< 1 Timothy 1 >
1 Pavl an Apostle of Iesvs Christ, by the commandement of God our Sauiour, and of our Lord Iesus Christ our hope,
Nene Pauli, mtumi wa Yesu Kilisitu kwa malagizu ga Chapanga msangula witu na Yesu Kilisitu huvalila yitu.
2 Vnto Timotheus my naturall sonne in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father, and from Christ Iesus our Lord.
Nikuyandikila Timoti mwana vangu wa chakaka musadika. Nikuganila ubwina wa Chapanga na lipyana na uteke kuhuma kwa Chapanga Dadi witu na Kilisitu Yesu Bambu witu.
3 As I besought thee to abide still in Ephesus, when I departed into Macedonia, so doe, that thou mayest warne some, that they teach none other doctrine,
Niyupa utama ku Efeso ngati chana kuyupili panahambayi Makedonia. Vavili vandu kwenuko veviwula mawuliwu gaudese. Vabesayi vandu avo.
4 Neither that they giue heede to fables and genealogies which are endles, which breede questions rather then godly edifying which is by fayth.
Vajovela veleka luhumu zangali chindu na magono goha kuluwula mahina ga vagogo changali mwishu, ndi vevileta ndindani. Vikumtangatila lepi mundu yeyoha kuhenga lihengu la Chapanga lelihengeka musadika.
5 For the end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith vnfained.
Chindu chivaha cha mhilu uwu ndi kukangamalisa uganu weuhumila mumtima wa msopi, mtima wa kugana kuhenga gabwina, na sadika ya chakaka.
6 From the which things some haue erred, and haue turned vnto vaine iangling.
Vandu vangi vakongiwi na kung'anamukila malongesi gangali utangatila.
7 They would be doctours of the Law, and yet vnderstande not what they speake, neither whereof they affirme.
Vigana kuvya vawuliwa va malagizu, nambu nakuchimanya chevakujijova vene amala mambu gevikangamalisa.
8 And we knowe, that the Law is good, if a man vse it lawfully,
Timanyili kuvya malagizu gabwina, ngati mundu ilola cheyiganikiwa kulola.
9 Knowing this, that the Lawe is not giuen vnto a righteous man, but vnto the lawles and disobedient, to the vngodly, and to sinners, to the vnholy, and to the prophane, to murtherers of fathers and mothers, to manslayers,
Timanyili kuvya malagizu nakuvikiwa ndava ya vandu vabwina, ndi vandu vahakau, vangayidakila malagizu, vevakumbela Chapanga na vandu vangamuyogopa Chapanga, amala kumgundamila Chapanga, vandu vevakuvakoma vadadi na vanyina vavi, amala vakomaji vovoha vala.
10 To whoremongers, to buggerers, to menstealers, to lyers, to the periured, and if there be any other thing, that is contrary to wholesome doctrine,
Muhilu uvikiwi ndava ya vevikita ukemi na vagosi vevikita ukemi vene kwa vene, vevigulisa vandu, vaudese na vevilapa udese amala vovoha vangalanda mawuliwu gachakaka.
11 Which is according to the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, which is committed vnto me.
Mawuliwu aga gihuma mu Lilovi la Bwina genipewili na Chapanga muni niyikokosayi. Lilovi la Bwina lenili lihuma kwa Chapanga mweavi na ukulu na mweilumbiwa magono goha.
12 Therefore I thanke him, which hath made me strong, that is, Christ Iesus our Lord: for he counted me faithfull, and put me in his seruice:
Nikumsengusa Bambu witu Yesu Kilisitu mwenipelili makakala ndava ya lihengu langu. Nisengula ndava ya kunilola nene kuvya msadikika, anihagwili nimuhengela.
13 When before I was a blasphemer, and a persecuter, and an oppresser: but I was receiued to mercie: for I did it ignorantly through vnbeliefe.
Hati peatumbwili pala namng'ahili na kumliga na kumvevesa, nambu Chapanga anihengili lipyana, ndava muni navili lepi na sadika kwakona, ndi namanyili lepi chenikita.
14 But the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and loue, which is in Christ Iesus.
Nambu Bambu witu anipelili ubwina waki kwa umahele, anipelili sadika na uganu wetivili nawu mukuwungana na Kilisitu Yesu.
15 This is a true saying, and by all meanes worthy to be receiued, that Christ Iesus came into the worlde to saue sinners, of whom I am chiefe.
Majovo aga ndi gachakaka, na kangi uganikiwa kuyidakiwa, Kilisitu Yesu abwelili pamulima kuvasangula vevakumbudila Chapanga. Na nene ndi mbudanu kuliku venavo voha,
16 Notwithstanding, for this cause was I receiued to mercie, that Iesus Christ should first shewe on me all long suffering vnto the ensample of them, which shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto eternall life. (aiōnios )
nambu Chapanga anihengili lipyana. Muni nene mwenavili nikumbudila Chapanga kuliku voha, Kilisitu Yesu alangisa ukangamala waki wangali mwishu muni kandahi nivya luhumu kwa vala vevakumsadika na kupokela wumi wa magono goha wangali mwishu. (aiōnios )
17 Nowe vnto the King euerlasting, immortall, inuisible, vnto God onely wise, be honour and glorie, for euer, and euer, Amen. (aiōn )
Kwaki mwene mweavi Nkosi wa magono goha, mwangafwa, mwangaloleka na mweavili Chapanga mwene, kwaki kuvya kutopeswa na ukulu magono goha gangali mwishu! Ena. (aiōn )
18 This commandement commit I vnto thee, sonne Timotheus, according to the prophecies, which went before vpon thee, that thou by them shouldest fight a good fight,
Mwana vangu Timoti, nikugotolela lilagizu lenili kulandana na malovi ga ulota gegajoviki kadeni ndava yaku. Gatumila malovi ago gavyai vindu vya kukomenela ngondo bwina,
19 Hauing faith and a good conscience, which some haue put away, and as concerning faith, haue made shipwracke.
na uvyayi na mtima wa kukumbuka kukita gabwina. Vandu vangi nakuyuwanila maholo gavi ndi vakahalibisa sadika yavi.
20 Of whom is Hymeneus, and Alexander, whom I haue deliuered vnto Satan, that they might learne not to blaspheme.
Pagati yavi vavili Humenayo na Alekizanda, ndi nivatovili kwa kuvagotola mu mawoko ga Setani, muni vawuliwayi vakotoka kumliga Chapanga.