< 1 Kings 21 >

1 After these things Naboth the Izreelite had a vineyarde in Izreel, hard by the palace of Ahab King of Samaria.
Zitatha izi, panachitika nkhani yokhudza Naboti wa ku Yezireeli amene anali ndi munda wamphesa ku Yezireeli, pafupi ndi nyumba ya mfumu Ahabu, mfumu ya ku Samariya.
2 And Ahab spake vnto Naboth, saying, Giue me thy vineyarde, that I may make mee a garden of herbes thereof, because it is neere by mine house: and I will giue thee for it a better vineyarde then it is: or if it please thee, I will giue thee the worth of it in money.
Ahabu anawuza Naboti kuti, “Patse munda wako wa mpesa kuti ukhale munda wanga wa ndiwo zamasamba, popeza uli pafupi ndi nyumba yanga yaufumu. Mosinthana ndi mundawu ndidzakupatsa wina wabwino, kapena ngati ungafune, ndidzakupatsa ndalama pa mtengo wake wa mundawu.”
3 And Naboth said to Ahab, The Lord keepe me from giuing the inheritance of my father vnto thee.
Koma Naboti anayankha Ahabu kuti, “Pali Yehova, sindingakupatseni cholowa cha makolo anga.”
4 Then Ahab came into his house heauie and in displeasure, because of the word which Naboth the Izreelite had spoken vnto him. for hee had sayde, I will not giue thee the inheritance of my fathers, and he lay vpon his bed, and turned his face and would eate no bread.
Pamenepo Ahabu anapita ku nyumba yake, wachisoni ndi wokwiya chifukwa Naboti wa ku Yezireeli anamuwuza kuti, “Sindidzakupatsani cholowa cha makolo anga.” Ahabu anakagona pa bedi lake atayangʼana kumbali ndipo anakana chakudya.
5 Then Iezebel his wife came to him and said vnto him, Why is thy spirit so sad that thou eatest no bread?
Yezebeli mkazi wake analowa ndipo anamufunsa kuti, “Chifukwa chiyani mukuoneka achisoni? Chifukwa chiyani simukufuna chakudya?”
6 And he said vnto her, Because I spake vnto Naboth the Izreelite, and sayd vnto him, Giue me thy vineyard for money, or if it please thee, I will giue thee another vineyard for it: but he answered, I wil not giue thee my vineyarde.
Ahabu anayankha mkazi wake kuti, “Chifukwa chake nʼchakuti ine ndinamuwuza Naboti wa ku Yezireeli kuti, ‘Gulitse munda wako wa mpesa kapena ngati ungakonde ine ndidzakupatsa munda wina wabwino mʼmalo mwake.’ Koma iye anandiyankha kuti, ‘Sindidzakupatsani munda wanga wa mpesa.’”
7 Then Iezebel his wife sayde vnto him, Doest thou nowe gouerne the kingdome of Israel? vp, eate bread, and be of good cheere, I will giue thee the vineyard of Naboth the Izreelite.
Ndipo Yezebeli mkazi wake anati, “Kodi umu ndi mmene mumachitira ngati mfumu ya Israeli? Dzukani, idyani! Sangalalani. Ine ndidzakutengerani munda wamphesa wa Naboti wa ku Yezireeli.”
8 So she wrote letters in Ahabs name, and sealed them with his seale, and sent the letters vnto the Elders, and to the nobles that were in his citie dwelling with Naboth.
Choncho Yezebeli analemba makalata mʼdzina la Ahabu, nawadinda chidindo cha mfumu, nawatumiza makalatawo kwa akuluakulu ndi kwa anthu olemekezeka amene ankakhala ndi Naboti mu mzinda mwake.
9 And shee wrote in the letters, saying, Proclaime a fast, and set Naboth among the chiefe of the people,
Mʼmakalatamo Yezebeli analemba kuti: “Lengezani kuti anthu asale chakudya ndipo muyike Naboti pa malo aulemu pakati pa anthu.
10 And set two wicked men before him, and let them witnesse against him, saying, Thou diddest blaspheme God and the King: then cary him out, and stone him that he may dye.
Koma muyike anthu awiri oyipa mtima moyangʼanana naye ndipo iwo achitire umboni kuti watemberera Mulungu ndiponso mfumu. Ndipo mumutulutse ndi kumuponya miyala ndi kumupha.”
11 And the men of his citie, euen the Elders and gouernours, which dwelt in his citie, did as Iezebel had sent vnto them: as it was written in the letters, which she had sent vnto them.
Choncho akuluakulu ndi anthu olemekezeka amene ankakhala ndi Naboti mu mzinda mwake anachita monga analamulira Yezebeli mʼmakalata amene anawalembera.
12 They proclaimed a fast, and set Naboth among the chiefe of the people,
Iwo analengeza kuti anthu asale chakudya ndipo anayika Naboti pa malo aulemu pakati pa anthu.
13 And there came two wicked men, and sate before him: and the wicked men witnessed against Naboth in the presence of the people saying, Naboth did blaspheme God and the King. Then they caried him away out of the citie, and stoned him with stones, that he dyed.
Ndipo anthu awiri oyipa anabwera nakhala moyangʼanana naye ndipo anamunenera zoyipa Naboti pamaso pa anthu, ponena kuti, “Naboti watemberera Mulungu ndiponso mfumu.” Choncho anamutulutsira kunja kwa mzinda ndi kumuponya miyala ndi kumupha.
14 Then they sent to Iezebel, saying, Naboth is stoned and is dead.
Atatero anatumiza mawu kwa Yezebeli akuti, “Naboti amuponya miyala ndipo wafa.”
15 And when Iezebel heard that Naboth was stoned and was dead, Iezebel sayd to Ahab, Vp, and take possession of the vineyarde of Naboth the Izreelite, which he refused to giue thee for money: for Naboth is not aliue, but is dead.
Yezebeli atangomva kuti Naboti amuponya miyala ndipo wafa, iye anakamuwuza Ahabu kuti, “Dzukani, katengeni munda wamphesa wa Naboti wa ku Yezireeli umene anawukaniza kukugulitsani. Naboti sali moyonso, koma wafa.”
16 And when Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, he rose to go downe to the vineyard of Naboth the Izreelite, to take possession of it.
Ahabu atamva kuti Naboti wafa, ananyamuka kukatenga munda wamphesa wa Naboti.
17 And the word of the Lord came vnto Eliiah the Tishbite, saying,
Ndipo Yehova anayankhula ndi Eliya wa ku Tisibe kuti,
18 Arise, goe downe to meete Ahab King of Israel, which is in Samaria. loe, he is in the vineyarde of Naboth, whither he is gone downe to take possession of it.
“Nyamuka, pita ukakumane ndi Ahabu, mfumu ya Israeli amene amalamulira ku Samariya. Pano ali ku munda wamphesa wa Naboti kumene wapita kuti akatenge mundawo kuti ukhale wake.
19 Therefore shalt thou say vnto him, Thus sayth the Lord, Hast thou killed, and also gotten possession? And thou shalt speake vnto him, saying, Thus sayth the Lord, In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, shall dogs licke euen thy blood also.
Ukamuwuze kuti: ‘Yehova akuti, Kodi siwapha munthu ndi kumulandanso munda wake?’ Ndipo ukamuwuzenso kuti, ‘Yehova akuti, Pamalo pamene agalu ananyambita magazi a Naboti, pamalo pomwepo agalu adzanyambita magazi ako, inde, akonso!’”
20 And Ahab sayd to Eliiah, Hast thou found mee, O mine enemie? And he answered, I haue found thee: for thou hast solde thy selfe to worke wickednes in the sight of the Lord.
Ahabu anati kwa Eliya, “Tsono wandipeza, iwe mdani wanga!” Eliya anayankha kuti, “Inde ndakupezani chifukwa mwadzigulitsa kuti muchite zoyipa pamaso pa Yehova.
21 Beholde, I will bring euill vpon thee, and wil take away thy posteritie, and wil cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall, as well him that is shut vp, as him that is left in Israel,
Iye akuti ‘Taonani, ine ndidzabweretsa mavuto pa iwe. Ndidzawononga kotheratu zidzukulu zako ndi kuchotsa mu Israeli munthu aliyense wamwamuna wa banja la Ahabu, kapolo kapena mfulu.
22 And I wil make thine house like the house of Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha the sonne of Ahiiah, for the prouocation wherewith thou hast prouoked, and made Israel to sinne.
Ndidzawononga nyumba yako monga momwe ndinawonongera nyumba ya Yeroboamu mwana wa Nebati ndiponso ngati nyumba ya Baasa mwana wa Ahiya, chifukwa wandikwiyitsa Ine ndi kuchimwitsa Israeli.’
23 And also of Iezebel spake the Lord, saying, The dogs shall eate Iezebel, by the wall of Izreel.
“Ndipo kunena za Yezebeli, Yehova akuti, ‘Agalu adzadya Yezebeli mʼmbali mwa khoma la Yezireeli.’
24 The dogs shall eate him of Ahabs stocke, that dyeth in the citie: and him that dyeth in the fieldes, shall the foules of the ayre eate.
“Agalu adzadya munthu aliyense wa nyumba ya Ahabu amene adzafere mu mzinda, ndipo mbalame za mu mlengalenga zidzadya aliyense wofera ku thengo.”
25 (But there was none like Ahab, who did fell him selfe, to worke wickednesse in the sight of the Lord: whom Iezebel his wife prouoked.
(Kunalibe munthu ngati Ahabu, amene anadzigulitsa kuchita zoyipa pamaso pa Yehova, amene anakopedwa ndi mkazi wake Yezebeli.
26 For he did exceeding abominably in following idoles, according to all that the Amorites did, whom the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.)
Iye anachita zonyansa kwambiri popembedza mafano, monga mmene ankachitira Aamori amene Yehova anawachotsa pamene Aisraeli ankafika).
27 Nowe when Ahab heard those wordes, he rent his clothes, and put sackcloth vpon him and fasted, and lay in sackecloth and went softely.
Ahabu atamva mawu amenewa, anangʼamba zovala zake, navala ziguduli ndi kusala chakudya. Anagona pa ziguduli, nayenda pangʼonopangʼono.
28 And the worde of the Lord came to Eliiah the Tishbite, saying,
Pamenepo Yehova anayankhula ndi Eliya wa ku Tisibe kuti,
29 Seest thou how Ahab is humbled before me? because he submitteth himselfe before me, I will not bring that euill in his dayes, but in his sonnes dayes wil I bring euill vpon his house.
“Kodi waona mmene Ahabu wadzichepetsera pamaso panga? Chifukwa wadzichepetsa, sindidzabweretsa mavuto amenewa pa nthawi ya moyo wake, koma ndidzawabweretsa pa nyumba yake pa nthawi ya mwana wake.”

< 1 Kings 21 >