< 1 Kings 19 >

1 Now Ahab tolde Iezebel all that Eliiah had done, and how he had slaine all the prophets with the sword.
Ahab fa ya faɗa wa Yezebel kome da Iliya ya yi, da yadda ya karkashe dukan annabawan da takobi.
2 Then Iezebel sent a messenger vnto Eliiah, saying, The gods doe so to me and more also, if I make not thy life like one of their liues by to morowe this time.
Saboda haka Yezebel ta aika da ɗan aika wa Iliya yă faɗa masa, “Bari alloli su hukunta ni da tsanani, in war haka gobe ban mai da ranka kamar na ɗaya daga cikin annabawan Ba’al ba.”
3 When he sawe that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beer-sheba, which is in Iudah, and left his seruant there.
Iliya ya ji tsoro, ya gudu don yă ceci ransa. Sa’ad da ya kai Beyersheba a Yahuda, sai ya bar bawansa a can.
4 But he went a dayes iourney into the wildernesse, and came and sate downe vnder a iuniper tree, and desired that he might die, and sayde, It is now ynough: O Lord, take my soule, for I am no better then my fathers.
Shi kuma ya yi tafiya yini guda zuwa cikin hamada. Ya zo wurin wani itacen tsintsiya, ya zauna a ƙarƙashinsa, ya roƙa yă mutu. Ya ce, “Ya ishe ni haka, Ubangiji, ka ɗauki raina; ban fi kakannina ba.”
5 And as he lay and slept vnder the iuniper tree, behold now, an Angel touched him, and said vnto him, Vp, and eate.
Sa’an nan ya kwanta a ƙarƙashin itacen ya yi barci. Farat ɗaya sai wani mala’ika ya taɓa shi, ya ce, “Tashi ka ci abinci.”
6 And when he looked about, behold, there was a cake baken on the coles, and a pot of water at his head: so he did eate and drinke, and returned and slept.
Ya duba kewaye, sai ga wainar burodi kusa da kansa a bisa garwashin wuta mai zafi, da kuma tulun ruwa. Ya ci, ya sha, sa’an nan ya sāke kwanta.
7 And the Angel of the Lord came againe the second time, and touched him, and sayd, Vp, and eate: for thou hast a great iourney.
Mala’ikan Ubangiji ya sāke dawowa sau na biyu ya taɓa shi, ya ce, “Tashi ka ci abinci, gama tafiyar za tă yi maka yawa.”
8 Then he arose, and did eate and drinke, and walked in the strength of that meate fourtie dayes and fourtie nights, vnto Horeb the mount of God.
Saboda haka ya tashi ya ci, ya kuma sha. Ta wurin ƙarfin da ya samu saboda wannan abinci, ya yi tafiya yini arba’in da dare arba’in, sai da ya kai Horeb, dutsen Allah.
9 And there he entred into a caue, and lodged there: and beholde, the Lord spake to him, and said vnto him, What doest thou here, Eliiah?
A can ya shiga kogo ya kwana. Sai maganar Ubangiji ta zo masa, ta ce, “Me kake yi a nan, Iliya?”
10 And he answered, I haue bene very ielous for the Lord God of hostes: for the children of Israel haue forsaken thy couenant, broken downe thine altars, and slayne thy Prophets with the sword, and I onely am left, and they seeke my life to take it away.
Ya amsa, ya ce, “Ina kishi dominka Ubangiji, Allah Maɗaukaki. Isra’ilawa sun ƙi alkawarinka, suka rurrushe bagadanka, suka kuma kashe annabawanka da takobi. Ni ne kaɗai na rage, yanzu, ni ma suna ƙoƙari su kashe ni.”
11 And he saide, Come out, and stand vpon the mount before the Lord. And beholde, the Lord went by, and a mightie strong winde rent the mountaines, and brake the rockes before the Lord: but the Lord was not in the winde: and after the wind came an earthquake: but the Lord was not in the earthquake:
Sai Ubangiji ya ce, “Fita ka tsaya a kan dutse a gaban Ubangiji, gama Ubangiji yana shirin wucewa.” Sai ga babbar iska mai ƙarfi ta tsage duwatsu, ta kuma ragargaza duwatsu a gaban Ubangiji, amma Ubangiji ba ya cikin iskar. Bayan iskar sai aka yi girgizar ƙasa, amma Ubangiji ba ya cikin girgizar ƙasa.
12 And after the earthquake came fire: but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire came a still and soft voyce.
Bayan girgizar ƙasa, sai ga wuta, amma Ubangiji ba ya cikin wuta. Bayan wutar kuma sai ga wata’yar murya.
13 And when Eliiah heard it, he couered his face with his mantel, and went out, and stoode in the entring in of ye caue: and behold, there came a voyce vnto him, and sayd, What doest thou here, Eliiah?
Sa’ad da Iliya ya ji ta, ya ja mayafinsa ya rufe fuskarsa, ya fita ya tsaya a bakin kogon. Sai ya ji murya ta ce masa, “Me kake yi a nan, Iliya?”
14 And he answered, I haue bene very ielous for the Lord God of hostes, because the children of Israel haue forsaken thy couenant, cast downe thine altars, and slayne thy Prophets with the sworde, and I onely am left, and they seeke my life to take it away.
Ya amsa, ya ce, “Ina kishi dominka Ubangiji, Allah Maɗaukaki. Isra’ilawa sun ƙi alkawarinka, suka rurrushe bagadanka, suka kuma kashe annabawanka da takobi. Ni ne kaɗai na rage, yanzu, ni ma suna ƙoƙari su kashe ni.”
15 And the Lord said vnto him, Goe, returne by the wildernes vnto Damascus, and when thou commest there, anoint Hazael King ouer Aram.
Sai Ubangiji ya ce masa, “Ka koma ta hanyar da ka zo, ka tafi Hamadan Damaskus. Sa’ad da ka kai can, ka shafe Hazayel yă zama sarki bisa Aram.
16 And Iehu the sonne of Nimshi shalt thou anoynt King ouer Israel: and Elisha the sonne of Shaphat of Abel Meholah shalt thou anoynt to be Prophet in thy roume.
Ka kuma shafe Yehu ɗan Nimshi yă zama sarkin Isra’ila, ka shafe Elisha ɗan Shafat daga Abel-Mehola yă gāje ka a matsayin annabi.
17 And him that escapeth from the sworde of Hazael, shall Iehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Iehu, shall Elisha slay.
Yehu zai kashe duk wani wanda ya tsere wa takobin Hazayel, Elisha kuwa zai kashe duk wani wanda ya tsere wa takobin Yehu.
18 Yet wil I leaue seuen thousand in Israel, euen all the knees that haue not bowed vnto Baal, and euery mouth that hath not kissed him.
Duk da haka zan bar mutane dubu bakwai na Isra’ila waɗanda ba su rusuna da gwiwansu wa Ba’al ba, ba su kuma sumbace shi da bakinsu ba.”
19 So he departed thence, and found Elisha the sonne of Shaphat who was plowing with twelue yoke of oxen before him, and was with the twelft: and Eliiah went towards him, and cast his mantel vpon him.
Sai Iliya ya tafi daga can ya sami Elisha ɗan Shafat, yana noma da shanu goma sha biyu masu garman noma, shi kansa yana jan na goma sha biyun. Iliya ya tafi wurinsa ya jefa mayafinsa a kan Elisha.
20 And he left the oxen, and ran after Eliiah, and sayde, Let mee, I pray thee, kisse my father and my mother, and then I wil follow thee. Who answered him, Go, returne: for what haue I done to thee?
Sai Elisha ya bar shanun, ya ruga ya bi Iliya. Ya ce, “Bari in sumbace mahaifina da mahaifiyata, in yi musu bankwana, sa’an nan in zo in bi ka.” Iliya ya ce, “Koma! Me na yi maka?”
21 And when he went backe againe from him, he tooke a couple of oxen, and slewe them, and sod their flesh with the instruments of the oxen, and gaue vnto the people, and they did eate: then he arose and went after Eliiah, and ministred vnto him.
Sai Elisha ya bar shi, ya koma, ya ɗauki shanunsa ya yayyanka. Ya ƙone kayan garman noman don yă dafa naman, ya kuma ba wa mutane naman, suka kuwa ci. Sa’an nan ya tashi, ya bi Iliya, ya kuma zama mai hidimarsa.

< 1 Kings 19 >