< 2 Chronicles 13 >

1 In the eyghteenth yeere of King Ieroboam began Abiiah to reigne ouer Iudah.
Anno octavodecimo regis Jeroboam, regnavit Abia super Judam.
2 He reigned three yere in Ierusalem: (his mothers name also was Michaiah the daughter of Vriel of Gibea) and there was warre betweene Abiiah and Ieroboam.
Tribus annis regnavit in Jerusalem, nomenque matris ejus Michaia filia Uriel de Gabaa: et erat bellum inter Abiam et Jeroboam.
3 And Abiiah set the battel in aray with the armie of valiant men of warre, euen foure hundreth thousand chosen men. Ieroboam also set the battell in aray against him with eight hundreth thousande chosen men which were strong and valiant.
Cumque iniisset Abia certamen, et haberet bellicosissimos viros, et electorum quadringenta millia: Jeroboam instruxit econtra aciem octingenta millia virorum, qui et ipsi electi erant, et ad bella fortissimi.
4 And Abiiah stood vp vpon mount Zemeraim, which is in mount Ephraim, and sayde, O Ieroboam, and all Israel, heare you me,
Stetit ergo Abia super montem Semeron, qui erat in Ephraim, et ait: Audi, Jeroboam, et omnis Israël.
5 Ought you not to know that the Lord God of Israel hath giuen the kingdome ouer Israel to Dauid for euer, euen to him and to his sonnes by a couenant of salt?
Num ignoratis quod Dominus Deus Israël dederit regnum David super Israël in sempiternum, ipsi et filiis ejus in pactum salis?
6 And Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat the seruant of Salomon the sonne of Dauid is risen vp, and hath rebelled against his lord:
Et surrexit Jeroboam filius Nabat, servus Salomonis filii David, et rebellavit contra dominum suum.
7 And there are gathered to him vayne men and wicked, and made themselues strong against Rehoboam the sonne of Salomon: for Rehoboam was but a childe and tender hearted, and coulde not resist them.
Congregatique sunt ad eum viri vanissimi, et filii Belial, et prævaluerunt contra Roboam filium Salomonis: porro Roboam erat rudis, et corde pavido, nec potuit resistere eis.
8 Now therefore ye thinke that yee be able to resist against the kingdome of the Lord, which is in the handes of the sonnes of Dauid, and ye bee a great multitude, and the golden calues are with you which Ieroboam made you for gods.
Nunc ergo vos dicitis quod resistere possitis regno Domini, quod possidet per filios David, habetisque grandem populi multitudinem, atque vitulos aureos quos fecit vobis Jeroboam in deos.
9 Haue ye not driuen away the Priestes of the Lord the sonnes of Aaron and the Leuites, and haue made you Priests like the people of other countreis? whosoeuer commeth to consecrate with a yong bullocke and seuen rams, the same may be a Priest of them that are no gods.
Et ejecistis sacerdotes Domini, filios Aaron, atque Levitas, et fecistis vobis sacerdotes sicut omnes populi terrarum: quicumque venerit, et initiaverit manum suam in tauro de bobus, et in arietibus septem, fit sacerdos eorum qui non sunt dii.
10 But wee belong vnto the Lord our God, and haue not forsaken him, and the Priestes the sonnes of Aaron minister vnto the Lord, and the Leuites in their office.
Noster autem Dominus, Deus est, quem non relinquimus, sacerdotesque ministrant Domino, de filiis Aaron, et Levitæ sunt in ordine suo:
11 And they burne vnto the Lord euery morning and euery euening burnt offerings and sweete incense, and the breade is set in order vpon the pure table, and the candlesticke of golde with the lampes thereof, to burne euery euening: for we keepe the watch of the Lord our God: but ye haue forsaken him.
holocausta quoque offerunt Domino per singulos dies mane et vespere, et thymiama juxta legis præcepta confectum, et proponuntur panes in mensa mundissima, estque apud nos candelabrum aureum, et lucernæ ejus, ut accendantur semper ad vesperam: nos quippe custodimus præcepta Domini Dei nostri, quem vos reliquistis.
12 And behold, this God is with vs, as a captaine, and his Priests with the sounding trumpets, to crie an alarme against you. O yee children of Israel, fight not against the Lord God of your fathers: for ye shall not prosper.
Ergo in exercitu nostro dux Deus est, et sacerdotes ejus, qui clangunt tubis, et resonant contra vos: filii Israël, nolite pugnare contra Dominum Deum patrum vestrorum, quia non vobis expedit.
13 But Ieroboam caused an ambushment to compasse, and come behind them, when they were before Iudah, and the ambushment behinde them.
Hæc illo loquente, Jeroboam retro moliebatur insidias. Cumque ex adverso hostium staret, ignorantem Judam suo ambiebat exercitu.
14 Then Iudah looked, and beholde, the battel was before and behinde them, and they cried vnto the Lord, and the Priests blewe with the trumpets,
Respiciensque Judas, vidit instare bellum ex adverso et post tergum, et clamavit ad Dominum, ac sacerdotes tubis canere cœperunt.
15 And the men of Iudah gaue a shoute: and euen as the men of Iudah shouted, God smote Ieroboam and also Israel before Abiiah and Iudah.
Omnesque viri Juda vociferati sunt: et ecce illis clamantibus, perterruit Deus Jeroboam, et omnem Israël qui stabat ex adverso Abia et Juda.
16 And the children of Israel fledde before Iudah, and God deliuered them into their hande.
Fugeruntque filii Israël Judam, et tradidit eos Deus in manu eorum.
17 And Abiiah and his people slewe a great slaughter of them, so that there fel downe wounded of Israel fiue hundreth thousand chosen men.
Percussit ergo eos Abia et populus ejus plaga magna: et corruerunt vulnerati ex Israël quingenta millia virorum fortium.
18 So the children of Israel were brought vnder at that time: and the children of Iudah preuailed, because they stayed vpon the Lord God of their fathers.
Humiliatique sunt filii Israël in tempore illo, et vehementissime confortati filii Juda, eo quod sperassent in Domino Deo patrum suorum.
19 And Abiiah pursued after Ieroboam, and tooke cities from him, euen Beth-el, and the villages thereof, and Ieshanah with her villages, and Ephron with her villages.
Persecutus est autem Abia fugientem Jeroboam, et cepit civitates ejus, Bethel et filias ejus, et Jesana cum filiabus suis, Ephron quoque et filias ejus:
20 And Ieroboam recouered no strength againe in the dayes of Abiiah, but the Lord plagued him, and he dyed.
nec valuit ultra resistere Jeroboam in diebus Abia: quem percussit Dominus, et mortuus est.
21 So Abiiah waxed mightie, and marryed foureteene wiues, and begate two and twentie sonnes, and sixteene daughters.
Igitur Abia, confortato imperio suo, accepit uxores quatuordecim: procreavitque viginti duos filios, et sedecim filias.
22 The rest of the actes of Abiiah and his maners and his sayings are written in the storie of the Prophet Iddo.
Reliqua autem sermonum Abia, viarumque et operum ejus, scripta sunt diligentissime in libro Addo prophetæ.

< 2 Chronicles 13 >