< 1 Timothy 6 >
1 Let as many seruaunts as are vnder the yoke, count their masters worthie of all honour, that the Name of God, and his doctrine be not euill spoken of.
Kiia iho e nga pononga whai rangatira katoa he mea tika mo o ratou rangatira ake nga honore katoa, kei korerotia kinotia te ingoa o te Atua me tana ako.
2 And they which haue beleeuing masters, let them not despise them, because they are brethren, but rather doe seruice, because they are faithfull, and beloued, and partakers of the benefite. These things teach and exhort.
Kaua era i nga rangatira whakapono e whakahawea ki a ratou, no te mea he teina ratou; engari kia nui rawa te mahi, no te mea e whakapono ana ratou, e arohaina ana, e uru ngatahi ana ki te mahi pai. Me whakaako enei mea e koe, me whakahau atu.
3 If any man teach otherwise, and consenteth not to the wholesome wordes of our Lord Iesus Christ, and to the doctrine, which is according to godlinesse,
Ki te whakaako ke tetahi, ki te kore e tahuri ki nga kupu ora, ki nga kupu a to tatou Ariki, a Ihu Karaiti, ki te ako ano hoki e rite ai te karakia pai,
4 He is puft vp and knoweth nothing, but doteth about questions and strife of words, whereof commeth enuie, strife, railings, euill surmisings,
E whakakake ana ia, kahore ona matauranga ki tetahi mea, heoi e hawata ana ki nga uiuinga, ki nga tautohetohenga, no reira nei te hae, te whawhai, nga korero kino, nga whakaaro kino,
5 Frowarde disputations of men of corrupt mindes and destitute of ye trueth, which thinke that gaine is godlines: from such separate thy selfe.
Nga whakahokihoki kupu a nga tangata ngakau kino, kahore nei he pono i a ratou, e mahara ana ki te karakia pai he huarahi e whiwhi ai ki te taonga.
6 But godlinesse is great gaine, if a man be content with that he hath.
He taonga nui ano ia te karakia pai hui tahi ki te ngakau tatu:
7 For we brought nothing into the world, and it is certaine, that we can carie nothing out.
Kahore hoki he mea i mauria mai e tatou ki te ao, e kore hoki e ahei te mau atu e tatou tetahi mea.
8 Therefore when wee haue foode and raiment, let vs therewith be content.
Ki te mea ia he kai ta tatou, he hipoki, ka makona tatou i ena.
9 For they that will be rich, fall into tentation and snares, and into many foolish and noysome lustes, which drowne men in perdition and destruction.
Ko te hunga ia e hiahia ana kia whai taonga, ka taka ratou ki te whakamatautauranga, ki te mahanga, ki te tini o nga hiahia kuware e raru ai, e totohu ai nga tangata ki te whakangaromanga, a huna iho.
10 For the desire of money is the roote of all euill, which while some lusted after, they erred from the faith, and pearced themselues through with many sorowes.
He putake hoki no nga kino katoa te aroha ki te moni; he minamina ki tenei i kotiti ke ai etahi i te whakapono, a werohia putia iho ratou e nga mamae maha.
11 But thou, O man of God, flee these things, and follow after righteousnesse, godlines, faith, loue, patience, and meekenes.
Ko koe ia, e ta te Atua tangata, oma atu i enei; whaia te tika, te karakia pai, te whakapono, te aroha, te manawanui, te ngakau mahaki.
12 Fight the good fight of faith: lay holde of eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. (aiōnios )
Whawhaitia te whawhai pai o te whakapono, hopukia atu te ora tonu, ko te mea hoki tena i karangatia ai koe, a whakaaetia ana e koe te whakaaetanga pai i te aroaro o nga kaititiro tokomaha. (aiōnios )
13 I charge thee in the sight of God, who quickeneth all thinges, and before Iesus Christ, which vnder Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession,
Ko taku ako atu tenei ki a koe i te aroaro o te Atua, nana nei nga mea katoa i whai ora ai, o Karaiti Ihu ano hoki, nana nei i whakapuaki te whakaaetanga pai i te aroaro o Ponotio Pirato;
14 That thou keepe this commandement without spot, and vnrebukeable, vntill the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ,
Puritia tenei ture, kei whai koha, kei whai he, a taea noatia te putanga mai o to tatou Ariki, o Ihu Karaiti:
15 Which in due time hee shall shewe, that is blessed and Prince onely, the King of Kings and Lord of Lordes,
Mana e whakakite mai a ona ake wa, ko ia anake nei hoki te Mea kaha, te Mea koa, te Kingi o nga kingi, te Ariki o nga ariki;
16 Who onely hath immortalitie, and dwelleth in the light that none can attaine vnto, whom neuer man sawe, neither can see, vnto whome bee honour and power euerlasting, Amen. (aiōnios )
Ko ia anake e kore e mate, e noho ana ia i te marama e kore e taea atu e tetahi; kahore ia i kitea e tetahi tangata, kahore ano hoki e ahei kia kitea: waiho atu i a ia te honore me te kaha ake ake. Amine. (aiōnios )
17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high minded, and that they trust not in vncertaine riches, but in the liuing God, (which giueth vs aboundantly, all things to enioy) (aiōn )
Akona te hunga i nga taonga o tenei ao kia kaua e whakakake te ngakau, kia kaua e whakawhirinaki ki nga taonga pahuhu noa, engari ki te Atua ora, ko ia hoki hei homai nui i nga mea pai katoa hei mea ma tatou; (aiōn )
18 That they doe good, and be riche in good woorkes, and readie to distribute, and comunicate,
Kia mahi ratou i te pai, kia hua a ratou mahi pai, kia tatanga ki te ohaoha, ki te whakawhiwhi i etahi;
19 Laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come, that they may obteine eternall life.
Me te whakatakoto ano he kaupapa pai mo ratou mo nga ra ki mua, kia mau a ringa ai ratou ki te ora, ara ki te ora tuturu.
20 O Timotheus, keepe that which is committed vnto thee, and auoide prophane and vaine babblings, and oppositios of science falsely so called,
E Timoti, tiakina te mea kua tukua na ki a koe; tahuri ke i nga korero whakarihariha, i nga kupu teka noa, i nga whakaputanga ketanga a te mea e tekaia nei he matauranga:
21 Which while some professe, they haue erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee, Amen. ‘The first Epistle to Timotheus, written from Laodicea, which is the chiefest citie of Phrygia Pacaciana.’
Kua waiho nei hei tikanga ma etahi, a he ake ratou ki te whakapono. Kia tau te aroha noa ki a koe. Amine.