< 1 Peter 5 >
1 The elders which are among you, I beseech which am also an elder, and a witnesse of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shalbe reueiled,
Kuvakuru vari pakati penyu, ndinokumbira hangu somukuru pamwe chete nemi, nechapupu chamatambudziko aKristu, uye somumwewo achazogovana navo mukubwinya kuchazoratidzwa ndichiti:
2 Feede the flocke of God, which dependeth vpon you, caring for it not by constraint, but willingly: not for filthy lucre, but of a ready minde:
Ivai vafudzi veboka raMwari riri pasi penyu, muchibata savatariri, musingazviiti nokuroveredzwa, asi nokuda kwokuti munoda, sezvinodikanwa naMwari kuti muve; musingakariri mari, asi muchishingaira pakushanda;
3 Not as though ye were lords ouer Gods heritage, but that yee may bee ensamples to the flocke.
musingaremedzi vaya vakaiswa kwamuri, asi muve muenzaniso kuboka.
4 And when that chiefe shepheard shall appeare, ye shall receiue an incorruptible crowne of glory.
Uye mufudzi mukuru paachaonekwa, muchapiwa korona yokubwinya isingaori.
5 Likewise ye yonger, submit your selues vnto the elders, and submit your selues euery man, one to another: decke your selues inwardly in lowlinesse of minde: for God resisteth the proude, and giueth grace to the humble.
Saizvozvo, imi majaya, muzviise pasi pavaya vari vakuru. Imi mose, pfekai kuzvininipisa kuno mumwe nomumwe, nokuti, “Mwari anodzivisa vanozvikudza asi anopa nyasha kuna vanozvininipisa.”
6 Humble your selues therefore vnder the mightie hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.
Naizvozvo, muzvininipise, pasi poruoko rune simba rwaMwari, kuti agokusimudzirai munguva yakafanira.
7 Cast all your care on him: for he careth for you.
Kandai paari kufunganya kwenyu kwose nokuti anokuchengetai.
8 Be sober, and watch: for your aduersarie the deuil as a roaring lyon walketh about, seeking whom he may deuoure:
Muzvidzore uye musvinure. Muvengi wenyu dhiabhori anofamba-famba achiomba seshumba inotsvaka waingadya.
9 Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren which are in the world.
Mumudzivise, mumire makasimba mukutenda, nokuti munoziva kuti hama dzenyu munyika yose dziri kutambudzika saizvozvo.
10 And the God of all grace, which hath called vs vnto his eternall glory by Christ Iesus, after that ye haue suffered a litle, make you perfite, confirme, strengthen and stablish you. (aiōnios )
Uye Mwari wenyasha dzose, akakudanirai kukubwinya kwake kusingaperi muna Kristu, mushure mokumbotambudzika kwechinguva chiduku, achakuponesai uye achakusimbisai, agokumisai zvakasimba uye agokutsigisai. (aiōnios )
11 To him be glory and dominion for euer and euer, Amen. (aiōn )
Ngaave nesimba nokusingaperi-peri. Ameni. (aiōn )
12 By Syluanus a faithfull brother vnto you, as I suppose, haue I written briefly, exhorting and testifying how that this is the true grace of God, wherein ye stand.
Ndakakunyorerai muchidimbu ndichibatsirwa naSirasi hama yangu yakatendeka, ndichikukurudzirai uye ndichipupura kuti idzi ndidzo nyasha dzaMwari dzechokwadi. Mirai makasimba madziri.
13 The Church that is at Babylon elected together with you, saluteth you, and Marcus my sonne.
Kereke iri muBhabhironi, yakasanangurwa pamwe chete nemi, inokukwazisai, uye mwanakomana wangu Mako anokukwazisaiwo.
14 Greete yee one another with the kisse of loue. Peace be with you all which are in Christ Iesus, Amen.
Kwazisanai nokutsvodana kworudo. Rugare kwamuri mose muri muna Kristu.