< 1 John 3 >

1 Behold, what loue the Father hath giuen to vs, that we should be called the sonnes of God: for this cause this world knoweth you not, because it knoweth not him.
Khangelani uthando olungaka asinika lona uYise ukuthi sithiwe singabantwana bakaNkulunkulu. Ngenxa yalokho umhlaba kawusazi, ngoba ungamazanga yena.
2 Dearely beloued, nowe are we the sonnes of God, but yet it is not made manifest what we shall be: and we know that when he shalbe made manifest, we shalbe like him: for we shall see him as he is.
Bathandekayo, khathesi singabantwana bakaNkulunkulu, njalo kakukabonakali esizakuba yikho. Kodwa siyazi ukuthi uba ebonakala, sizakuba njengaye, ngoba sizambona njengoba enjalo.
3 And euery man that hath this hope in him, purgeth himselfe, euen as he is pure.
Laye wonke olalelithemba kuye uyazihlambulula, njengoba yena ehlambulukile.
4 Whosoeuer committeth sinne, transgresseth also the Law: for sinne is the transgression of the Lawe.
Wonke owenza isono weqa lomlayo; ngoba isono siyikweqa umlayo.
5 And ye knowe that hee was made manifest, that he might take away our sinnes, and in him is no sinne.
Njalo liyazi ukuthi yena wabonakaliswa, ukuze asuse izono zethu; lesono kasikho kuye.
6 Whosoeuer abideth in him, sinneth not: whosoeuer sinneth, hath not seene him, neither hath knowen him.
Wonke ohlala kuye koni; wonke owonayo kambonanga, futhi kamazanga.
7 Litle children, let no man deceiue you: he that doeth righteousnes, is righteous, as hee is righteous.
Bantwanyana, kungabi khona olikhohlisayo; owenza ukulunga ulungile, njengoba yena elungile;
8 He that comitteth sinne, is of the deuil: for the deuill sinneth from the beginning: for this purpose was made manifest that Sonne of God, that he might loose the workes of the deuil.
owenza isono uvela kudiyabhola, ngoba udiyabhola wona kusukela ekuqaleni. Ngalokhu iNdodana kaNkulunkulu yabonakaliswa, ukuze ichithe imisebenzi kadiyabhola.
9 Whosoeuer is borne of God, sinneth not: for his seede remaineth in him, neither can hee sinne, because he is borne of God.
Wonke ozelwe nguNkulunkulu kenzi isono, ngoba inhlanyelo yakhe ihlala kuye; futhi angone, ngoba ezelwe nguNkulunkulu.
10 In this are the children of God knowen, and the children of the deuil: whosoeuer doeth not righteousnesse, is not of God, neither he that loueth not his brother.
Ngalokhu kuyabonakala abantwana bakaNkulunkulu labantwana bakadiyabhola; wonke ongenzi okulungileyo kaveli kuNkulunkulu, laye ongamthandiyo umzalwane wakhe.
11 For this is the message, that ye heard from the beginning, that we should loue one another,
Ngoba yilo umbiko elawuzwa kusukela ekuqaleni, ukuthi asithandane;
12 Not as Cain which was of that wicked one, and slewe his brother: and wherefore slewe he him? because his owne workes were euill, and his brothers good.
kungenjengoKhayini owavela komubi, wasebulala umfowabo. Njalo kungani wambulala? Ngoba imisebenzi yakhe yayimibi, kodwa eyomfowabo yayilungile.
13 Marueile not, my brethren, though this world hate you.
Lingamangali bazalwane bami, uba umhlaba ulizonda.
14 We know that we are translated from death vnto life, because we loue the brethren: he that loueth not his brother, abideth in death.
Thina siyazi ukuthi sesidlule ekufeni saya empilweni, ngoba siyabathanda abazalwane. Ongamthandiyo umzalwane uhlezi ekufeni.
15 Whosoeuer hateth his brother, is a manslayer: and ye know that no manslayer hath eternall life abiding in him. (aiōnios g166)
Wonke ozonda umzalwane wakhe ungumbulali; liyazi ukuthi kakho umbulali lakanye olempilo elaphakade ehlezi kuye. (aiōnios g166)
16 Hereby haue we perceiued loue, that he layde downe his life for vs: therefore we ought also to lay downe our liues for the brethren.
Ngalokhu siyalwazi uthando lukaNkulunkulu, ngoba yena wasibekela phansi impilo yakhe; lathi sifanele ukubabekela phansi impilo abazalwane.
17 And whosoeuer hath this worlds good, and seeth his brother haue neede, and shutteth vp his compassion from him, howe dwelleth the loue of God in him?
Kodwa loba ngubani olempahla yomhlaba, njalo ebona umzalwane wakhe eswele, abesemvalela imibilini yakhe, uthando lukaNkulunkulu luhlala njani kuye?
18 My litle children, let vs not loue in worde, neither in tongue onely, but in deede and in trueth.
Bantwanyana bami, kasingathandi ngelizwi kumbe ngolimi, kodwa ngezenzo langeqiniso.
19 For thereby we know that we are of the trueth, and shall before him assure our hearts.
Futhi ngalokho siyazi ukuthi singabeqiniso, njalo sizaqinisa inhliziyo zethu phambi kwakhe,
20 For if our heart condemne vs, God is greater then our heart, and knoweth all things.
ngoba uba inhliziyo yethu isilahla, uNkulunkulu mkhulu kulenhliziyo yethu, futhi uyazi zonke izinto.
21 Beloued, if our heart condemne vs not, then haue we boldnes toward God.
Bathandekayo, uba inhliziyo zethu zingasilahli, silesibindi kuNkulunkulu,
22 And whatsoeuer we aske we receiue of him, because we keepe his commandements, and do those things which are pleasing in his sight.
njalo loba yini esiyicelayo, siyayemukela ivela kuye, ngoba sigcina imilayo yakhe, njalo senza izinto ezithandekayo phambi kwakhe.
23 This is then his commandement, That we beleeue in the Name of his Sonne Iesus Christ, and loue one another as hee gaue commandement.
Njalo yilo umlayo wakhe, ukuthi sikholwe ebizweni leNdodana yakhe uJesu Kristu, njalo sithandane, njengoba wasipha umlayo.
24 For hee that keepeth his commandements, dwelleth in him, and he in him: and hereby we knowe that hee abideth in vs, euen by that Spirit which he hath giuen vs.
Logcina imilayo yakhe, uhlala kuye, laye kuye. Ngalokhu-ke siyazi ukuthi uhlala kithi, ngoMoya asiphe wona.

< 1 John 3 >