< 1 Timothy 1 >

1 Pavl an Apostle of Iesvs Christ, by the commandement of God our Sauiour, and of our Lord Iesus Christ our hope,
Bulus, una a kadura ku Ugomo Asere Yeso usuro uwuna Asere unu ubura uru, nan nu Ugomo Asere Yeso unu uge sa tibe.
2 Vnto Timotheus my naturall sonne in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace from God our Father, and from Christ Iesus our Lord.
Uhana ahira Timoti, vana um ukadura uhem, ubura nan iriba ishew usuro Asere nan Ugomo Asere Yeso Ugomo Asere aru.
3 As I besought thee to abide still in Ephesus, when I departed into Macedonia, so doe, that thou mayest warne some, that they teach none other doctrine,
Kasi imumsa mabuka we uwu, sa indusa uhana makidoniya agi, uda tonno u Afisa uwuu aye kati wa wuzi ure ubezi sas.
4 Neither that they giue heede to fables and genealogies which are endles, which breede questions rather then godly edifying which is by fayth.
Kati wa cari uganiya ahira kunna ire itente wana bassa uzatu ubinani. Agino a ezen in matara, unu guna ubenki ukatuma ka Asere, ahira unya umu cee.
5 For the end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith vnfained.
Nicce ni tize tini kobbi uhem uni usuro iriba ilau, wanu inko iriba ishew, nan urusa ukadura.
6 From the which things some haue erred, and haue turned vnto vaine iangling.
Aye waciki una uwemi, wa gamirka uhana atize tihura.
7 They would be doctours of the Law, and yet vnderstande not what they speake, neither whereof they affirme.
Wa nyara wa cukuno anu bezizi utize tini kobbi abanna me daki wa rusi imumbe sa wazin nu boo me nyani inrum me sa tonnon.
8 And we knowe, that the Law is good, if a man vse it lawfully,
Abanna me tirusa tize tini kobbi ti rezi inki awuza tini una ure-re.
9 Knowing this, that the Lawe is not giuen vnto a righteous man, but vnto the lawles and disobedient, to the vngodly, and to sinners, to the vnholy, and to the prophane, to murtherers of fathers and mothers, to manslayers,
Tikuri tirusa agino me, tize tini kobbi barki daki una kadura mani ba, abanna barki anu uzatu ukabsa u inko utize, amabu anu nyarsi me tize, nan anu zattu utarsa Asere, nan ana madini, nan anu zata Asere, nan anu cori utize. An nya tize tini kobbi barki aru uhuza akaco nan ka ino nan anu huza anu.
10 To whoremongers, to buggerers, to menstealers, to lyers, to the periured, and if there be any other thing, that is contrary to wholesome doctrine,
Barki anu tarsa aneh nan ana nya vana uruma nan vana uruma, barki anu ucuzuzo anu wahaa we ani rere, barki ana mocoo nan anu uboo imumbesa daki iraa ba, nan vat imum besa izin in nieru nan nimum be sa izi ikadura.
11 Which is according to the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, which is committed vnto me.
Igeme ine ini unonziko tize ta sere Asere kani unya anyo are-re, age sa anyam ucanti.
12 Therefore I thanke him, which hath made me strong, that is, Christ Iesus our Lord: for he counted me faithfull, and put me in his seruice:
Inzin ni iriba irom inu Uomo Asere Yeso Ugomo uru, de sa ma wum iruba ihuu, abanna makabum unu ure-re, ma wum anyimo akaduma ka meme.
13 When before I was a blasphemer, and a persecuter, and an oppresser: but I was receiued to mercie: for I did it ignorantly through vnbeliefe.
Mi mazi unu coro utize mani, unu patti nan unu wuza tiron ronga ti buru.
14 But the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and loue, which is in Christ Iesus.
Abanna vat anime amuzin ubura barki ma in anyimo utame, wanu uzatu ukadura. Abanna me uronta wa Ugomo Asere kpankom nan u hem ukadura, wunu hem Ugomo Asere Yeso.
15 This is a true saying, and by all meanes worthy to be receiued, that Christ Iesus came into the worlde to saue sinners, of whom I am chiefe.
Tize tisere tu kaba tini, tabari konde avi makabi, unu guna Ugomo Asere Yeso maribe unee barki ma buri ana madini, anyimo aweme mimani inteki unu corno me.
16 Notwithstanding, for this cause was I receiued to mercie, that Iesus Christ should first shewe on me all long suffering vnto the ensample of them, which shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto eternall life. (aiōnios g166)
Barki ane makem ubura barki ahira am unu tuba, abezi iriba i neze i Yeso Ugomo Asere. Ma wuu igmo imum bati in cukuno imumu ubatta ahira ande sa wa kabi kadura uhana uvenke uzatu umaraa. (aiōnios g166)
17 Nowe vnto the King euerlasting, immortall, inuisible, vnto God onely wise, be honour and glorie, for euer, and euer, Amen. (aiōn g165)
Aname, ugomo unee usso mayenne, unu uzatu uwono, in hunzi, Asere mameni unu udang ninonzo nicukuno nan uhana umaraa unee vat-vat. Icukuno Anime. (aiōn g165)
18 This commandement commit I vnto thee, sonne Timotheus, according to the prophecies, which went before vpon thee, that thou by them shouldest fight a good fight,
Inzinu nya uwe u inko utize, vana um, Timoti, in zin nu wuza anime barki imum be sa amu wuza ina dumo azesere awe me, barki uribe ani kono nirere.
19 Hauing faith and a good conscience, which some haue put away, and as concerning faith, haue made shipwracke.
Wuza imum agino barki u cukuno umu hem in kadura unu iraa ure-re. Are anu wa nyarime ukunna uhem in kadura ka we.
20 Of whom is Hymeneus, and Alexander, whom I haue deliuered vnto Satan, that they might learne not to blaspheme.
Gusi an Himinayus nan Iskanderi ande sa ma wito we atari ti nu uburu bati ma hungukowe titoi a hira corso utize.

< 1 Timothy 1 >