< 1 Peter 3 >

1 Likewise let the wiues bee subiect to their husbands, that euen they which obey not the worde, may without the worde be wonne by the conuersation of the wiues,
Na mmanganya mmandonyanji nnombilwenje, nkundanje inkubhalanjilwanga na ashimbuje bhenunji, nkupinga ibhaga bhapalinji bhanabhalume bhakaakulupalilanga ga lilobhe lya a Nnungu, bhai bhaibhonangaga itendi yenunji ya mmbone bhakulupalilanje. Wala gwangali kubheleketa lilobhe,
2 While they beholde your pure conuersation, which is with feare.
pabha shibhaibhonanje itendi yenunji ya mmbone na ya kwaajogopa a Nnungu.
3 Whose apparelling, let it not be that outwarde, with broyded heare, and golde put about, or in putting on of apparell:
Kwiikelengelela kwenunji kunabhe kwa indu ya bhoneka palangape na kuwalila indu ya shaabhu na nngubho ya konja.
4 But let it bee the hidde man of the heart, which consisteth in the incorruption of a meeke and quiet spirite, which is before God a thing much set by.
Ikabheje, kukonja kwenunji pukupinjikwa kubhe kwa gundu gwenunji gwa muntima, gwa indu yangaangabhanika, yani, ntima gwa uguja na kwiitimalika pabha genego ni gapinjikwa na a Nnungu.
5 For euen after this maner in time past did the holy women, which trusted in God, tire them selues, and were subiect to their husbands.
Nneyo ni shibhaikelengelelangaga bhanabhakongwe bha bhukala bhalinginji bha ukonjelo na bha kwaakulupalilanga a Nnungu na kunda ibhabhalanjilwangaga na ashimbuje bhabhonji.
6 As Sara obeyed Abraham, and called him Sir: whose daughters ye are, whiles yee doe well, not being afraide of any terrour.
Malinga a Shala bhatendaga kunda ibhabhalanjilwaga na a Bhulaimu nikwaashema bhenebho bhakulungwa bhabho. Numbe mmanganya shimmanganje ashibhana bhabho ntendangaga ga mmbone gwangali kola lipamba lya shindu shoshowe.
7 Likewise ye husbands, dwel with them as men of knowledge, giuing honour vnto the woman, as vnto the weaker vessell, euen as they which are heires together of the grace of life, that your prayers be not interrupted.
Numbe mmashileunji nnombilenje, nkolanje lunda punkutamangana na ashaakongobhenunji, nnapinjikwanga mwaatetelesheyanje malinga iumbe yangali mashili, pabha mpinga poshelanga mboka ya gumi pamo, nkupinga kujuga Nnungu kwenunji kunaibhililwe.
8 Finally, be ye all of one minde: one suffer with another: loue as brethren: bee pitifull: bee courteous,
Kungai nguti, nnapinjikwanga nkolanje ntima gumo na ng'aniyo imo na mpingane shiulongo na mwiitimalikanje
9 Not rendring euil for euill, neither rebuke for rebuke: but contrarywise blesse, knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should be heires of blessing.
Nnagalabhulanje yangali ya mmbone kwa yangali ya mmbone ku bhandu, eu kugalabhula matukano kwa matukano, ikabheje bhakuntendelanga yangali ya mmbone mwaajujilanje mboka, pabha mmanganya nshishemelwanga mboka na a Nnungu.
10 For if any man long after life, and to see good dayes, let him refraine his tongue from euill, and his lippes that they speake no guile.
Malinga shigalugula Majandiko, “Apinga kuangalila kulama, na kugabhona mobha ga mboka, aibhilile lulimi lwakwe lunabhelekete yangali ya mmbone, na kang'wa jakwe jinabhelekete ya unami.
11 Let him eschew euil, and do good: let him seeke peace, and follow after it.
Aleshe yangali ya mmbone, atende ya mmbone, auloleye ulele na aukagulile kwa kaje.
12 For the eyes of the Lord are ouer the righteous, and his eares are open vnto their prayers: and the face of the Lord is against them that do euil.
Pabha meyo ga Bhakulungwa ganakwaloleyanga bhakwetenje aki, na makutu gabho ganapilikanishiya kujuga kwabhonji. Ikabheje bhaatendanga yangali ya mmbone bhakakubhonanga kumeyo kwa Bhakulungwa.”
13 And who is it that will harme you, if ye follow that which is good?
Gani shampotekanje ntumbilangaga kutenda ya uguja?
14 Notwithstanding blessed are ye, if ye suffer for righteousnes sake. Yea, feare not their feare, neither be troubled.
Ikabheje, nkali mpotekwangaga kwa ligongo lya tenda ya aki, bhai mbaya. Nnannjogopanje mundu jojowe, wala nnakolanje lipamba.
15 But sanctifie the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekenesse and reuerence,
Ikabheje mwaaishimiyanje Kilishitu mmitima jenunji. Mmanganje tayali kunnjangula mundu jojowe shammuyanje ga ngulupai jili mmitima jenunji.
16 Hauing a good coscience, that whe they speake euill of you as of euill doers, they may be ashamed, which slander your good conuersation in Christ.
Mwiibhikanje ng'aniyo yenunji ya muntima ibhe ya mmbone, nkupinga bhakummelekatanga ya kunnambililanga bhakolanje oni pubhakwiibhonanga itendi yenunji ya mmbone ya Shikilishitu.
17 For it is better (if the will of God be so) that ye suffer for well doing, then for euil doing.
Pabha, mbaya kupotekwa kwa ligongo lya tenda ya uguja, monaga a Nnungu bhapinjile, nngabha kupotekwa kwa ligongo lya tenda yangali ya mmbone.
18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sinnes, the iust for the vniust, that he might bring vs to God, and was put to death concerning the flesh, but was quickened by the spirit.
Pabha a Kilishitu bhayene bhapotekwe kamope, kwa ligongo lya bhandunji bhalebhilenje, mundu akwete aki kwa ligongo lya bhandunji bhangalinginji aki, kupinga bhampelekanje mmanganya kwa a Nnungu. Shiilu shabho gushibhulegwe, ikabheje kwa mashili gaka Mbumu, gubhapatile gumi kabhili,
19 By the which hee also went, and preached vnto the spirits that are in prison.
na kwa gwene gumigo nigubhapite kukwaalungushiyanga ashimbumu bhatabhilwenje bhala.
20 Which were in time passed disobedient, when once the long suffering of God abode in the dayes of Noe, while the Arke was preparing, wherein fewe, that is, eight soules were saued in the water.
Bhene bhanganyabho ni bhakanilenje kwaakunda a Nnungu, pubhaipililile kwaalindililanga a Nuu mobha gubhaalayaga shapina. Bhandunji bhashokope, yani bhandunji nane, gubhatapulwenje kuwa na mashi.
21 Whereof the baptisme that nowe is, answering that figure, (which is not a putting away of the filth of the flesh, but a confident demaunding which a good conscience maketh to God) saueth vs also by the resurrection of Iesus Christ,
Gene mashigo pugaliji malinga ubhatisho, ukuntapulanga mmanganya agano mobha gano. Ubhatisho nngabha ushoya ya nyata nshiilu, ikabhe malagano kwa a Nnungu ga tumbilila kutenda ya uguja. Unakuntapulanga kwa yuka kwabho a Yeshu Kilishitu,
22 Which is at the right hand of God, gone into heauen, to whom the Angels, and Powers, and might are subiect.
nnaino a Yeshu bhapite kunnungu na bhatemi kunkono nnilo gwa a Nnungu, bhanatagwala ashimalaika bha a Nnungu na ukulungwa gowe.

< 1 Peter 3 >

A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark
A Dove is Sent Forth from the Ark