< 1 Samuel 5 >

1 Then the Philistims tooke the Arke of God and caried it from Eben-ezer vnto Ashdod,
Bayan Filistiyawa sun ƙwace akwatin alkawarin Allah, sai suka ɗauke shi daga Ebenezer suka kai shi Ashdod.
2 Euen the Philistims tooke ye Arke of God, and brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.
Sa’an nan suka ɗauki akwatin alkawarin suka kai shi cikin haikalin gunkinsu Dagon, suka ajiye kusa da Dagon.
3 And when they of Ashdod rose the next day in the morning, beholde, Dagon was fallen vpon his face on the ground before the Arke of the Lord, and they tooke vp Dagon, and set him in his place againe.
Kashegari da safe da mutanen Ashdod suka farka sai ga Dagon ya fāɗi a gaban akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji. Sai suka ɗauki Dagon suka ajiye a wurin zamansa.
4 Also they rose vp earely in the morning the next day, and beholde, Dagon was fallen vpon his face on the ground before the Arke of the Lord, and the head of Dagon and the two palmes of his hands were cut off vpon the thresholde: onely the stumpe of Dagon was left to him.
Amma kashegari kuma da safe suka farka sai ga Dagon ya fāɗi a ƙasa a gaban akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji! Kansa ya fashe, hannuwansa kuma sun kakkarye sun zube a madogarar ƙofa; jikinsa ne kaɗai ya rage.
5 Therefore the Priests of Dagon, and all that come into Dagons house tread not on the thresholde of Dagon in Ashdod, vnto this day.
Saboda haka firistocin Dagon da waɗanda suke sujada a haikalin Dagon ba sa taka bakin ƙofar Dagon a Ashdod har wa yau.
6 But the hand of the Lord was heauie vpon them of Ashdod, and destroyed them, and smote them with the emerods, both Ashdod, and the coastes thereof.
Hannun Ubangiji kuwa ya yi nauyi a bisa Ashdod da kewayenta. Ya kawo hallaka ga dukansu, ya kuma buga su da marurai.
7 And when the men of Ashdod sawe this, they sayd, Let not the Arke of the God of Israel abide with vs: for his hand is sore vpon vs and vpon Dagon our god.
Da mutanen Ashdod suka ga abin da yake faruwa, sai suka ce, “Lalle Akwatin Alkawarin Allah na Isra’ila ba zai kasance da mu ba, domin hannunsa yana da nauyi a kanmu da bisan Dagon allahnmu.”
8 They sent therefore and gathered all the princes of the Philistims vnto them, and sayde, What shall we doe with the Arke of the God of Israel? And they answered, Let the Arke of the God of Israel be caried about vnto Gath: and they caried the Arke of the God of Israel about.
Saboda haka suka kira duka shugabannin Filistiyawa suka tambaye su, suka ce, “Me za mu da akwatin alkawarin Allahn Isra’ila?” Sai suka amsa suka ce, “A ɗauki akwatin alkawarin Allah na Isra’ila a kai shi Gat.” Sai suka ɗauki akwatin alkawarin Allah na Isra’ila.
9 And when they had caried it about, the hand of the Lord was against the citie with a very great destruction, and he smote the men of the citie both small and great, and they had emerods in their secret partes.
Amma bayan sun kai shi can, sai hannun Ubangiji ya yi gāba da birnin, aka jefa shi cikin wani mawuyacin hali. Ya buga mutanen birnin da marurai, babba da yaro.
10 Therefore they sent the Arke of God to Ekron: and assoone as the Arke of God came to Ekron, the Ekronites cryed out, saying, They haue brought the Arke of the God of Israel to vs to slay vs and our people.
Sai suka aika da akwatin alkawarin Allah zuwa Ekron. Yayinda akwatin alkawarin Allah yana shiga cikin Ekron, mutanen Ekron suka yi ihu, suka ce, “An kawo mana akwatin alkawarin Allah na Isra’ila domin yă kashe mu da mutanenmu.”
11 Therefore they sent, and gathered together all the princes of the Philistims and sayd, Sende away the Arke of the God of Israel, and let it returne to his owne place, that it slay vs not and our people: for there was a destruction and death throughout all the citie, and the hand of God was very sore there.
Saboda haka suka kira ga dukan shugabannin Filistiyawa suka ce, “Ku komar da akwatin alkawarin Allah na Isra’ila inda ya fito; in ba haka ba zai kashe mu da mutanenmu.” Gama mutuwa ta cika garin da tsoro. Hannun Allah ya yi nauyi a kansa.
12 And the men that dyed not, were smitten with the emerods: and the cry of the citie went vp to heauen.
Waɗanda ba su mutu ba kuwa, sun kamu da marurai. Kukan birnin kuwa ta hau har zuwa sama.

< 1 Samuel 5 >