< 1 Peter 5 >

1 The elders which are among you, I beseech which am also an elder, and a witnesse of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shalbe reueiled,
Kwa wazee waliomo miongoni mwenu, nawasihi mimi nikiwa mzee mwenzenu, shahidi wa mateso ya Kristo, na mshiriki katika utukufu utakaofunuliwa:
2 Feede the flocke of God, which dependeth vpon you, caring for it not by constraint, but willingly: not for filthy lucre, but of a ready minde:
lichungeni kundi la Mungu mlilokabidhiwa, mkitumika kama waangalizi, si kwa kulazimishwa bali kwa hiari, kama Mungu anavyowataka mwe; si kwa tamaa ya fedha, bali mlio na bidii katika kutumika.
3 Not as though ye were lords ouer Gods heritage, but that yee may bee ensamples to the flocke.
Msijifanye mabwana juu ya wale walio chini ya uangalizi wenu, bali kuweni vielelezo kwa hilo kundi.
4 And when that chiefe shepheard shall appeare, ye shall receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory.
Naye Mchungaji Mkuu atakapodhihirishwa, mtapokea taji ya utukufu isiyoharibika.
5 Likewise ye yonger, submit your selues vnto the elders, and submit your selues euery man, one to another: decke your selues inwardly in lowlinesse of minde: for God resisteth the proude, and giueth grace to the humble.
Vivyo hivyo, ninyi mlio vijana watiini wazee. Nanyi nyote imewapasa kujivika unyenyekevu kila mtu kwa mwenzake, kwa kuwa, “Mungu huwapinga wenye kiburi, lakini huwapa wanyenyekevu neema.”
6 Humble your selues therefore vnder the mightie hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.
Basi, nyenyekeeni chini ya mkono wa Mungu ulio hodari, ili awakweze kwa wakati wake.
7 Cast all your care on him: for he careth for you.
Mtwikeni yeye fadhaa zenu zote, kwa maana yeye hujishughulisha sana na mambo yenu.
8 Be sober, and watch: for your aduersarie the deuil as a roaring lyon walketh about, seeking whom he may deuoure:
Mwe na kiasi na kukesha, maana adui yenu ibilisi huzungukazunguka kama simba angurumaye akitafuta mtu ili apate kummeza.
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren which are in the world.
Mpingeni, mkiwa thabiti katika imani, mkijua ya kwamba mateso kama hayo yanawapata ndugu zenu pote duniani.
10 And the God of all grace, which hath called vs vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus, after that ye haue suffered a litle, make you perfite, confirme, strengthen and stablish you. (aiōnios g166)
Nanyi mkiisha kuteswa kwa kitambo kidogo, Mungu wa neema yote, aliyewaita kuingia katika utukufu wake wa milele ndani ya Kristo, yeye mwenyewe atawarejesha na kuwatia nguvu, akiwaimarisha na kuwathibitisha. (aiōnios g166)
11 To him be glory and dominion for euer and euer, Amen. (aiōn g165)
Uweza una yeye milele na milele. Amen. (aiōn g165)
12 By Syluanus a faithfull brother vnto you, as I suppose, haue I written briefly, exhorting and testifying how that this is the true grace of God, wherein ye stand.
Kwa msaada wa Silvano, ambaye ninamhesabu kuwa ndugu mwaminifu, nimewaandikia waraka huu mfupi ili kuwatia moyo, na kushuhudia kwamba hii ni neema halisi ya Mungu. Simameni imara katika neema hiyo.
13 The Church that is at Babylon elected together with you, saluteth you, and Marcus my sonne.
Kanisa lililoko Babeli, lililochaguliwa pamoja nanyi, wanawasalimu; vivyo hivyo mwanangu Marko anawasalimu.
14 Greete yee one another with the kisse of loue. Peace be with you all which are in Christ Iesus, Amen.
Salimianeni kwa busu la upendo. Amani iwe nanyi nyote mlio katika Kristo.

< 1 Peter 5 >