< 1 Corinthians 14 >

1 Followe after loue, and couet spirituall giftes, and rather that ye may prophecie.
yūyaṁ prēmācaraṇē prayatadhvam ātmikān dāyānapi viśēṣata īśvarīyādēśakathanasāmarthyaṁ prāptuṁ cēṣṭadhvaṁ|
2 For hee that speaketh a strange tongue, speaketh not vnto men, but vnto God: for no man heareth him: howbeit in the spirit he speaketh secret things.
yō janaḥ parabhāṣāṁ bhāṣatē sa mānuṣān na sambhāṣatē kintvīśvaramēva yataḥ kēnāpi kimapi na budhyatē sa cātmanā nigūḍhavākyāni kathayati;
3 But he that prophecieth, speaketh vnto me to edifying, and to exhortation, and to comfort.
kintu yō jana īśvarīyādēśaṁ kathayati sa parēṣāṁ niṣṭhāyai hitōpadēśāya sāntvanāyai ca bhāṣatē|
4 He that speaketh strange language, edifieth himselfe: but hee that prophecieth, edifieth the Church.
parabhāṣāvādyātmana ēva niṣṭhāṁ janayati kintvīśvarīyādēśavādī samitē rniṣṭhāṁ janayati|
5 I would that ye all spake strange languages, but rather that ye prophecied: for greater is hee that prophecieth, then hee that speaketh diuers tongues, except hee expound it, that the Church may receiue edification.
yuṣmākaṁ sarvvēṣāṁ parabhāṣābhāṣaṇam icchāmyahaṁ kintvīśvarīyādēśakathanam adhikamapīcchāmi| yataḥ samitē rniṣṭhāyai yēna svavākyānām arthō na kriyatē tasmāt parabhāṣāvādita īśvarīyādēśavādī śrēyān|
6 And nowe, brethren, if I come vnto you speaking diuers tongues, what shall I profite you, except I speake to you, either by reuelation, or by knowledge, or by prophecying, or by doctrine?
hē bhrātaraḥ, idānīṁ mayā yadi yuṣmatsamīpaṁ gamyatē tarhīśvarīyadarśanasya jñānasya vēśvarīyādēśasya vā śikṣāyā vā vākyāni na bhāṣitvā parabhāṣāṁ bhāṣamāṇēna mayā yūyaṁ kimupakāriṣyadhvē?
7 Moreouer things without life which giue a sounde, whether it be a pipe or an harpe, except they make a distinction in the soundes, how shall it be knowen what is piped or harped?
aparaṁ vaṁśīvallakyādiṣu niṣprāṇiṣu vādyayantrēṣu vāditēṣu yadi kkaṇā na viśiṣyantē tarhi kiṁ vādyaṁ kiṁ vā gānaṁ bhavati tat kēna bōddhuṁ śakyatē?
8 And also if the trumpet giue an vncertaine sound, who shall prepare himselfe to battell?
aparaṁ raṇatūryyā nisvaṇō yadyavyaktō bhavēt tarhi yuddhāya kaḥ sajjiṣyatē?
9 So likewise you, by the tongue, except yee vtter wordes that haue signification, howe shall it be vnderstand what is spoken? for ye shall speake in the ayre.
tadvat jihvābhi ryadi sugamyā vāk yuṣmābhi rna gadyēta tarhi yad gadyatē tat kēna bhōtsyatē? vastutō yūyaṁ digālāpina iva bhaviṣyatha|
10 There are so many kindes of voyces (as it commeth to passe) in the world, and none of them is dumme.
jagati katiprakārā uktayō vidyantē? tāsāmēkāpi nirarthikā nahi;
11 Except I know then the power of ye voyce, I shall be vnto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh, shalbe a barbarian vnto me.
kintūktērarthō yadi mayā na budhyatē tarhyahaṁ vaktrā mlēccha iva maṁsyē vaktāpi mayā mlēccha iva maṁsyatē|
12 Euen so, forasmuch as ye couet spirituall giftes, seeke that ye may excell vnto the edifying of the Church.
tasmād ātmikadāyalipsavō yūyaṁ samitē rniṣṭhārthaṁ prāptabahuvarā bhavituṁ yatadhvaṁ,
13 Wherefore, let him that speaketh a strange tongue, pray, that he may interprete.
ataēva parabhāṣāvādī yad arthakarō'pi bhavēt tat prārthayatāṁ|
14 For if I pray in a strange togue, my spirit prayeth: but mine vnderstading is without fruite.
yadyahaṁ parabhāṣayā prarthanāṁ kuryyāṁ tarhi madīya ātmā prārthayatē, kintu mama buddhi rniṣphalā tiṣṭhati|
15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, but I wil pray with the vnderstanding also: I wil sing with the spirite, but I will sing with the vnderstanding also.
ityanēna kiṁ karaṇīyaṁ? aham ātmanā prārthayiṣyē buddhyāpi prārthayiṣyē; aparaṁ ātmanā gāsyāmi buddhyāpi gāsyāmi|
16 Else, when thou blessest with the spirit, howe shall hee that occupieth the roome of the vnlearned, say Amen, at thy giuing of thankes, seeing he knoweth not what thou sayest?
tvaṁ yadātmanā dhanyavādaṁ karōṣi tadā yad vadasi tad yadi śiṣyēnēvōpasthitēna janēna na buddhyatē tarhi tava dhanyavādasyāntē tathāstviti tēna vaktaṁ kathaṁ śakyatē?
17 For thou verely giuest thankes well, but the other is not edified.
tvaṁ samyag īśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ vadasīti satyaṁ tathāpi tatra parasya niṣṭhā na bhavati|
18 I thanke my God, I speake languages more then ye all.
yuṣmākaṁ sarvvēbhyō'haṁ parabhāṣābhāṣaṇē samarthō'smīti kāraṇād īśvaraṁ dhanyaṁ vadāmi;
19 Yet had I rather in the Church to speake fiue wordes with mine vnderstanding, that I might also instruct others, then ten thousande wordes in a strange tongue.
tathāpi samitau parōpadēśārthaṁ mayā kathitāni pañca vākyāni varaṁ na ca lakṣaṁ parabhāṣīyāni vākyāni|
20 Brethren, be not children in vnderstanding, but as concerning maliciousnes be children, but in vnderstanding be of a ripe age.
hē bhrātaraḥ, yūyaṁ buddhyā bālakāiva mā bhūta parantu duṣṭatayā śiśava̮iva bhūtvā buddhyā siddhā bhavata|
21 In the Lawe it is written, By men of other tongues, and by other languages will I speake vnto this people: yet so shall they not heare me, sayth the Lord.
śāstra idaṁ likhitamāstē, yathā, ityavōcat parēśō'ham ābhāṣiṣya imān janān| bhāṣābhiḥ parakīyābhi rvaktraiśca paradēśibhiḥ| tathā mayā kr̥tē'pīmē na grahīṣyanti madvacaḥ||
22 Wherefore strange tongues are for a signe, not to them that beleeue, but to them that beleeue not: but prophecying serueth not for them that beleeue not, but for them which beleeue.
ataēva tat parabhāṣābhāṣaṇaṁ aviścāsinaḥ prati cihnarūpaṁ bhavati na ca viśvāsinaḥ prati; kintvīśvarīyādēśakathanaṁ nāviśvāsinaḥ prati tad viśvāsinaḥ pratyēva|
23 If therefore when the whole Church is come together in one, and all speake strange tongues, there come in they that are vnlearned, or they which beleeue not, will they not say, that ye are out of your wittes?
samitibhuktēṣu sarvvēṣu ēkasmin sthānē militvā parabhāṣāṁ bhāṣamāṇēṣu yadi jñānākāṅkṣiṇō'viśvāsinō vā tatrāgacchēyustarhi yuṣmān unmattān kiṁ na vadiṣyanti?
24 But if all prophecie, and there come in one that beleeueth not, or one vnlearned, hee is rebuked of all men, and is iudged of all,
kintu sarvvēṣvīśvarīyādēśaṁ prakāśayatsu yadyaviśvāsī jñānākāṅkṣī vā kaścit tatrāgacchati tarhi sarvvairēva tasya pāpajñānaṁ parīkṣā ca jāyatē,
25 And so are the secrets of his heart made manifest, and so he will fall downe on his face and worship God, and say plainely that God is in you in deede.
tatastasyāntaḥkaraṇasya guptakalpanāsu vyaktībhūtāsu sō'dhōmukhaḥ patan īśvaramārādhya yuṣmanmadhya īśvarō vidyatē iti satyaṁ kathāmētāṁ kathayiṣyati|
26 What is to be done then, brethren? when ye come together, according as euery one of you hath a Psalme, or hath doctrine, or hath a tongue, or hath reuelation, or hath interpretation, let all things be done vnto edifying.
hē bhrātaraḥ, sammilitānāṁ yuṣmākam ēkēna gītam anyēnōpadēśō'nyēna parabhāṣānyēna aiśvarikadarśanam anyēnārthabōdhakaṁ vākyaṁ labhyatē kimētat? sarvvamēva paraniṣṭhārthaṁ yuṣmābhiḥ kriyatāṁ|
27 If any man speake a strange tongue, let it be by two, or at the most, by three, and that by course, and let one interprete.
yadi kaścid bhāṣāntaraṁ vivakṣati tarhyēkasmin dinē dvijanēna trijanēna vā parabhāṣā kathyatāṁ tadadhikairna kathyatāṁ tairapi paryyāyānusārāt kathyatāṁ, ēkēna ca tadarthō bōdhyatāṁ|
28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keepe silence in the Church, which speaketh languages, and let him speake to himselfe, and to God.
kintvarthābhidhāyakaḥ kō'pi yadi na vidyatē tarhi sa samitau vācaṁyamaḥ sthitvēśvarāyātmanē ca kathāṁ kathayatu|
29 Let the Prophets speake two, or three, and let the other iudge.
aparaṁ dvau trayō vēśvarīyādēśavaktāraḥ svaṁ svamādēśaṁ kathayantu tadanyē ca taṁ vicārayantu|
30 And if any thing be reueiled to another that sitteth by, let the first holde his peace.
kintu tatrāparēṇa kēnacit janēnēśvarīyādēśē labdhē prathamēna kathanāt nivarttitavyaṁ|
31 For ye may all prophecie one by one, that all may learne, and all may haue comfort.
sarvvē yat śikṣāṁ sāntvanāñca labhantē tadarthaṁ yūyaṁ sarvvē paryyāyēṇēśvarīyādēśaṁ kathayituṁ śaknutha|
32 And the spirits of the Prophets are subiect to the Prophets.
īśvarīyādēśavaktr̥ṇāṁ manāṁsi tēṣām adhīnāni bhavanti|
33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as we see in all ye Churches of the Saints.
yata īśvaraḥ kuśāsanajanakō nahi suśāsanajanaka ēvēti pavitralōkānāṁ sarvvasamitiṣu prakāśatē|
34 Let your women keepe silence in the Churches: for it is not permitted vnto them to speake: but they ought to be subiect, as also the Lawe sayth.
aparañca yuṣmākaṁ vanitāḥ samitiṣu tūṣṇīmbhūtāstiṣṭhantu yataḥ śāstralikhitēna vidhinā tāḥ kathāpracāraṇāt nivāritāstābhi rnighrābhi rbhavitavyaṁ|
35 And if they will learne any thing, let them aske their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speake in the Church.
atastā yadi kimapi jijñāsantē tarhi gēhēṣu patīn pr̥cchantu yataḥ samitimadhyē yōṣitāṁ kathākathanaṁ nindanīyaṁ|
36 Came the worde of God out from you? either came it vnto you onely?
aiśvaraṁ vacaḥ kiṁ yuṣmattō niragamata? kēvalaṁ yuṣmān vā tat kim upāgataṁ?
37 If any man thinke him selfe to be a Prophet, or spirituall, let him acknowledge, that the things, that I write vnto you, are the commandements of the Lord.
yaḥ kaścid ātmānam īśvarīyādēśavaktāram ātmanāviṣṭaṁ vā manyatē sa yuṣmān prati mayā yad yat likhyatē tatprabhunājñāpitam ītyurarī karōtu|
38 And if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
kintu yaḥ kaścit ajñō bhavati sō'jña ēva tiṣṭhatu|
39 Wherefore, brethren, couet to prophecie, and forbid not to speake languages.
ataēva hē bhrātaraḥ, yūyam īśvarīyādēśakathanasāmarthyaṁ labdhuṁ yatadhvaṁ parabhāṣābhāṣaṇamapi yuṣmābhi rna nivāryyatāṁ|
40 Let all things be done honestly, and by order.
sarvvakarmmāṇi ca vidhyanusārataḥ suparipāṭyā kriyantāṁ|

< 1 Corinthians 14 >