalem.
Anakathiranso nkhondo misasa ya anthu oweta ziweto ndipo anatenga nkhosa zambiri, mbuzi ndi ngamira. Atatero anabwerera ku Yerusalemu.

< 2 Chronicles 14 >