< 1 Samuel 13 >

1 Saul nowe had beene King one yeere, and he reigned two yeeres ouer Israel.
Saul [ottuz] yashta padishah bolup Israilning üstide ikki yil seltenet qilghandin kéyin
2 Then Saul chose him three thousand of Israel: and two thousande were with Saul in Michmash, and in mount Beth-el, and a thousande were with Ionathan in Gibeah of Beniamin: and the rest of the people he sent euery one to his tent.
Özige Israildin üch ming ademni ilghap aldi. Ikki mingi Mikmashta we Beyt-El taghlirida Saulning qéshida, bir mingi Binyamin zéminidiki Gibéahda Yonatanning qéshida idi. Emma u qalghan xelqning herbirini öz öylirige ketküziwetti.
3 And Ionathan smote the garison of the Philistims, that was in the hill: and it came to the Philistims eares: and Saul blewe the trumpet throughout all the land, saying, Heare, O yee Ebrewes.
Yonatan bolsa Filistiylerning Gébadiki leshkergahigha hujum qildi, Filistiyler buningdin xewer tapti. Saul bolsa: — Pütkül zémindiki ibraniylar anglap oyghansun dep, kanay chaldurdi.
4 And al Israel heard say, Saul hath destroied a garison of the Philistims: wherefore Israel was had in abomination with the Philistims: and the people gathered together after Saul to Gilgal.
Pütkül Israil Saulning Filistiylerning leshkergahigha hujum qilghanliqidin hemde Israilning Filistiylerge nepretlinidighanlikidin xewer tapti. Xelq Saulning keynidin Gilgalgha bérip yighildi.
5 The Philistims also gathered themselues together to fight with Israel, thirty thousand charets, and sixe thousande horsemen: for the people was like the sand which is by the seas side in multitude, and came vp, and pitched in Michmash Eastward from Beth-auen.
Filistiylerdin Israil bilen jeng qilghili üch ming jeng harwisi, alte ming atliq leshker we déngiz sahilidiki qumdek köp piyade leshker yighildi. Ular kélip Beyt-Awenning sherq teripidiki Mikmashta bargah tikti.
6 And when the men of Israel saw that they were in a strait (for the people were in distresse) the people hid themselues in caues, and in holdes, and in rockes, and in towres, and in pittes.
Israilning ademliri özlirining qattiq xiyim-xeterde qalghanliqini körüp gharlargha, chatqalliqlargha, qiya tashliqlargha, yuqiri jaylargha we azgallargha yoshuruniwélishti;
7 And some of the Ebrewes went ouer Iorden vnto the lande of Gad and Gilead: and Saul was yet in Gilgal, and al the people for feare followed him.
[bezi] Ibraniylar Iordan deryasidin ötüp, Gad we Giléadning zéminigha qéchip bardi. Lékin Saul Gilgalda qaldi, ademlirining hemmisi uninggha titrigen halda egeshti.
8 And he taried seuen daies, according vnto the time that Samuel had appointed: but Samuel came not to Gilgal, therefore the people were scattered from him.
Emdi Saul Samuil uninggha békitken waqitqiche yette kün kütüp turdi; lékin Samuil Gilgalgha kelmidi, xelq uningdin tarilip ketkili turdi.
9 And Saul sayde, Bring a burnt offering to me and peace offrings: and he offered a burnt offering.
Saul: — Köydürme qurbanliq bilen inaqliq qurbanliqlirini bu yerge — yénimgha élip kélinglar, dédi. Andin u özi köydürme qurbanliq ötküzdi.
10 And assoone as hee had made an ende of offering the burnt offering, beholde, Samuel came: and Saul went foorth to meete him, to salute him.
We shundaq boldiki, u köydürme qurbanliqni tügitishi bilenla, mana Samuil keldi. Saul uninggha salam qilghili aldigha chiqti.
11 And Samuel saide, What hast thou done? Then Saul saide, Because I sawe that the people was scattred from me, and that thou camest not within the daies appoynted, and that the Philistims gathered themselues together to Michmash,
Lékin Samuil: — Néme ishlarni qilding?! — dep soridi. Saul: — Xelq mendin tarilip ketkenlikini, silining békitken waqitta kelmigenliklirini, Filistiylerning Mikmashta yighilghinini kördum,
12 Therefore said I, The Philistims will come downe nowe vpon me to Gilgal, and I haue not made supplication vnto the Lord. I was bolde therefore and offred a burnt offring.
men ichimde: Emdi Filistiyler Gilgalgha chüshüp manga hujum qilmaqchi, men bolsam téxi Perwerdigargha iltija qilmidim, dédim. Shunga köydürme qurbanliq qilishqa özümni mejburlidim, dédi.
13 And Samuel saide to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly: thou hast not kept the commandement of the Lord thy God, which he commanded thee: for the Lord had nowe stablished thy kingdome vpon Israel for euer.
Samuil Saulgha: — Sen exmeqliq qilding; sen Xudaying Perwerdigar sanga buyrughan emrni tutmiding; shundaq qilghan bolsang Perwerdigar Israilning üstidiki seltenitingni menggü mustehkem qilatti, dédi.
14 But nowe thy kingdom shall not continue: the Lord hath sought him a man after his owne heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be gouernour ouer his people, because thou hast not kept that which the Lord had commanded thee.
Lékin emdi selteniting mustehkem turmaydu. Perwerdigar Öz könglidikidek muwapiq bir ademni izdep tapti. Perwerdigar uni Öz xelqining bashlamchisi qildi, chünki sen Perwerdigar sanga buyrughanni tutmiding, dédi.
15 And Samuel arose, and gate him vp from Gilgal in Gibeah of Beniamin: and Saul nombred the people that were found with him, about sixe hundreth men.
Andin Samuil ornidin turup Gilgaldin kétip Binyamin zéminidiki Gibéahgha bardi. Saul bolsa öz yénidiki ademlerni sanidi; ular alte yüzche chiqti.
16 And Saul and Ionathan his sonne, and the people that were found with them, had their abiding in Gibeah of Beniamin: but the Philistims pitched in Michmash.
Saul bilen oghli Yonatan we ularning qéshida qalghan xelq Binyamin zéminidiki Gébada qélip qaldi, Filistiyler bolsa Mikmashta bargah tikkenidi.
17 And there came out of the hoste of the Philistims three bandes to destroie, one bande turned vnto the way of Ophrah vnto the lande of Shual,
Qaraqchilar daim Filistiylerning bargahidin chiqip üch bölekke bölünetti. Bir bölek Shual zéminidiki Ofrahgha baridighan yolgha atlinatti,
18 And another bad turned toward the way to Beth-horon, and the third band turned toward the way of the coast that looketh toward the valley of Zeboim, towarde the wildernesse.
bir bölek Beyt-Horon’gha baridighan yol bilen mangatti, yene bir bölek chölning chétidiki Zeboim jilghisigha qaraydighan zémindiki yolgha mangatti.
19 Then there was no smith founde throughout all the land of Israel: for the Philistims sayde, Lest the Ebrewes make them swordes or speares.
Emma pütkül Israil zéminida héchbir tömürchi tépilmaytti; chünki Filistiyler: — Ibraniylar özlirige qilich yaki neyze yasiyalmisun, dep oylaytti.
20 Wherefore all ye Israelites went downe to the Philistims, to sharpen euery man his share, his mattocke, and his axe, and his weeding hooke.
Bu sewebtin Israillar hemmisi sapan chishliri, ketmenlirini, paltilirini we orghaqlirini bislash üchün Filistiylerning qéshigha baratti.
21 Yet they had a file for the shares, and for the mattockes, and for the picke forkes, and for the axes, and for to sharpen the goades.
Ular sapan chishliri we ketmenler üchün üchtin ikki shekel, jotu, palta we zixlarni bislash üchün üchtin bir shekelni töleytti.
22 So whe the day of battell was come, there was neither sworde nor speare founde in the handes of any of the people that were with Saul and with Ionathan: but onely with Saul and Ionathan his sonne was there founde.
Shunga urush bolghanda Saul we Yonatanning qéshidiki xelqning héchbiride qilich ya neyze yoq idi; peqet Saul bilen oghli Yonatandila bar idi.
23 And the garison of the Philistims came out to the passage of Michmash.
U waqitta Filistiylerning bir qarawullar etriti Mikmashtiki dawan’gha chiqqanidi.

< 1 Samuel 13 >