< 1 Thessalonians 2 >
1 For ye your selues knowe, brethren, that our entrance in vnto you was not in vaine,
Biyi ni tu-mbi bi toh, mmri vayi, ndi ye mbu ni yi ana he megen na.
2 But euen after that we had suffered before, and were shamefully entreated at Philippi, (as ye knowe) we were bolde in our God, to speake vnto you the Gospell of God with much striuing.
Bi toh ndi ni logon mu ki tie ya ni tie shan kpukpo meh ni-gbuh Filipi. Ki krï mgbamgba nitu Irji mbu ni hla ni yiwu tre Irji'a nimi zren mbu'a.
3 For our exhortation was not by deceite, nor by vncleannes, nor by guile.
Ikpa tie ndu mbu-a ana rji ni nkoh memme na, ndana rji ni irji-u kpa na, nda na rji ni nkoh iche na.
4 But as we were allowed of God, that the Gospel should be committed vnto vs, so we speake, not as they that please men, but God, which approoueth our hearts.
Naki, Irji kpa nyeme ndi dun kita mba ki nji tre Ma-a, u ki vu'u tre. Kina tre'u dun ki kusi dri-ndji na, ama don ki kpa dri Irji kusi. Ahi wawuyi a toh mi dri mbu.
5 Neither yet did we euer vse flattering wordes, as ye knowe, nor coloured couetousnes, God is recorde.
Kita kina vú tre bla ndi dun ki kpa suron ba ndji kusi na, na wa bi toh-a, kina tie dun ki kpa kpe wa ana umbu na, u Irji si ya mi dri mbu.
6 Neither sought we prayse of men, neither of you, nor of others, when we might haue bene chargeable, as the Apostles of Christ.
U kita kina wa kpa ninkon rji ni ba ndji na, ko rji ni yi ko rji ni bari nkan na. Kita kina fe inton na bi tie ndu Kristi na.
7 But we were gentle among you, euen as a nource cherisheth her children.
Kita ki si hu yi srensren me ni mi mbi na-iyi ni ywre mmri bi nne ma dun kpa suron mba kusi.
8 Thus being affectioned toward you, our good will was to haue dealt vnto you, not the Gospel of God onely, but also our owne soules, because ye were deare vnto vs.
Ni nkoh kii, ki ka suron mbu yo ni yi. Ki kpa nyeme dun ki kpa ga ni yi ana tre Irji megen na hra ni mi dri mbu. U ki nji yi mgbamgba me nimi suron mbu.
9 For ye remember, brethren, our labour and trauaile: for we laboured day and night, because we would not be chargeable vnto any of you, and preached vnto you the Gospel of God.
Bi kpa ri-mre, mri vayi, indu wa ki tie'a. Ni chu mba ni-rji kina kuson na ndi si ta tie ndu don dun yi ni ka suron ko iri-mbi kusi na. Ni nton u gon, wa kisi bla tre Irji ni yiwu.
10 Ye are witnesses, and God also, how holily, and iustly, and vnblameably we behaued our selues among you that beleeue.
Biyi bi toh ni shishi mbi, u Irji ngame, wa ki sòn bi, ni nji tre Irji, ni na tie memme na, ni vu tu mbu nji ni yi bi wa bi kpa tre Irji'a.
11 As ye knowe how that we exhorted you, and comforted, and besought euery one of you (as a father his children)
Ahe naki bi yi me bi toh na wa ki si tie ni konha mbi na wa itie ni si tie ni mrli ma,
12 That ye would walke worthy of God, who hath called you vnto his kingdome and glorie.
ki si bre yi ndi si nno yi tre-u sen ngble ndi si me yi dun yi zren bi ni Irji, Wawu mba yo yi rii nimi koh ma ni shulu.
13 For this cause also thanke we God without ceasing, that when ye receiued the worde of God, which ye heard of vs, ye receiued it not as the worde of men, but as it is in deede the worde of God, which also worketh in you that beleeue.
Nitu wa yi, kita ngame kisi ngiri ni Irji chachu. U ni nton wa bi kpa rji nita itre Irji wa-ndi bi kpa wo, bi na kpa'u tie na'a tre indji na. U, bi kpa'u nji na wa ahe, itre Irji'a. Ahi tre'a si tie-ndu ngame nimi mbi biwa bi kpa tre'a.
14 For brethren, ye are become folowers of the Churches of God, which in Iudea are in Christ Iesus, because ye haue also suffred the same things of your owne countrey men, euen as they haue of the Iewes,
U biyi, mri vayi, bi tie na kisi tie ni tre Irji ni Judiya ni Kristi Yesu. Bi tie ya na bi tie ndu Irji ni wo ndji gbu mbi, na wa ba tie ni yiwu ni gbu Yahudawa-a.
15 Who both killed the Lord Iesus and their owne Prophets, and haue persecuted vs away, and God they please not, and are contrary to all men,
Ahi ba Yahudawa-a ba Bachi Yesu ni bi tie ndu Irji. Ahi ba Yahudawa-a ba zu ta rju. Ba na kpa suron Irji kusi na. Naki ba kpa nfu ni konha.
16 And forbid vs to preach vnto the Gentiles, that they might be saued, to fulfill their sinnes alwayes: for the wrath of God is come on them, to the vtmost.
Ba zu ta dun ta na tre ni bi wa ba na toh Irji na. Ba si tie naki don dun ba ka lla tre mba kari. Ni kle'a infu Irji ni grji ni tumba.
17 For asmuch, brethren, as we were kept from you for a season, concerning sight, but not in the heart, we enforced the more to see your face with great desire.
Mri ya ba kpa ta ga tie nkah, ni ntoh fieme, ni kpa ana ni dri na. Ki yo suron ndi si wa ndu ki toh shishi mbi.
18 Therefore we would haue come vnto you (I Paul, at least once or twise) but Satan hindered vs.
Ki wa ndu ki ndi ye niyi, ime, Bulus, nkpu ri u ngari, u brji zu ta.
19 For what is our hope or ioye, or crowne of reioycing? are not euen you it in the presence of our Lord Iesus Christ at his comming?
U yo suron mbu hi nge ni ko shishi, ko ngiri mbu, ko wru wo san mbu ni shishi Bachi mbu Yesu ni wa a kma ye'a? Ndi a biyi yi ni mbru ndji?
20 Yea, ye are our glory and ioy.
U biyi yi bi nzuh nde mbu ni ngiri mbu.