< 1 Corinthians 5 >
1 It is heard certainely that there is fornication among you: and such fornication as is not once named among the Gentiles, that one should haue his fathers wife.
Tupilike imola kuuti kulivuvwafu mulyumue, uvuvwafu vunopwevusil pakate na kate pavaanhu ava kisina. Tulinimola kuuti jumo mulyumue ighona nomama ughwa nhaata ghwa mwene.
2 And ye are puffed vp and haue not rather sorowed, that he which hath done this deede, might be put from among you.
Umue mukughinia! Mulekile pisukunala? Jula juno avombile anala anoghile kuvusivua mulyumee.
3 For I verely as absent in bodie, but present in spirit, haue determined already as though I were present, that he that hath thus done this thing,
Looli nanilipalikimo numue kim'bili looli nilinumue kimhepo, nimuhighile umwene juno avombile ndiki, ndavule anala penikale.
4 When ye are gathered together, and my spirit, in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ, that such one, I say, by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ,
Panomutang'ana palikimo mulitavua lya Mutwa ghwitu Yesu, ni numbula jango jilipala heene ngufu sa Mutwa ghwitu Yesu, umuhighile umuunhu uju.
5 Be deliuered vnto Satan, for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus.
Nim'pelile umuunhu uju kwa setano ulwakuuti um'biili ghwa mwene ghunangike, neke inumbula ja mwene jinoghele kuvanguka mukighono ikya Mutwa.
6 Your reioycing is not good: knowe ye not that a litle leauen, leaueneth ye whole lumpe?
Ulughinio lwinu na kinu kinono. Namukagwile ikilule ikidebe kilusia upwigha ghwoni un'kome?
7 Purge out therefore the olde leauen, that ye may be a newe lumpe, as ye are vnleauened: for Christ our Passeouer is sacrificed for vs.
Musukaghe jumue mwevene ikilule ikya pakali, ulwakuuti muve m'pwigha mia, ulwakuuti muve n'kaete ghuno ghulisivue, ulwakuva, u akilisite, umwanana Ng'olo ghwitu ughwa pasaka amalile kubudua.
8 Therefore let vs keepe the feast, not with olde leauen, neither in the leauen of maliciousnes and wickednesse: but with the vnleauened bread of synceritie and trueth.
Pa uluo tuhovoka ikikulukulu nambe ikilule ikya kaali, ikilule ni tabia imbivi nu vuhosi. Pa uluo, tuhovoke nu n'kate ghuno naghuponisivue ikilule ikya vukoola nuvwa kyang'haani.
9 I wrote vnto you in an Epistle, that ye should not companie together with fornicatours,
Nilyalembile mu kalata jango kuuti namungahasing'anaghe navavwafu.
10 And not altogether with the fornicatours of this world, or with the couetous, or with extortioners, or with idolaters: for then ye must goe out of the world.
Nakwekuuti niiti avavwafu va mu iisi muunhu, nambe avanyavunoghelua nambe ava kuunji nambe avifanya fihwani napikukala kutali navoope, looli luuve luvanoghile muvuke mu iisi.
11 But nowe I haue written vnto you, that ye companie not together: if any that is called a brother, be a fornicatour, or couetous, or an idolater, or a rayler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such one eate not.
Looli lino nikuvalembela namungahasing'anagha ghweni juno itambulivua nkuulu nambe lumbu ghwa Kilisite, looli ikukala muvuvwafu nambe juno alinuvunoghelua n'kuunyi, nambe juno ikufunya kufihwani, nambe nyamaligho, nambe juno mughasi. Looli namungalisaghe naghwope umuunhu ughwa ndikio.
12 For what haue I to doe, to iudge them also which are without? doe ye not iudge them that are within?
Pe nikuvikagha ndani pikuvahigha vano valikunji mung'ong'ano? Looli pa uluo umue namukavahighile vano valimun'kate mu ng'ong'ano?
13 But God iudgeth them that are without. Put away therefore from among your selues that wicked man.
Looli u Nguluve ikuvahigha vano valikunji. “Mum'busie umuunhu umuhosi mulyumue”