< 1 Peter 4 >
1 Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for vs in the flesh, arme your selues likewise with the same minde, which is, that he which hath suffered in the flesh, hath ceased from sinne,
Dakle, budući da je Krist trpio u tijelu, i vi se oboružajte istim mišljenjem - jer tko trpi u tijelu okanio se grijeha -
2 That he hence forward should liue (as much time as remaineth in the flesh) not after the lusts of men, but after the will of God.
da vrijeme što vam u tijelu još preostaje proživite ne više po ljudskim požudama nego po Božjoj volji.
3 For it is sufficient for vs that we haue spet the time past of ye life, after the lust of the Gentiles, walking in wantonnes, lustes, drunkennes, in gluttonie, drinkings, and in abominable idolatries.
Dosta je uistinu što ste u prošlom vremenu vršili volju pogana, hodeći u razvratnostima, požudama, pijančevanjima, pijankama, opijanjima i bezakoničkim idolopoklonstvima.
4 Wherein it seemeth to them strange, that yee runne not with them vnto the same excesse of riot: therefore speake they euill of you,
Stoga se čude što se ne slijevate u tu istu rijeku raskalašenosti te proklinju.
5 Which shall giue accounts to him, that is readie to iudge quicke and dead.
Polagat će oni račun Onomu tko je već spreman suditi žive i mrtve.
6 For vnto this purpose was the Gospell preached also vnto the dead, that they might bee condemned, according to men in the flesh, but might liue according to God in the spirit.
Zato je i mrtvima naviješteno evanđelje da osuđeni doduše po ljudsku, u tijelu, žive po Božju - u duhu.
7 Now the ende of all things is at hand. Be ye therefore sober, and watching in prayer.
Približio se svršetak svega! Osvijestite se i otrijeznite za molitvu!
8 But aboue all thinges haue feruent loue among you: for loue shall couer the multitude of sinnes.
Prije svega imajte žarku ljubav jedni prema drugima jer ljubav pokriva mnoštvo grijeha!
9 Be ye harberous one to another, without grudging.
Gostoljubivo primajte jedni druge bez mrmljanja!
10 Let euery man as hee hath receiued the gift, minister the same one to another, as good disposers of the manifolde grace of God.
Jedni druge poslužujte - svatko po primljenom daru - kao dobri upravitelji različitih Božjih milosti!
11 If any man speake, let him speake as the wordes of God. If any man minister, let him do it as of the abilitie which God ministreth, that God in al things may be glorified through Iesus Christ, to whome is prayse and dominion for euer, and euer, Amen. (aiōn )
Govori li tko? Neka govori kao riječi Božje! Poslužuje li tko? Neka poslužuje kao snagom koju daje Bog da se u svemu slavi Bog po Isusu Kristu, komu slava i vlast u vijeke vijekova! Amen. (aiōn )
12 Dearely beloued, thinke it not strange concerning the firie triall, which is among you to proue you, as though some strange thing were come vnto you:
Ljubljeni! Ne čudite se požaru što bukti među vama da vas iskuša, kao da vam se događa štogod neobično!
13 But reioyce, in asmuch as ye are partakers of Christs suffrings, that when his glory shall appeare, ye may be glad and reioyce.
Naprotiv, radujte se kao zajedničari Kristovih patnja da i o Objavljenju njegove slave mognete radosno klicati.
14 If yee be railed vpon for the Name of Christ, blessed are ye: for the spirit of glory, and of God resteth vpon you: which on their part is euill spoken of: but on your part is glorified.
Pogrđuju li vas zbog imena Kristova, blago vama, jer Duh Slave, Duh Božji u vama počiva.
15 But let none of you suffer as a murtherer, or as a thiefe, or an euil doer, or as a busibodie in other mens matters.
Tek neka nitko od vas ne trpi kao ubojica, ili kradljivac, ili zločinac, ili makar i kao nametljivac;
16 But if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not bee ashamed: but let him glorifie God in this behalfe.
ako li kao kršćanin, neka se ne stidi, nego slavi Boga zbog tog imena.
17 For the time is come, that iudgement must beginne at the house of God. If it first beginne at vs, what shall the ende be of them which obey not the Gospel of God?
Ta vrijeme je da započne Sud - od doma Božjega. No ako već od vas započinje, kakav je onda svršetak onih što nisu poslušni Božjem evanđelju?
18 And if the righteous scarcely bee saued, where shall the vngodly and the sinner appeare?
I ako se pravednik jedva spasava, opak i grešnik gdje da se pojavi?
19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit their soules to him in well doing, as vnto a faithfull Creator.
Stoga oni koji po volji Božjoj trpe, neka dobrim djelima povjere duše svoje vjernom Stvoritelju.