< 1 Corinthians 12 >
1 Now concerning spirituall giftes, brethren, I would not haue you ignorant.
hē bhrātaraḥ, yūyaṁ yad ātmikān dāyān anavagatāstiṣṭhatha tadahaṁ nābhilaṣāmi|
2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, and were caried away vnto the dumme Idoles, as ye were led.
pūrvvaṁ bhinnajātīyā yūyaṁ yadvad vinītāstadvad avākpratimānām anugāmina ādhbam iti jānītha|
3 Wherefore, I declare vnto you, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Iesus execrable: also no man can say that Iesus is the Lord, but by the holy Ghost.
iti hētōrahaṁ yuṣmabhyaṁ nivēdayāmi, īśvarasyātmanā bhāṣamāṇaḥ kō'pi yīśuṁ śapta iti na vyāharati, punaśca pavitrēṇātmanā vinītaṁ vinānyaḥ kō'pi yīśuṁ prabhuriti vyāharttuṁ na śaknōti|
4 Now there are diuersities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
dāyā bahuvidhāḥ kintvēka ātmā
5 And there are diuersities of administrations, but the same Lord,
paricaryyāśca bahuvidhāḥ kintvēkaḥ prabhuḥ|
6 And there are diuersities of operations, but God is the same which worketh all in all.
sādhanāni bahuvidhāni kintu sarvvēṣu sarvvasādhaka īśvara ēkaḥ|
7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is giuen to euery man, to profite withall.
ēkaikasmai tasyātmanō darśanaṁ parahitārthaṁ dīyatē|
8 For to one is giuen by the Spirit the word of wisdome: and to an other the word of knowledge, by the same Spirit:
ēkasmai tēnātmanā jñānavākyaṁ dīyatē, anyasmai tēnaivātmanādiṣṭaṁ vidyāvākyam,
9 And to another is giuen faith by the same Spirit: and to another the giftes of healing, by the same Spirit:
anyasmai tēnaivātmanā viśvāsaḥ, anyasmai tēnaivātmanā svāsthyadānaśaktiḥ,
10 And to another the operations of great workes: and to another, prophecie: and to another, the discerning of spirits: and to another, diuersities of tongues: and to another, the interpretation of tongues.
anyasmai duḥsādhyasādhanaśaktiranyasmai cēśvarīyādēśaḥ, anyasmai cātimānuṣikasyādēśasya vicārasāmarthyam, anyasmai parabhāṣābhāṣaṇaśaktiranyasmai ca bhāṣārthabhāṣaṇasāmaryaṁ dīyatē|
11 And all these thinges worketh one and the selfe same Spirit, distributing to euery man seuerally as he will.
ēkēnādvitīyēnātmanā yathābhilāṣam ēkaikasmai janāyaikaikaṁ dānaṁ vitaratā tāni sarvvāṇi sādhyantē|
12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of the body, which is one, though they be many, yet are but one body: euen so is Christ.
dēha ēkaḥ sannapi yadvad bahvaṅgayuktō bhavati, tasyaikasya vapuṣō 'ṅgānāṁ bahutvēna yadvad ēkaṁ vapu rbhavati, tadvat khrīṣṭaḥ|
13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we bee Iewes, or Grecians, whether we be bonde, or free, and haue bene all made to drinke into one Spirit.
yatō hētō ryihūdibhinnajātīyadāsasvatantrā vayaṁ sarvvē majjanēnaikēnātmanaikadēhīkr̥tāḥ sarvvē caikātmabhuktā abhavāma|
14 For the body also is not one member, but many.
ēkēnāṅgēna vapu rna bhavati kintu bahubhiḥ|
15 If the foote would say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body?
tatra caraṇaṁ yadi vadēt nāhaṁ hastastasmāt śarīrasya bhāgō nāsmīti tarhyanēna śarīrāt tasya viyōgō na bhavati|
16 And if the eare would say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body?
śrōtraṁ vā yadi vadēt nāhaṁ nayanaṁ tasmāt śarīrasyāṁśō nāsmīti tarhyanēna śarīrāt tasya viyōgō na bhavati|
17 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smellling?
kr̥tsnaṁ śarīraṁ yadi darśanēndriyaṁ bhavēt tarhi śravaṇēndriyaṁ kutra sthāsyati? tat kr̥tsnaṁ yadi vā śravaṇēndriyaṁ bhavēt tarhi ghraṇēndriyaṁ kutra sthāsyati?
18 But nowe hath God disposed the members euery one of them in the bodie at his owne pleasure.
kintvidānīm īśvarēṇa yathābhilaṣitaṁ tathaivāṅgapratyaṅgānām ēkaikaṁ śarīrē sthāpitaṁ|
19 For if they were all one member, where were the body?
tat kr̥tsnaṁ yadyēkāṅgarūpi bhavēt tarhi śarīrē kutra sthāsyati?
20 But now are there many members, yet but one body.
tasmād aṅgāni bahūni santi śarīraṁ tvēkamēva|
21 And the eye cannot say vnto the hand, I haue no neede of thee: nor the head againe to the feete, I haue no neede of you.
ataēva tvayā mama prayōjanaṁ nāstīti vācaṁ pāṇiṁ vadituṁ nayanaṁ na śaknōti, tathā yuvābhyāṁ mama prayōjanaṁ nāstīti mūrddhā caraṇau vadituṁ na śaknōtiḥ;
22 Yea, much rather those members of the body, which seeme to be more feeble, are necessarie.
vastutastu vigrahasya yānyaṅgānyasmābhi rdurbbalāni budhyantē tānyēva saprayōjanāni santi|
23 And vpon those members of the body, which wee thinke most vnhonest, put wee more honestie on: and our vncomely parts haue more comelinesse on.
yāni ca śarīramadhyē'vamanyāni budhyatē tānyasmābhiradhikaṁ śōbhyantē| yāni ca kudr̥śyāni tāni sudr̥śyatarāṇi kriyantē
24 For our comely partes neede it not: but God hath tempered the body together, and hath giuen the more honour to that part which lacked,
kintu yāni svayaṁ sudr̥śyāni tēṣāṁ śōbhanam niṣprayōjanaṁ|
25 Lest there should be any diuision in the body: but that the members shoulde haue the same care one for another.
śarīramadhyē yad bhēdō na bhavēt kintu sarvvāṇyaṅgāni yad aikyabhāvēna sarvvēṣāṁ hitaṁ cintayanti tadartham īśvarēṇāpradhānam ādaraṇīyaṁ kr̥tvā śarīraṁ viracitaṁ|
26 Therefore if one member suffer, all suffer with it: if one member be had in honour, all the members reioyce with it.
tasmād ēkasyāṅgasya pīḍāyāṁ jātāyāṁ sarvvāṇyaṅgāni tēna saha pīḍyantē, ēkasya samādarē jātē ca sarvvāṇi tēna saha saṁhr̥ṣyanti|
27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members for your part.
yūyañca khrīṣṭasya śarīraṁ, yuṣmākam ēkaikaśca tasyaikaikam aṅgaṁ|
28 And God hath ordained some in the Church: as first Apostles, secondly Prophetes, thirdly teachers, then them that doe miracles: after that, the giftes of healing, helpers, gouernours, diuersitie of tongues.
kēcit kēcit samitāvīśvarēṇa prathamataḥ prēritā dvitīyata īśvarīyādēśavaktārastr̥tīyata upadēṣṭārō niyuktāḥ, tataḥ paraṁ kēbhyō'pi citrakāryyasādhanasāmarthyam anāmayakaraṇaśaktirupakr̥tau lōkaśāsanē vā naipuṇyaṁ nānābhāṣābhāṣaṇasāmarthyaṁ vā tēna vyatāri|
29 Are all Apostles? are all Prophetes? are all teachers?
sarvvē kiṁ prēritāḥ? sarvvē kim īśvarīyādēśavaktāraḥ? sarvvē kim upadēṣṭāraḥ? sarvvē kiṁ citrakāryyasādhakāḥ?
30 Are all doers of miracles? haue all the gifts of healing? doe all speake with tongues? doe all interprete?
sarvvē kim anāmayakaraṇaśaktiyuktāḥ? sarvvē kiṁ parabhāṣāvādinaḥ? sarvvē vā kiṁ parabhāṣārthaprakāśakāḥ?
31 But desire you the best giftes, and I will yet shewe you a more excellent way.
yūyaṁ śrēṣṭhadāyān labdhuṁ yatadhvaṁ| anēna yūyaṁ mayā sarvvōttamamārgaṁ darśayitavyāḥ|