< 1 Corinthians 5 >

1 It is heard certainely that there is fornication among you: and such fornication as is not once named among the Gentiles, that one should haue his fathers wife.
N gbia ke bi maadi i maama ki tua ke mi conconma ye i siiga ke lan ya conconma buolu ki ye bá bi nilanba kani; mi yabdi hali ke i siiga, yendo dua yeni a báa denpua.
2 And ye are puffed vp and haue not rather sorowed, that he which hath done this deede, might be put from among you.
I yabdi ti japaadi! yii tuo ki biidi i pala li tuonbiadi po, ki ba beli ki ñani i siiga yua n tieni lan ya tuonjɔgindi!
3 For I verely as absent in bodie, but present in spirit, haue determined already as though I were present, that he that hath thus done this thing,
Bá ke n fagi yeni yi ti gbannandi po, n nan ye i siiga yeni n yantiali. N jia ti buudi ki cuo yua n sɔni lan ya cancagindi nani n ye i siiga yeni.
4 When ye are gathered together, and my spirit, in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ, that such one, I say, by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ,
Ti Diedo Jesu Kiristu yeli po, yinba yeni n yantiali ń taani ki ye yeni ti Diedo Jesu Kiristu Paaciamu,
5 Be deliuered vnto Satan, for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus.
Li buali ke yin cedi ke setaani ń biani lan ya nilo gbannandi, o naano ń fidi ki baa u faabu ti Diedo Jesu ń ba cua ya daali.
6 Your reioycing is not good: knowe ye not that a litle leauen, leaueneth ye whole lumpe?
I kpiagdi i yula fanma i, yii bani ke li dabinli waamu ne ba fiini ti bugdi kuli ii?
7 Purge out therefore the olde leauen, that ye may be a newe lumpe, as ye are vnleauened: for Christ our Passeouer is sacrificed for vs.
yin buoni mani li dabinkpeli, yeni, i ba tua bugpaandi, nani yin ki pia dabinli yeni, kelima bi padi Kiristu ti paak pabiga o.
8 Therefore let vs keepe the feast, not with olde leauen, neither in the leauen of maliciousnes and wickednesse: but with the vnleauened bread of synceritie and trueth.
Lanwani i, tin jaani mi jaanma lan da tie yeni li dabinkpeli, ki da tie i janbi yeni mi biadma dabinli, ama yeni ya kpanu n ki pia dabinli lani n tie li papienli yeni i mɔmɔni.
9 I wrote vnto you in an Epistle, that ye should not companie together with fornicatours,
N diani yi li tili, ke yin da pia dɔnligu yeni yaaba n tie mi conconma,
10 And not altogether with the fornicatours of this world, or with the couetous, or with extortioners, or with idolaters: for then ye must goe out of the world.
mii maadi ŋanduna nni concona kuli ka, bii bi fafagdanba yeni a suuda, lani yaa ka yeni yaaba n ŋua i buli ka; li ya bi tie yeni i, li bi buali ke yin ña ŋanduna nni i.
11 But nowe I haue written vnto you, that ye companie not together: if any that is called a brother, be a fornicatour, or couetous, or an idolater, or a rayler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such one eate not.
Mɔlane, min diani ki waani yi yaali n tie ke yin da cuo dɔnlgu yeni yua tua ke o tie i naataano, ki nan conbi, ki tie fafagdaano, bii ki ŋua i buli, bii ki tie suudo, lan yaa ka nisugdo, bii daañugaado, lan yaa ka yua n buadi jodi dima; yin da taani ki di yeni lan ya nilo.
12 For what haue I to doe, to iudge them also which are without? doe ye not iudge them that are within?
N ya jia niinpo yaaba buudi, li ba pugni nni be? I kan jia ti buudi yeni i siiga nni yaaba ka aa?
13 But God iudgeth them that are without. Put away therefore from among your selues that wicked man.
Yaali n nua niinpo yaaba, U Tienu ba jia bi buudi, yin beli ki ñani o nibiado i siiga.

< 1 Corinthians 5 >