< 1 Peter 1 >

1 PETER an Apostle of IESVS CHRIST, to the strangers that dwell here and there throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia,
Une che Petulo, nduna ju Che Yesu Kilisito, ngunnembela ŵanyamwe ŵandu ŵansagulikwe ni Akunnungu, ni ŵampwilingene ni ŵankutama nti achalendo ku Ponto ni ku Galatia ni ku Kapadokia ni ku Asia ni ku Bisinia.
2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God ye Father vnto sanctification of ye Spirit, through obedience and sprinkeling of the blood of Iesus Christ: Grace and peace bee multiplied vnto you.
Akunnungu Atati ŵansagwile ŵanyamwe malinga ni iŵasachile ni kuntenda mme ŵaswejekwe kwa litala lya Mbumu, kuti nkombole kunjitichisya Che Yesu Kilisito ni kujosekwa ni miasi jao. Ngunsachila umbone wa Akunnungu ni chitendewele chachijinji.
3 Blessed bee God, euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, which according to his aboundant mercie hath begotten vs againe vnto a liuely hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christ from the dead,
Twalape Akunnungu, Atati ŵa Ambuje ŵetu Che Yesu Kilisito! Kwa chanasa chao chachikulungwa ŵatuŵeleche sooni kwa kunsyusya Che Yesu. Atupele chilolelo cha umi,
4 To an inheritance immortall and vndefiled, and that withereth not, reserued in heauen for vs,
nipele tukulolela kupochela indu yambone yejinji, yati Akunnungu ŵaŵichile ŵandu ŵao kwinani kwangaikuwola atamuno kujonasika atamuno kusisina.
5 Which are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation, which is prepared to be shewed in the last time.
Chiuŵe wenu ŵanyamwe ŵankugosekwa ni machili ga Akunnungu kwa litala lya chikulupi, kwa ukulupusyo wauli chile kuunukukwa pa lyuŵa lya mbesi.
6 Wherein yee reioyce, though nowe for a season (if neede require) yee are in heauinesse, through manifolde tentations,
Msengwanje nkati yeleyo, namuno sambano, kwa katema kakajipi, chinsachilwe kulaga kwa ligongo lya malinjilo gamajinji.
7 That the triall of your faith, being much more precious then golde that perisheth (though it be tried with fire) might bee founde vnto your praise, and honour and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ:
Kulinjikwa kwenu ko kuli kwa liŵamba lya kuchipima chikulupi chenu iŵaga chili cha usyene. Pakuŵa namose sahabu jili chindu cha konasika, jikulinjikwa ni mooto. Iyoyo peyo chikulupi chenu chachili cha ndalama kupunda sahabu chichilinjikwe kuti chimanyiche iŵaga chili chisyene. Ni kwa ligongo lyo chimpochele lumbili ni ukulu ni luchimbichimbi katema Che Yesu Kilisito pachakopochele.
8 Whome yee haue not seene, and yet loue him, in whome nowe, though yee see him not, yet doe you beleeue, and reioyce with ioy vnspeakeable and glorious,
Ŵanyamwe nkwanonyela ŵelewo namuno nganimwawone ni nkwakulupilila namuno ngankwawona kwa sambano. Nipele nkusengwa nnope kwa lukondwa lwekulu lwangalukuŵechetekwa,
9 Receiuing the ende of your faith, euen the saluation of your soules.
pakuŵa mkupochela mbote ja kukulupilila kwenu, jelejo jili chiwombosyo chenu.
10 Of the which saluation ye Prophets haue inquired and searched, which prophecied of the grace that should come vnto you,
Ŵakulondola ŵa Akunnungu ŵasosilesosile ni ŵalolitelolite yankati ukulupusyo wo, ŵanyawo ŵasagamukwile yankati ntuuka wati Akunnungu chachimpa ŵanyamwe.
11 Searching when or what time the Spirite which testified before of Christ which was in them, shoulde declare the sufferings that should come vnto Christ, and the glorie that shoulde follow.
Ŵasosile kumanyilila chiiŵe katema chi ni chiŵeuli. Chindu chachiŵechetekwe ni Mbumu jwa Kilisito ŵaali nkati mwao, juŵalongolele kusala nkati masauko gachigaasimane Kilisito ni ukulu uchiukopochele pakumala yeleyo.
12 Vnto whome it was reueiled, that not vnto themselues, but vnto vs they shoulde minister the things, which are nowe shewed vnto you by them which haue preached vnto you the Gospell by the holy Ghost sent downe from heauen, the which things the Angels desire to beholde.
Akunnungu ŵaunukulile ŵakulondola kuti utenga uŵajenesye ula nganiwagamba ŵele achinsyene, nambo wangambaga ŵanyamwe. Ni sambano utenga wo ulalichikwe kukwenu ni ŵele ŵaŵanlalichile ŵanyamwe Ngani Jambone kwa litala lya Mbumu jwa Akunnungu juŵatumikwe kutyochela kwinani. Indu yo, namuno achikatumetume ŵa kwinani akulajila kwimanya.
13 Wherefore, girde vp the Ioynes of your minde: bee sober, and trust perfectly on that grace that is brought vnto you, in the reuelation of Iesus Christ,
Kwa ligongo lyo, mmeje chile ni kuchesya. Mmichanje chilolelo chenu chose mu umbone wa Akunnungu uchimpegwe katema Che Yesu Kilisito pachaunukulikwe.
14 As obedient children, not fashioning your selues vnto the former lustes of your ignorance:
Mmeje mpela ŵanache ŵa Akunnungu ŵakujitichisya, nkatama kwa kujikuya misese jenu jangalumbana jimwaliji najo katema pamwaliji ngankuumanyilila usyene wa Akunnungu.
15 But as hee which hath called you, is holie, so be yee holie in all maner of conuersation;
Nambo mpela jwele jwammilasile yatite kuŵa jwanswela, nomwe ŵakwe mme ŵaswela mu lwendo lwenu lose.
16 Because it is written, Be yee holie, for I am holie.
Pakuŵa Malembelo ga Akunnungu gakuti, “Mme ŵaswela, pakuŵa none ndili jwanswela.”
17 And if ye call him Father, which without respect of person iudgeth according to euery mans woorke, passe the time of your dwelling here in feare,
Pankwakolanga Akunnungu, ŵanyamwe nkwaŵilanga Atati. Nipele, mmanyililanje kuti ŵelewo akunlamula jwalijose malinga ni aila yaitesile pangali lusagu. Kwayele njendelechele kutama yambone pa katema kakasigalile pachilambo pano nkwachimbichisya Akunnungu kwannope.
18 Knowing that yee were not redeemed with corruptible things, as siluer and golde, from your vaine conuersation, receiued by the traditions of the fathers,
Pakuŵa ngumanyilila kuti ŵanyamwe ŵammombwelwe mu wende wenu wangalimate, umwapochele kutyochela kwa achachekulu ŵenu. Nambo nganammombola kwa indu yakuwola, pane kwa maganga ga mbiya pane sahabu.
19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lambe vndefiled, and without spot.
Nambo mwakulupwiswe kwa miasi ja ndalama jajikulungwa ja Kilisito. Jwali mpela mwanangondolo jwangali chilema namose lidoa.
20 Which was ordeined before the foundation of the world, but was declared in the last times for your sakes,
Ŵelewo ŵasagulikwe ni Akunnungu chikanaŵe kugumbikwa chilambo, ŵaunukulikwe mmoŵa ga mbesi gano kwa ligongo lyetu.
21 Which by his meanes doe beleeue in God that raised him from the dead, and gaue him glorie, that your faith and hope might bee in God,
Kwa litala li Che Yesu Kilisito, nkwakulupilila Akunnungu juŵansyusisye ni kwapa ukulu, ni mwa yeleyo chikulupi ni chilolelo chenu ili kwa Akunnungu.
22 Hauing purified your soules in obeying the trueth through the spirite, to loue brotherly without faining, loue one another with a pure heart feruently,
Pakuŵa sambano, kwa kuujitichisya usyene, ŵanyamwe nswejeswe mbumu syenu ni kwanonyela achinjenu pangali ulamba. Nipele nnonyelane jwine ni jwine kwa ntima wenu wose.
23 Being borne anewe, not of mortall seede, but of immortall, by the woorde of God, who liueth and endureth for euer. (aiōn g165)
Pakuŵa mpagwile kaaŵili ngaŵa kwa mundu jwakuwa nambo kwa mundu jwangakuwa, lisyene lili Liloŵe lya Akunnungu lyalili lyalijumi, ni lyalikulama moŵa gose pangali mbesi. (aiōn g165)
24 For all flesh is as grasse, and all the glorie of man is as the flower of grasse. The grasse withereth, and the flower falleth away.
Mpela Malembelo ga Akunnungu igakuti kusala, “Ŵandu wose ali mpela masamba, ni ukulu wao wose uli mpela uluŵa wa masamba. Masamba gakuumula ni uluŵa ukupatuka.
25 But the worde of the Lord endureth for euer: and this is the woorde which is preached among you. (aiōn g165)
Nambo, liloŵe lya Ambuje likulama moŵa gose pangali mbesi.” Liloŵe lyo lili Ngani Jambone jajilalichilwe kukwenu. (aiōn g165)

< 1 Peter 1 >