< 1 Kings 18 >
1 After many dayes, the worde of the Lord came to Eliiah, in the third yeere, saying, Goe, shewe thy selfe vnto Ahab, and I will sende rayne vpon the earth.
Ahnintha moi a loum hnukkhu, hettelah ao. A kum thum dawk Elijah koevah, BAWIPA e lawk teh a pha. Cet nateh Ahab koe kâpâtue. Hahoi talai van kho a rak sak han telah a ti.
2 And Eliiah went to shew himselfe vnto Ahab, and there was a great famine in Samaria.
Elijah ni Ahab koevah kâpâtue hanlah a cei. Hatnavah Samaria ram dawk puenghoi takang a tho.
3 And Ahab called Obadiah the gouernour of his house: (and Obadiah feared God greatly:
Ahab ni a imthungkhu kaukkung Obadiah hah a kaw teh (Obadiah teh BAWIPA ka taket poung e lah a o),
4 For when Iezebel destroyed the Prophets of the Lord, Obadiah tooke an hundreth Prophets, and hid them, by fiftie in a caue, and he fed them with bread and water.)
bangkongtetpawiteh, Jezebel ni BAWIPA e profet a thei lahun na, lungngoum thungvah 50, 50 touh hoi a hro teh, vaiyei, tui hoi a kawk.
5 And Ahab saide vnto Obadiah, Goe into the land, vnto all the fountaines of water, and vnto all the riuers, if so be that we may finde grasse to saue the horses and the mules aliue, lest we depriue the lande of the beastes.
Ahab ni Obadiah koevah, ram pueng dawk tuiphueknaw, palangnaw yuengyoe tawng hanelah cet. Saringnaw pueng ni a due hoeh nahan marang hoi lanaw ni hring hlout nahanelah, hram kanawnaw na hmu yawkaw han doeh telah atipouh.
6 And so they deuided the lande betweene them to walke thorowe it. Ahab went one way by him selfe, and Obadiah went another way by him selfe.
Hottelah ram katin hanlah a kârei awh teh, Ahab teh amadueng lam alouke dawk a cei teh, Obadiah hai a madueng lam alouke dawk a cei.
7 And as Obadiah was in the way, behold, Eliiah met him: and he knew him, and fell on his face, and said, Art not thou my lord Eliiah?
Hottelah Obadiah ni a cei lahun nah, Elijah hah tang a kâhmo. Ahni ni a panue teh a tabo. Nang namaw ka bawipa, Elijah telah atipouh.
8 And he answered him, Yea, goe tell thy lord, Behold, Eliiah is here.
Elijah ni Obadiah koevah, Oe kai doeh, cet nateh haw vah Elijah ao telah na bawipa koe dei pouh telah atipouh.
9 And he said, What haue I sinned, that thou wouldest deliuer thy seruant into the hande of Ahab, to slay me?
Ahni ni bang yonnae maw ka sak teh na san heh thei hanelah Ahab e kut dawk poe hanelah na ngai.
10 As the Lord thy God liueth, there is no nation or kingdome, whither my lorde hath not sent to seeke thee: and when they sayd, He is not here, he tooke an othe of the kingdome and nation, if they had not found thee.
BAWIPA na Cathut a hring e patetlah ka bawipa ni nang na tawnghoehnae miphun hoi uknaeram awm hoeh toe. Hivah awm hoeh telah ati awh navah, nang na hmuhoehnae kong dawk miphun hoi ram hah lawk a kam sak.
11 And now thou sayest, Goe, tell thy lorde, Beholde, Eliiah is here.
Atuvah nang ni cet nateh, Elijah hawvah ao telah na bawipa koe dei pouh telah na ti.
12 And when I am gone from thee, the Spirit of the Lord shall cary thee into some place that I doe not know: so when I come and tell Ahab, if he cannot finde thee, then wil he kill me: But I thy seruant feare the Lord from my youth.
Hottelah ao han. Na ceitakhai toteh, BAWIPA e Muitha ni ka panue hoeh e hmuen koe na cet khai vaiteh, Ahab ka dei pouh vaiteh, na hmawt thai awh hoehpawiteh, kai heh na thei awh han. Hatei, na san ni ka nawca hoi BAWIPA teh ka taki.
13 Was it not tolde my lord, what I did when Iezebel slew the Prophets of the Lord, how I hid an hundreth men of the Lordes Prophets by fifties in a caue, and fed them with bread and water?
Jezebel ni BAWIPA e profetnaw a thei lahun nah, BAWIPA e profetnaw tami 100 touh lungngoum thung ruipanga ruipanga touh hoi ka hro teh, vaiyei hoi tui hoi ka kawknae kong hah dei awh hoehnamaw.
14 And now thou sayest, Go, tel thy lord, Behold, Eliiah is here, that he may slay me.
Atuvah nang ni cet nateh, Elijah haw ao telah deih, telah na ti. Kai heh na thei roeroe han doeh telah atipouh.
15 And Eliiah said, As the Lord of hostes liueth, before whome I stand, I will surely shewe my selfe vnto him this day.
Elijah ni ka bawk e ransahu BAWIPA teh a hring e patetlah kai ni sahnin Ahab koe ka kâpâtue roeroe han telah atipouh.
16 So Obadiah went to meete Ahab, and tolde him: And Ahab went to meete Eliiah.
Hatdawkvah, Obadiah teh Ahab kâhmo han la a cei teh a dei pouh. Hahoi Ahab ni Elijah kâhmo hanlah a cei.
17 And when Ahab saw Eliiah, Ahab said vnto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel?
Ahab ni Elijah a hmu toteh, nang maw Isarelnaw runae na ka poe e tongpa telah atipouh.
18 And he answered, I haue not troubled Israel, but thou, and thy fathers house, in that ye haue forsaken the commandements of the Lord, and thou hast followed Baalim.
Ahni ni Isarelnaw runae ka poe hoeh. Nang hoi na pa imthungkhunaw ni BAWIPA e kâpoelawknaw hah na kamlang takhai awh teh, Baal na bawk dawkvah, Isarelnaw runae na poe.
19 Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel vnto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal foure hundreth and fiftie, and the prophets of the groues foure hundreth, which eate at Iezebels table.
Atuvah Isarelnaw pueng Baal profet 450 touh hoi Jezebel e caboi dawk bu ouk ka ven awh e Asherah profet 400 touh hah kai koe vah Karmel mon dawk kamkhueng hanlah kaw sak telah atipouh.
20 So Ahab sent vnto all the children of Israel, and gathered the prophets together vnto mount Carmel.
Hottelah Ahab ni Isarelnaw pueng koe, tami a patoun teh profetnaw Karmel mon dawk a pâkhueng.
21 And Eliiah came vnto all the people, and said, How long halt ye betweene two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal be he, then goe after him. And the people answered him not a worde.
Elijah ni tamihu pui hah a hnai teh, nangmouh ni, bawknae kahni touh rahak vah nâsittouh maw yuem payonnae lungthin hoi kho na sak awh rah. Jehovah teh Cathut katang lah awm pawiteh, ama hah bawk awh. Baal hah cathut katang lah awm pawiteh ama hah bawk awh. Hatei tami pueng ni lawk kam touh hai a pathung awh hoeh.
22 Then said Eliiah vnto the people, I onely remayne a Prophet of the Lord: but Baals prophets are foure hundreth and fiftie men.
Elijah ni BAWIPA e profet kaawm dueng e teh kai dueng doeh toe. Hatei Baal profet teh 450 touh a pha.
23 Let them therefore giue vs two bullockes, and let them chuse the one, and cut him in pieces, and lay him on the wood, but put no fire vnder, and I will prepare the other bullocke, and lay him on the wood, and will put no fire vnder.
Hatdawkvah, maitotan kahni touh na poe awh haw. Ahnimouh ni buet touh a rawi awh vaiteh koung a tâtueng hnukkhu, thing van vah thueng awh naseh. Hmaisawi sak awh hanh. Hahoi kai ni maitotan buet touh ka rawi van vaiteh, thing van vah ka ta han. Hmai ka sawi van mahoeh,
24 Then call ye on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord: and then the God that answereth by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered, and sayde, It is well spoken.
Nangmouh ni na cathutnaw e min hah kaw awh nateh, kai ni hai Jehovah e min hah ka kaw van han. Hmai hoi ka kang sak e Cathut teh Cathut katang lah awm naseh telah taminaw koe a dei pouh. Taminaw ni hai, Elijah e lawk teh a hawi telah ati awh.
25 And Eliiah said vnto the prophets of Baal, Chuse you a bullocke, and prepare him first, (for ye are many) and call on the name of your gods, but put no fire vnder.
Elijah ni Baal profetnaw koe vah nangmouh teh tami na pap awh dawkvah, maito buet touh hmaloe kârawi awh nateh, sak awh, hmaisawi laipalah na cathutnaw min hah kaw awh telah atipouh e patetlah,
26 So they tooke the one bullocke, that was giuen them, and they prepared it, and called on the name of Baal, from morning to noone, saying, O Baal, heare vs: but there was no voyce, nor any to answere: and they leapt vpon the altar that was made.
Taminaw ni a poe e maito hah a la teh, thing van a ta hnukkhu, Oe Baal cathut, kaimouh na pato awh haw telah amom hoi kanîthun totouh Baal e min a kaw awh. Hateiteh kamthang banghai awm hoeh. Ka pathung e tami haiyah awm hoeh. A sak awh e thuengnae khoungroe hanlah a lamtu awh.
27 And at noone Eliiah mocked them, and said, Crye loude: for he is a god: either he talketh or pursueth his enemies, or is in his iourney, or it may be that he sleepeth, and must be awaked.
Kanî tuengtalueng a thun nah Elijah ni, kacaipounglah kaw awh ei. Na cathut teh a phuenang boma, ahni teh houng hoeh rah boma, ahni teh kahlawng lah boma a cei va, ahni teh muet ka ip boma, pâhlaw awh ei, telah a panuikhai teh a dei pouh.
28 And they cryed loude, and cut them selues as their maner was, with kniues and launcers, till the blood gushed out vpon them.
Kacaipoung lahoi a kaw awh teh, ouk a sak awh e patetlah sarai hoi tahroe hoi thi pukkâkaawk lah a kâbouk awh.
29 And when midday was passed, and they had prophecied vntil the offring of the euening sacrifice, there was neither voyce, nor one to answere, nor any that regarded.
Kanî a loum teh tangmin lae thuengnae tueng totouh pou a dei awh rah. Hateiteh, kamthang thoseh, kapathangkung thoseh, alawkpui lah kapoukkung thoseh, awm roeroe hoeh.
30 And Eliiah said vnto all the people, Come to me. And all the people came to him. And he repayred the altar of the Lord that was broken downe.
Hatdawkvah, Elijah ni tamihunaw pueng koevah, kai na hnai awh haw telah atipouh teh, tamihupui ni ama teh a hnai awh. Hahoi katim e BAWIPA e khoungroe hah a pathoup awh.
31 And Eliiah tooke twelue stones, according to the nomber of the tribes of the sonnes of Iaakob, (vnto whome the worde of the Lord came, saying, Israel shalbe thy name)
Na min teh Isarel ti han telah BAWIPA lawk ka dâw e Jakop casaknaw miphun yit touh, Elijah ni talung hlaikahni touh a la.
32 And with the stones he buylt an altar in the Name of the Lord: and he made a ditch round about the altar, as great as woulde conteine two measures of seede.
Hote talung hoi BAWIPA hanelah khoungroe hah a sak. Hote khoungroe petkâkalup lah cati pung hni tabang ka cawng lah tuilam a tai.
33 And he put the wood in order, and hewed the bullocke in pieces, and layd him on the wood,
Thing hah a mawk teh maitomoi a tâtueng e hah thinghong van a ta. Hahoi hlaam pali touh dawk tui pakawi awh nateh, thueng hane hoi thing hah tui hoi awi awh telah atipouh.
34 And said, Fill foure barrels with water, and powre it on the burnt offring and on the wood. Againe he said, Doe so againe. And they did so the second time. And he sayde, Doe it the third time. And they did it the third time.
Bout awi awh telah atipouh e patetlah bout a awi awh. Bout awi awh ei telah atipouh teh bout a awi awh rah.
35 And the water ran round about the altar: and he filled the ditch with water also.
Tui teh khoungroe petkâkalup lah a lawng teh tai e a tuilam dawk yikkawi sak.
36 And when they should offer the euening sacrifice, Eliiah the Prophet came, and sayd, Lord God of Abraham, Izhak and of Israel, let it be knowen this day, that thou art the God of Israel, and that I am thy seruant, and that I haue done all these things at thy commandement.
Tangmin lah thuengnae atueng a pha toteh, hettelah ao. Elijah ni a hnai teh, Oe, Jehovah, Abraham Isak hoi Isarel Cathut, nang teh Isarel ram dawk Cathut lah na o. Kai teh na san lah ka o. Hete hnonaw pueng heh nange kâ lahoi ka sak tie heh sahnin panuek awh naseh.
37 Heare me, O Lord, heare me, and let this people know that thou art the Lord God, and that thou hast turned their heart againe at the last.
Ka lawk na thai pouh haw. Hete taminaw niyah nang teh Jehovah Cathut doeh tie thoseh, hete taminaw e lungthin hah a kamlang sak tie thoseh, ahnimouh ni a panue thai awh nahanelah, kaie lawk hah na thai pouh haw, Oe BAWIPA na thai pouh haw telah a ratoum.
38 Then the fire of the Lord fell, and consumed the burnt offring, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked vp the water that was in the ditche.
Hottelah BAWIPA e hmai a bo teh hmaisawi thuengnae thing hoi talung hoi vaiphu hah a kak teh tai e tuilam dawk e tui koung a hak sak.
39 And when all the people sawe it, they fell on their faces, and saide, The Lord is God, the Lord is God.
Taminaw pueng ni hote a hmu awh toteh, a tabo awh teh, Jehovah teh Cathut doeh, Jehovah teh Cathut doeh telah ati awh.
40 And Elijah said vnto them, Take the prophets of Baal, let not a man of them escape. and they tooke them, and Eliiah brought them to the brooke Kishon, and slewe them there.
Elijah ni ahnimouh koe vah, Baal profetnaw hah man awh nateh, buet touh boehai hlout sak awh hanh atipouh. A man awh teh, Elijah ni Kishion palang koe a ceikhai awh teh, hawvah koung a thei.
41 And Eliiah sayde vnto Ahab, Get thee vp, eate and drinke, for there is a sound of much rayne.
Elijah ni Ahab koevah, canei hanelah luen leih, bangkongtetpawiteh, kho a kâcaw toe telah atipouh.
42 So Ahab went vp to eate and to drinke, and Eliiah went vp to the top of Carmel: and he crouched vnto the earth, and put his face betweene his knees,
Ahab teh canei hanelah a luen. Elijah teh Karmel mon dawk a luen. Talai dawk a tabo teh a khokpakhu rahak vah a minhmai a hro.
43 And sayde to his seruant, Goe vp now and looke towarde the way of the Sea. And he went vp, and looked, and sayde, There is nothing. Againe he sayd, Goe againe seuen times.
Hahoi a san koevah luen nateh, tuipui hah khenhaw! telah atipouh. A luen teh a khet, banghai awm hoeh telah atipouh. Ahni ni vai sari totouh cet telah atipouh.
44 And at the seuenth time he sayd, Behold, there ariseth a litle cloude out of the sea like a mans hand. Then he sayd, Vp, and say vnto Ahab, Make readie thy charet, and get thee downe, that the raine stay thee not.
Avai sarinae dawk hettelah ao. Khenhaw! tuipui dawk hoi kutkasum tit touh tâmai hah a luen telah atipouh. Ahni ni bout cet haw, Ahab koevah, leng rakueng nateh cet leih, bangkongtetpawiteh, kho ni na ngang payon vaih telah tet pouh telah a ti.
45 And in the meane while the heauen was blacke with cloudes and winde, and there was a great rayne. Then Ahab went vp and came to Izreel.
A ro hoehnahlan vah hottelah ao. Kalvan teh kahlî hoi tâmai muen a tamang teh kho teh puenghoi a rak. Ahab teh leng van a kâcui teh Jezreel lah a cei.
46 And the hand of the Lord was on Eliiah, and he girded vp his Ioynes, and ran before Ahab till he came to Izreel.
BAWIPA e kut teh Elijah koe a pha teh ahni teh taisawm hah a kâyeng teh Ahab hmalah Jezreel kâennae longkha totouh a yawng.