< 1 Samuel 14 >

1 Then on a day Ionathan the sonne of Saul sayde vnto the yong man that bare his armour, Come and let vs goe ouer towarde the Philistims garison, that is yonder on the other side, but he tolde not his father.
Bir küni Saulning oghli Yonatan yaragh kötürgüchisige: — Kelgin, udulimizdiki Filistiylerning qarawullar etritining yénigha chiqayli, dédi. Emma u atisigha héchnéme démidi.
2 And Saul taried in the border of Gibeah vnder a pomegranate tree, which was in Migron, and the people that were with him, were about sixe hundreth men.
Saul bolsa Gibéahning chétidiki Migrondiki anar derixining tégide qaldi. Uning qéshidiki xelq alte yüzche idi
3 And Ahiah the sonne of Ahitub, Ichabods brother, the sonne of Phinehas, the sonne of Eli, was the Lordes Priest in Shiloh, and ware an Ephod: and the people knewe not that Ionathan was gone.
(u waqitta efodni Axitubning oghli, Ixabodning akisi Axiyah kiyetti; u Shilohda turuwatqan, Perwerdigarning kahini idi. Axitub Finihasning oghli, Finihas Еlining oghli idi). Xelq bolsa Yonatanning ketkinlikini bilmigenidi.
4 Nowe in the way whereby Ionathan sought to go ouer to the Philistims garison, there was a sharpe rocke on the one side, and a sharpe rocke on the other side: the name of the one was called Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh.
Yonatan Filistiylerning qarawullar etriti terepke ötmekchi bolghan dawanning ikki teripide tüwrüktek tik qiya tashlar bar idi. Birining nami Bozez, yene birining nami Seneh idi.
5 The one rocke stretched from the North towarde Michmash, and the other was from the South toward Gibeah.
Bir qiya tash shimaliy teripide bolup, Mixmash bilen qariship turatti, yene biri jebub teripide Gébaning udulida idi.
6 And Ionathan saide to the yong man that bare his armour, Come, and let vs goe ouer vnto the garison of these vncircumcised: it may be that the Lord will worke with vs: for it is not hard to the Lord to saue with many, or with fewe.
Yonatan yaragh kötürgüchisige: — Kel, bu xetnisizlerning qarawullar etritige chiqayli; Perwerdigar biz üchün bir ish qilsa ejeb emes, chünki Perwerdigarning qutquzushi üchün ademlerning köp yaki az bolushi héch tosalghu bolmaydu, dédi.
7 And he that bare his armour, saide vnto him, Doe all that is in thine heart: goe where it pleaseth thee: beholde, I am with thee as thine heart desireth.
Uning yaragh kötürgüchisi uninggha: — Könglüngde her néme bolsa shuni qilghin; barghin, mana, könglüng némini xalisa men sen bilen billimen, dédi.
8 Then said Ionathan, Beholde, we goe ouer vnto those men, and will shewe our selues vnto them.
Yonatan: — Mana, biz u ademler terepke chiqip özimizni ulargha körsiteyli;
9 If they say on this wise to vs, Tarie vntill we come to you, then we will stand still in our place, and not goe vp to them.
eger ular bizge: — Biz silerning qéshinglargha barghuche turup turunglar, dése ularning qéshigha chiqmay öz jayimizda turup turayli;
10 But if they say, Come vp vnto vs, then we will goe vp: for the Lord hath deliuered them into our hande: and this shall be a signe vnto vs.
lékin ular: — Bizning qéshimizgha chiqinglar, dése, chiqayli. Chünki shundaq bolsa Perwerdigar ularni qolimizgha bériptu, dep bilimiz; mushundaq ish bizge bir bésharet bolidu, dédi.
11 So they both shewed themselues vnto the garison of the Philistims: and the Philistims said, See, the Ebrewes come out of the holes wherein they had hid themselues.
Ikkiylen özini Filistiylerning qarawullar etritige körsetti. Filistiyler: — Mana, Ibraniylar özini yoshurghan azgallardin chiqiwatidu, dédi.
12 And the men of the garison answered Ionathan, and his armour bearer, and said, Come vp to vs: for we will shewe you a thing. Then Ionathan said vnto his armour bearer, Come vp after me: for the Lord hath deliuered them into the hand of Israel.
Etrettikiler Yonatan bilen yaragh kötürgüchisige: — Bizge chiqinglar, biz silerge bir nersini körsitip qoyimiz, dédi. Yonatan yaragh kötürgüchisige: — Manga egiship chiqqin; chünki Perwerdigar ularni Israilning qoligha berdi, dédi.
13 So Ionathan went vp vpon his hands and vpon his feete, and his armour bearer after him: and some fell before Ionathan, and his armour bearer slewe others after him.
Yonatan qol-putliri bilen ömülep chiqti, yaragh kötürgüchisi keynidin uninggha egeshti. Filistiyler Yonatanning aldida yiqilishti; yaragh kötürgüchisi keynidin kélip ularni qetl qildi.
14 So the first slaughter which Ionathan and his armour bearer made, was about twentie men, as it were within halfe an acre of land which two oxen plowe.
Shu tunji hujumda Yonatan bilen yaragh kötürgüchisi texminen yérim qoshluq yerde öltürgenler yigirmidek adem idi.
15 And there was a feare in the hoste, and in the field, and among all the people: the garison also, and they that went out to spoyle, were afraid themselues: and the earth trembled: for it was striken with feare by God.
Andin leshkergahdikikerni, dalada turuwatqanlarni, barliq etretlerdikilerni we bulang-talang qilghuchilarni titrek basti. Ular hem titrep qorqti, yermu tewrinip ketti; chünki bu chong qorqunch Xuda teripidin kelgenidi.
16 Then the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of Beniamin sawe: and beholde, the multitude was discomfited, and smitten as they went.
Emdi Binyamin zéminidiki Gibéahda turuwatqan paylaqchilar kördiki, mana, leshker topliri tarmar bolup uyan-buyan yügürüshüp ketti.
17 Therefore saide Saul vnto the people that were with him, Search nowe and see, who is gone from vs. And when they had nombred, beholde, Ionathan and his armour bearer were not there.
Saul qéshidiki xelqqe: Ademlirimizni sanap kimning bu yerdin ketkenlikini éniqlanglar, dédi. Ular saniwidi, mana, Yonatan bilen yaragh kötürgüchisi yoq chiqti.
18 And Saul said vnto Ahiah, Bring hither the Arke of God (for the Arke of God was at that time with the children of Israel)
Saul Axiyahqa: — Xudaning ehde sanduqini élip kelgin, dédi. Chünki u waqitta Xudaning ehde sanduqi Israilning arisida idi.
19 And while Saul talked vnto the Priest, the noyse that was in the hoste of the Philistims, spred farther abroade, and encreased: therefore Saul said vnto the Priest, Withdraw thine hand.
Saul kahin’gha söz qiliwatqanda Filistiylerning leshkergahida bolghan ghelwe barghanséri küchiyip ketti. Saul kahin’gha: — Qolungni yighqin, dédi.
20 And Saul was assembled with all the people that were with him, and they came to the battell: and behold, euery mans sworde was against his fellow, and there was a very great discomfiture.
Andin Saul we uning bilen bolghan hemme xelq yighilip jengge chiqti; we mana, Filistiylerning herbiri öz sepdishigha qarshi qilich kötürüp zor parakendilik boldi.
21 Moreouer, the Ebrewes that were with the Philistims beforetime, and were come with them into all partes of the hoste, euen they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Ionathan.
U waqittin ilgiri Filistiylerning arisida bolghan, ular bilen bille leshkergahning etrapigha chiqqan Ibraniylar bar idi; ularmu Saul we Yonatan bilen bille bolghan Israillargha qoshuldi.
22 Also all the men of Israel which had hid themselues in mount Ephraim, when they heard, that the Philistims were fled, they followed after them in the battell.
Shuningdek Efraim taghlirida özini yoshurghan Israillar Filistiylerning qachqinini anglighanda soqushqa chiqip ularni qoghlidi.
23 And so the Lord saued Israel that day: and the battell continued vnto Beth-auen.
Shuning bilen Perwerdigar u küni Israilgha nusret berdi. Soqush Beyt-Awenning u teripige ötti.
24 And at that time the men of Israel were pressed with hunger: for Saul charged the people with an othe, saying, Cursed be the man that eateth foode till night, that I may be auenged of mine enemies: so none of the people tasted any sustenance.
Lékin Israilning ademliri u küni zor bésim astida qaldi. Chünki Saul ulargha qesem ichküzüp: — Men düshmenlirimdin intiqam almighuche kech bolushtin ilgiri taam yégen kishige lenet bolsun, dep éytqanidi. Shuning üchün xelqtin héchkim taam yémidi.
25 And all they of the land came to a wood, where hony lay vpon the ground.
Emma barliq zémindiki qoshun bir ormanliqqa kirgende yer yüzide hesel bar idi.
26 And the people came into the wood, and beholde, the hony dropped, and no man mooued his hand to his mouth: for the people feared the othe.
Xelq ormanliqqa kirgende, mana bu hesel éqip turatti; lékin héchkim qolini aghzigha kötürmidi, chünki xelq qesemdin qorqatti.
27 But Ionathan heard not when his father charged the people with the othe: wherefore he put foorth the ende of the rod that was in his hand, and dipt it in an hony combe, and put his hand to his mouth, and his eyes receiued sight.
Lékin Yonatan atisining xelqqe qesem ichküzgenlikini anglimighanidi. Shunga u qolidiki hasini sunup uchini hesel könikige tiqip qoli bilen aghzigha saldi. Shundaq qilip közliri nurlandi.
28 Then answered one of the people, and said, Thy father made the people to sweare, saying, Cursed be the man that eateth sustenance this day: and the people were faint.
Emma xelqtin biri: Séning atang xelqqe ching qesem ichküzüp: — Bügün taam yégen kishige lenet bolsun! dep éytqanidi. Shuning üchün xelq halsizlinip ketti, dédi.
29 Then said Ionathan, My father hath troubled the land: see nowe howe mine eyes are made cleare, because I haue tasted a litle of this honie:
Yonatan: — Méning atam zémin’gha azar berdi; qaranglar, bu heseldin kichikkine tétishim bilenla közlirimning shunche nurlan’ghinini körmidinglarmu?
30 Howe much more, if the people had eaten to day of the spoyle of their enemies which they found? for had there not bene nowe a greater slaughter among the Philistims?
Xelq bügün düshmenlerdin tartiwalghan oljidin xalighinini yégen bolsa Filistiylerning arisidiki qirghinchiliq téximu zor bolmasmidi? — dédi.
31 And they smote the Philistims that day, from Michmash to Aiialon: and the people were exceeding faint.
Ashu küni ular Mikmashtin tartip Filistiylerni qoghlap Ayjalon’ghiche urup qirishti; xelq tola hérip ketkenidi.
32 So the people turned to the spoile, and tooke sheepe, and oxen, and calues, and slewe them on the ground, and the people did eate them with the blood.
Shuning bilen xelq olja üstige étilip bérip, qoy, kala we mozaylarni tutup shu yerdila soydi. Andin xelq göshni qanni adaliwetmeyla yédi.
33 Then men tolde Saul, saying, Beholde, the people sinne against the Lord, in that they eate with the blood. And he saide, Ye haue trespassed: roule a great stone vnto me this day.
Saulgha xewer kélip: Mana, xelq qanni adaliwetmeyla göshni yep Perwerdigargha gunah qiliwatidu, dep éytildi. U: Siler Perwerdigargha asiyliq qildinglar! Emdi bu yerge yénimgha chong bir tashni domilitip kélinglar, dédi.
34 Againe Saul said, Goe abroade among the people, and bid them bring me euery man his oxe, and euery man his sheepe, and slay them here, and eate and sinne not against the Lord in eating with the blood. And ye people brought euery man his oxe in his hand that night, and slew them there.
Saul yene: Siler xelqning arisigha chiqip ulargha: Herbiri öz kalisini, öz qoyini qéshimgha élip kélip bu yerde soyup yésun; lékin göshni qanni adaliwetmey yep, Perwerdigargha gunah qilmanglar, denglar, dédi. Bu kéche xelqning hemmisi herbiri öz kalisini élip kélip u yerde soydi.
35 Then Saul made an altar vnto the Lord, and that was the first altar that he made vnto the Lord.
Saul bolsa Perwerdigargha bir qurban’gah yasidi. Bu uning Perwerdigargha yasighan tunji qurban’gahi idi.
36 And Saul saide, Let vs goe downe after the Philistims by night, and spoyle them vntill the morning shine, and let vs not leaue a man of them. And they saide, Doe whatsoeuer thou thinkest best. Then saide the Priest, Let vs drawe neere hither vnto God.
Saul: — Bu kéchide Filistiylerning péyige chüshüp, ete tang atquche ularni talap héch birini tirik qoymayli, dédi. Xelq: — Néme sanga yaxshi körünse shuni qilghin, dep jawab berdi. Lékin kahin söz qilip: — Perwerdigarning yénigha kirip [yolyoruq sorap] chiqayli, dédi.
37 So Saul asked of God, saying, Shall I goe downe after ye Philistims? wilt thou deliuer them into the hands of Israel? But he answered him not at that time.
Saul Xudadin: — Ya Filistiylerning keynidin chüshüymu? Sen ularni Israilning qoligha tapshuramsen? — dep soridi. Lékin u küni U uninggha héch jawab bermidi.
38 And Saul said, All ye chiefe of the people, come ye hither, and knowe, and see by whom this sinne is done this day.
Saul: — I xelqning hemme chongliri, bu yerge chiqinglar. Bügün kim gunah qilghanliqini éniqlap béqinglar.
39 For as the Lord liueth, which saueth Israel, though it be done by Ionathan my sonne, he shall dye the death. But none of all the people answered him.
Chünki Israilgha nusret bergen Perwerdigarning hayati bilen qesem qilimenki, bu gunah hetta oghlum Yonatanda tépilsimu u jezmen öltürülsun, dédi. Lékin pütkül xelqtin héchkim uninggha jawab bermidi.
40 Then he saide vnto all Israel, Be ye on one side, and I and Ionathan my sonne will be on the other side. And the people saide vnto Saul, Doe what thou thinkest best.
Andin u pütkül Israilgha: — Siler bir terepte turunglar, men oghlum Yonatan yene bir terepte turayli, dédi. Xelq uninggha: — Néme sanga yaxshi körünse, shuni qilghin, dédi.
41 Then Saul said vnto the Lord God of Israel, Giue a perfite lot. And Ionathan and Saul were taken, but the people escaped.
Saul Israilning Xudasi Perwerdigargha: — Bu chek bilen eyni ehwalni ashkara qilghaysen, dédi. Chek bolsa Saul bilen Yonatanni körsetti, xelq qutuldi.
42 And Saul saide, Cast lot betweene me and Ionathan my sonne. And Ionathan was taken.
Saul: — Méning bilen oghlum Yonatanning otturisigha chek tashlanglar, dédi. Shundaq qiliwidi, chek Yonatan’gha chiqti.
43 Then Saul said to Ionathan, Tell me what thou hast done. And Ionathan tolde him, and said, I tasted a litle hony with the ende of the rod, that was in mine hand, and loe, I must die.
Saul Yonatan’gha: — Qilghiningni manga éytqin, dédi. Yonatan uninggha: — Qolumdiki hasa bilen kichikkine hesel élip tétip baqtim we mana, shuning üchün men ölümge mehkum boldum! — dep jawab berdi.
44 Againe Saul answered, God doe so and more also, vnlesse thou die the death, Ionathan.
Saul: — Sen choqum ölüshüng kérek, i Yonatan; undaq qilmisam, Xuda manga séning béshinggha chüshkendinmu artuq chüshürsun! — dédi.
45 And the people said vnto Saul, Shall Ionathan die, who hath so mightily deliuered Israel? God forbid. As the Lord liueth, there shall not one heare of his head fall to the ground: for he hath wrought with God this day. So the people deliuered Ionathan that he dyed not.
Lékin xelq Saulgha: — Israilda bu ulugh nusretni qazan’ghan Yonatan öltürülemdu? Bundaq ish bizdin néri bolghay! Perwerdigarning hayati bilen qesem qilimizki, uning béshidin bir tal chach yerge chüshmeydu; chünki bügünki ishni u Xudaning yardimi bilen emelge ashurdi, dédi. Shundaq qilip xelq Yonatanni ölümdin xalas qildi.
46 Then Saul came vp from the Philistims: and the Philistims went to their owne place.
Andin Saul Filistiylerni qoghlashtin toxtidi; Filistiylermu öz jayigha qaytip ketti.
47 So Saul helde the kingdome ouer Israel, and fought against all his enemies on euery side, against Moab, and against the children of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the Kings of Zobah, and against the Philistims: and whithersoeuer he went, he handled them as wicked men.
Shundaq qilip Saul Israilning seltenitini özining qildi; andin u chörisidiki düshmenlirige, yeni Moablar, Ammoniylar, Édomiylar, Zobahdiki padishahlar we Filistiylerge hujum qildi. U qaysi terepke yüzlense ghalip kéletti.
48 He gathered also an hoste and smote Amalek, and deliuered Israel out of the handes of them that spoyled them.
U zor jasaret körsitip Amaleklerni urup Israilni bulang-talang qilghuchilardin qutquzdi.
49 Nowe the sonnes of Saul were Ionathan, and Ishui, and Malchishua: and the names of his two daughters, the elder was called Merab, and the yonger was named Michal.
Saulning oghulliri Yonatan, Yishwi we Malqi-Shua idi; uning ikki qizining ismi bolsa — chongining Mérab, kichikining Miqal idi.
50 And the name of Sauls wife was Ahinoam the daughter of Ahimaaz: and the name of his chiefe captaine was Abner the sonne of Ner, Sauls vncle.
Saulning ayalining ismi Ahinoam bolup, u Aximaazning qizi idi. Saulning qoshunining serdari Abner idi; u Saulning taghisi Nerning oghli idi.
51 And Kish was Sauls father: and Ner the father of Abner was the sonne of Abiel.
Saulning atisi Kish we Abnerning atisi Ner bolsa, ikkisi Abielning oghulliri idi.
52 And there was sore warre against the Philistims all the dayes of Saul: and whomsoeuer Saul sawe to be a strong man, and meete for the warre, he tooke him vnto him.
Saul pütkül ömride Filistiyler bilen qattiq jengde bolup turdi. Saul özi herqachan batur ya palwanlarni körse, uni öz xizmitige salatti.

< 1 Samuel 14 >