< 1 Corinthians 3 >
1 And I could not speake vnto you, brethren, as vnto spirituall men, but as vnto carnall, euen as vnto babes in Christ.
Na mimi, kaka na dada zangu, sikusema nanyi kama watu kiroho, lakini kama na watu wa kimwili. Kama na watoto wadogo katika Kristo.
2 I gaue you milke to drinke, and not meat: for yee were not yet able to beare it, neither yet nowe are yee able.
Niliwanywesha maziwa na si nyama, kwa kuwa hamkuwa tayari kwa kula nyama. Na hata sasa hamjawa tayari.
3 For yee are yet carnall: for whereas there is among you enuying, and strife, and diuisions, are ye not carnall, and walke as men?
Kwa kuwa ninyi bado ni wa mwilini. Kwa kuwa wivu na majivuno yanaonekana miongoni mwenu. Je, hamuishi kulingana na mwili, na je, hamtembei kama kawaida ya kibinadamu?
4 For when one sayeth, I am Pauls, and another, I am Apollos, are yee not carnall?
Kwa kuwa mmoja husema, “Namfuata Paulo” Mwingine husema “Namfuata Apolo,” hamuishi kama wanadamu?
5 Who is Paul then? and who is Apollos, but the ministers by whome yee beleeued, and as the Lord gaue to euery man?
Apolo ni nani? na Paulo ni nani? Watumishi wa yule mliyemwamini, kwa kila ambaye Bwana alimpa jukumu.
6 I haue planted, Apollos watred, but God gaue the increase.
Mimi nilipanda, Apolo akatia maji, lakini Mungu akakuza.
7 So then, neither is hee that planteth any thing, neither hee that watreth, but God that giueth the increase.
Kwa hiyo, si aliye panda wala aliyetia maji ana chochote. Lakini ni Mungu anayekuza.
8 And he that planteth, and he that watreth, are one, and euery man shall receiue his wages, according to his labour.
Sasa apandaye na atiaye maji wote ni sawa, na kila mmoja atapokea ujira wake kulingana na kazi yake.
9 For we together are Gods labourers: yee are Gods husbandrie, and Gods building.
Kwa kuwa sisi tu watendakazi wa Mungu, ninyi ni bustani ya Mungu, jengo la Mungu.
10 According to the grace of God giuen to mee, as a skilfull master builder, I haue laide the foundation, and another buildeth thereon: but let euery man take heede how he buildeth vpon it.
Kutokana na neema ya Mungu niliyopewa kama mjenzi mkuu, niliuweka msingi, na mwingine anajenga juu yake. Lakini mtu awe makini jinsi ajengavyo juu yake.
11 For other foundation can no man laie, then that which is laied, which is Iesus Christ.
Kwa kuwa hakuna mwingine awezaye kujenga msingi mwingine zaidi ya uliojengwa, ambao ni Yesu Kristo.
12 And if any man builde on this foundation, golde, siluer, precious stones, timber, haye, or stubble,
Sasa, kama mmoja wenu ajenga juu yake kwa dhahabu, fedha, mawe ya thamani, miti, nyasi, au majani,
13 Euery mans worke shalbe made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shalbe reueiled by the fire: and the fire shall trie euery mans worke of what sort it is.
kazi yake itafunuliwa, kwa mwanga wa mchana utaidhihirisha. Kwa kuwa itadhihirishwa na moto. Moto utajaribu ubora wa kazi wa kila mmoja alichofanya.
14 If any mans worke, that he hath built vpon, abide, he shall receiue wages.
Kama chochote mtu alichojenga kitabaki, yeye atapokea zawadi.
15 If any mans worke burne, he shall lose, but he shalbe saued himselfe: neuerthelesse yet as it were by the fire.
Lakini kama kazi ya mtu ikiteketea kwa moto, atapata hasara. Lakini yeye mwenyewe ataokolewa, kama vile kuepuka katika moto.
16 Knowe ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
Hamjui kuwa ninyi ni hekalu la Mungu na kwamba Roho wa Mungu anakaa ndani yenu?
17 If any man destroy the Temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the Temple of God is holy, which ye are.
Kama mtu akiliharibu hekalu la Mungu, Mungu atamharibu mtu yule. Kwa kuwa hekalu la Mungu ni takatifu, na hivyo na ninyi.
18 Let no man deceiue himselfe: If any man among you seeme to be wise in this world, let him be a foole, that he may be wise. (aiōn )
Mtu asijidanganye mwenyewe, kama yeyote miongoni mwenu anadhani ana hekima katika nyakati hizi, awe kama “mjinga” ndipo atakuwa na hekima. (aiōn )
19 For the wisdome of this worlde is foolishnesse with God: for it is written, He catcheth the wise in their owne craftinesse.
Kwa kuwa hekima ya dunia hii ni ujinga mbele za Mungu, Kwa kuwa imeandikwa, “Huwanasa wenye hekima kwa hila zao”
20 And againe, The Lord knoweth that the thoughtes of the wise be vaine.
Na tena “Bwana anajua mawazo ya wenye busara ni ubatili.”
21 Therefore let no man reioyce in men: for all things are yours.
Hivyo mtu asijivunie wanadamu! Kwa kuwa vitu vyote ni vyenu.
22 Whether it be Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death: whether they be things present, or thinges to come, euen all are yours,
Kama ni Paulo, au Apolo, au Kefa, au dunia, au maisha, au kifo, au vitu vilivyopo, au vitakavyokuwepo. Vyote ni vyenu,
23 And ye Christes, and Christ Gods.
na ninyi ni wa Kristo na Kristo ni wa Mungu.